Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Maya Sansa - Desnudos


Córdoba .- In order to encourage careful water use among young people, the city of Cordoba through the Department of Ecology and Environment, presented to pupils in schools ICATEC Sosa and Jose Maria Mena , a documentary made by the Mexican Institute of Water Technology on Tuesday afternoon in the central courtyard of the Palacio Municipal de Córdoba.
Celebrating World Water Day, we performed the screening of a documentary lasting about 35 minutes, where 60 students of educational institutions referred to, watched the video of which was intended to raise awareness about the care that must be taken to aquifers and rivers clean.
Montealegre Guillermo Quintero, coordinator of the Environment, said: "This document is intended for young people to participate in the programs of the municipal authorities to care primarily water and they become vigilantes and complainants so we can go and enforce the law, which is made to protect a resource that belongs to all Mexicans. "
"We must not forget that the state of Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas with, are the states that almost 70 percent of rainfall throughout the Republic, this gives us an abundance of water resources and serious pollution problems, "Montealegre said Quintero.
city official said, that will be bringing this documentary to the colonies and communities of Cordova, who participate in the Rescue and Sanitation Program Streams (RESA), so that people become aware of the importance of maintaining rivers and streams clean.
the end of the projection led to a series of questions and answers, in which Queen Margaret Gonzales Cadó, ICATEC school teacher said, "is a very good measure for implementing the City Council know that young people care and uses should be given to water, they are at the right time to projecting a future and prevent water loss, which we have seen as has been finished. "

Finally, the Environmental Coordinator conducted a ciudanía urged all not to take the streams and rivers as garbage dumps, because in rainy season these streams clogged, causing flooding on the slopes of rivers and gender affect different.


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