Friday, March 18, 2011

Poem For Sister Pregnancy

MAT opt out of graffiti appeared in TREMP


Aware of the emergence of "a painted" on walls of the Museum of Science and Ajuntament Consell de Tremp, we want to state that these acts are contrary to our modus operandi, which fully consider harmful, antisocial and vandalism, which have nothing to do with Single Platform Against The Electric Highway. More seem to be intended to promote a logical reaction, contrary to this citizens' movement trying to make a work for society. So we declare others, and contrary to such action. In these difficult times it is near the proposed Reese attack our region, tas actions seem tailor-made to discredit the hard, long and patient work ofall is one way or another opposed to this project.

Les pintades aparegudes to Tremp against Elèctrica have commocionat l'Autopista Pallars some people, horrified by so awful and reprehensible uncivil action, accusing members of the Platform AGAINST THE ELECTRICAL WIRE, vandalism and most of these criminal actions.
If we count on what happened, I remember that when pickets appeared invading lands and estates, REES first denied his involvement, then caught in the deception, he was unable to recognize which were part of the study that made a new attempt to build this connection. Then we seemed to silence some of the accomplices attempt to destroy thousands of kilometers from the mountains and basin, to undermine the health of its inhabitants and to treat us as docile servants of the "mighty Lord" master of our lives and consciences.
Only after the firm determination to end this feudal servility tired of suffering the omnipotent power of a multinational, which has appropriated the concept of the public for their private interest, they recognize His "mistake" and then continue to act to back the people. Few voices were raised against such nonsense then, if justified in the name of "progress" for its unique advantageous benefits, which, of course, we are part.
is putting points on, or flourishes openly, clearly and loudly, we should mention some "buts":
  1. the Platform AGAINST THE MOTORWAY ELECTRICITY is no organization or political party or trade union. It is a free association of organizations and individuals, brought together by their determination not to be trample for corporate dictatorships. Assemblies and operating agreements that bind us and give continuity are taken by consensus and that each individual or entity is free to accept them or not get involved because for us the freedom adjective has no boundaries or those that dictate our consciences. Why is not responsible for acts that are not signed and published in advance.
  2. claiming that those who are hypocrites and Pharisees, lurking in the defamation and the fallacy, we point the finger and appointed to guard the authentic predator, hoping not to be eaten by or that the one stop bit.
  3. that while we can accept that these actions are not of our liking and not in the line of action of this platform, you can not censor freedom of action of others demonstrating their anger and discontent.
  4. us not silence the voices which shocked concerned with these "sins" are the deaf and dumb and blind to the powerful.
  5. Why not believe that we have the force of reason, no reason need or want of force.
Jose Antonio Luna Fair

painted with slogans of protest against the proposed high voltage line (MAT) of Pallars Jussà appeared yesterday on various streets deTremp. Yesterday, workers began to remove some of the graffiti (not with legends such as the MAT or here or anywhere) on the facades of buildings. The layout of this infrastructure, which must travel the land of Huesca and Pallars Jussà starts this month period of public information in accordance with the provisions of the promoter, Red Eléctrica de España (REE). The project has raised opposition from a large number of neighbors gathered on a platform of protest, and local oscencs Lleida and for which the power line will pass. The anti-MAT now seeking support in his claim of political parties in Parliament.


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