Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Much Do Quinceaneras Cost?

Terreta Want to become 948 in the municipality of Catalonia

neighbors in Los Terreta quieres quit of belonging to the municipality of Temple and with this motivation have called a referendum on 8 May. The options you choose will be four neighbors: to become the municipality itself, be Tremp Decentralized Entity Minor, Minor Decentralized be Entity Pont of chance or continue as they are. The promoter of this idea is the Association of Residents of the Terreta. Both the mayor of Tremp, Víctor Orrit, such as the Pont de Suert, Albert Alins, are very difficult to become a municipality. Orris said that they will not stick to the wheels if they want to leave Alins Tremp and is difficult to manage more than 15 cores at 25 they already have. The neighbors of the Terreta, last April 25 and made a referendum to decide segregated or not the town of Tremp. Of the 65 votes cast out of 60 were affirmative. The turnout was over 60%. Carles Pasqual, president of the Association Terreta, explains that this new query the neighbors have asked to choose the future administration. Pasqual statement that the worst that could happen is to stay as they are within the town of Tremp. Pasqual argues that the realities of Tremp and Terreta are very different from Tremp and the have very little account. Pasqual explains that they want to achieve is managed from the territory of their own resources and decide which are the necessary investments in the area. Pasqual regrets that at this point there are stretches of road unpaved. As an example, explains that the road Pasqual core classrooms where there is a half of children is not paved and when it snows or rains it becomes impassable. Mayor Tremp, Víctor Orrit, states that do not formally record any consultation, but on the will of a particular group was separated from Tremp and create a municipality of its own. Orris said that Governació and reported that it is impossible to turn into a municipality in Catalonia. About being EMDde Tremp or Pont de Suert said it is a long process and we need the approval of the towns of departure and arrival and the Governació. Orris acknowledged some shortcomings in this area and explained that the problem will remain if they go to another municipality. Alins Albert, mayor of Pont de Suert, said that his municipality has a difficult situation with 25 cores
aggregates and had not considered the inclusion of more people. Alins says he understands the situation of the peoples of the Terreta and problems. The mayor of Pont de Suert explained to be a long process.


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