Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Racquetball Strap


Córdoba .- "With the commitment to uphold the rule of law, to exercise honesty and accountability in public practice and promote a prosperous growth of Cordoba", the mayor, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, honored the memory of Benito Pablo Juárez García, in the 205 anniversary of his birth.
The civic event, held Monday morning in the courtyard of City Hall, brought together several lodges Masonic, municipal authorities, associations, students and teachers from different educational institutions, hence the first authority in Cordoba hoisted the flag to all staff.

subsequently conducted a series of reminiscences and speeches in honor of the Father of the Americas, by the Masonic Lodge 30 Knights, 69, ended the ceremony proceeded to lay a wreath at the bust of Don Benito Juárez, putting on the steps of City Hall.

After completion of the event attendees went to the Avenue 11 between Calle 21 where the monument to Benito Juárez, to again conduct a formal ceremony and flag raising.

This was compounded by an honor guard led by the Masonic Lodges: Sons of Solomon 208, Yanga number 15, 30 Knights 69, Peace and Accord, Joan of Phoenix Asbaje and 2010 and the participation of Francisco Bonilla Portilla, mayor and council members and heads of the City area.

Portilla Francisco Bonilla, in his message to those present at the ceremony said, "serve the words of Juarez, you can not govern based on whimsical impulses of will."

"You can not improvise fortunes, or disposed to idleness and dissipation, but regularly devoted to work, preparing to live in the honest middle ground that provides the remuneration that the law says, to reiterate my commitment to legality and prosperity of Córdoba, and we will govern, "said Bonilla Portilla.

then Bruno Rojas Escobar, of the Lodge 30 Knights said, "Today is a memorable day to celebrate Benito Juárez García, is undoubtedly a key player in the history of Mexico and Latin America, is relevant to recall some of their claims: the responsibility of a government comes from law enforcement and a right and not precede or equipment suits and own only the kings of theater. "

During official events are also featured participation by: Miguel Dominguez Lopez, a deputy of the Eighth Masonic District; Francisco Servin Cessa, undersecretary of Livestock, aldermen and department heads of the various Cordoba city departments and schools Jorge Cuesta Porte Petit, Emiliano Zapata and the Association of Retired Persons and Pensioners Widows of IMSS.


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