Friday, March 25, 2011

Cellulitis Lab Results

Fortin in the National URGE PEOPLE TO TAKE A HEALTHY LIFE AND HYGIENIC *** Under the International Day the fight against TB

Fortin, Ver-Faced with a large number of people gathered in the plaza of the park Lázaro Cárdenas, municipal authorities celebrated the International Day of Fight Against Tuberculosis ".

On behalf of Mayor Cesar Torrecilla Ramos the City Council Trustee Lara Efren Martinez, said the importance of increasing public awareness about the symptoms of this disease, one of the oldest that affects humans.

The event, attended secondary school students General Enrique C. Rebsamen, who managed to give a brief history of tuberculosis.

"This day was declared by the World Health Organization and is commemorated on 24 March 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus," said one student.

also women's groups in the San Jose, bougainvillea, gardenias, San Martín, among other communities, people with placards with slogans "Tuberculosis is treatable if caught early," "All Tuberculosis, "joined this important event organized by the Department of Health, with the aim of creating awareness among people about the symptoms of the disease.

For its part, the Municipal Health Director, Gilberto Olmos Alejo, said that the municipality is not aware of cases of tuberculosis, however, will work jointly with health authorities and thereby maintain a constant struggle against any kind of disease.

"The intention of these events is to instil in young people about preventive measures, so far no one has any cases in the municipality, the problem is eradicated 100%, however it A census to identify cases, if there are any, "he said.

He explained that part of the activities to address office is to provide information to the public most vulnerable communities of the municipality, through the "Conference on Health in Your Home", where are real tracks and provides medical care.

Finally urged people to take the necessary hygiene to prevent the spread of tuberculosis.

The event brought together policy makers, Diego Alberto Mendoza-Nava, Pedro Martínez Olivares, Israel Zilli Beristain, José Antonio Ramírez Martínez, Carlos Humberto Eusebio Danes and health authorities.


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