Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Driving And Mastrabating

DELFIN HONORS Meritorious OF THE AMERICAS * He was accompanied by the Masonic Lodge

As part of the birth of Benito Juárez García, President Tito Cano Dolphin honored the memory of Hero of the Americas in civic plaza Central Park in the municipality of Tierra Blanca which bears his name.
Benito Pablo Juárez García, remembered for the reforms to the Constitution of Mexico, which decreed the separation of public goods and the clergy with the famous phrase: "Among individuals as among nations, respect for the law others is peace. "
In a civic event in the presence of the Deputies of the Honorable City Council, school officials and students from various schools in the county, was celebrated the 203 Anniversary of the Birth of Benito Juárez García, where the primary school of the same name was responsible for directing honors, as well as singing the national anthem Juarez. Dolphin
Cano, shared his message to all students who were present, making note that the study is the only tool for improvement, as the example of Benito Juárez, humble birth and little chance in previous years and thanks
its firm decision to change his life he studied and was able to direct the destinies of the country. He invited them to devote time to study and effort to so honor the memory of the great figures of our history.
Later, civil servants were transferred to the monument to Benito Juárez, accompanied by members The Masonic Lodge where he stood guard of honor and placed wreath.


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