Sunday, March 27, 2011

How Soon C A N Remove My Earrings

Attorney for the Defense of Children, Family and The Indian in Bury **** It is possible crimes gives legal support in the installation

Fortin .- After the municipality has identified possible cases of domestic violence and in some cases maintenance requests for infants dysfunctional marriages, in charge of the Office of the Defense of Children, Families and Indigenous, invites potential victims of crime to report incidents.

Calatayud Maribel Ramos, said that statistics show that domestic violence is the most common crimes affecting women fortinenses, why have produced ten minutes at the request of the aggrieved, in order that the family problems overcome this situation and be able to establish a better link for healthy living with a partner.

"If women experiencing any signs of physical violence, are encouraged to bring before the Special Public Prosecutor for Crimes against the Family, and are given free legal advice to once and for all end verbal abuse and economic suffering to your partner "external Calatayud Ramos.

also reported that requests for alimony are the steps that have been treated consistently, coupled with the conventions of mutual respect. "Our role is to provide legal advice to vulnerable people ask us, but we are also inclusive of family unity, which is why we try to exhaust before reporting instances."

The attorney concluded by saying that the President of DIF Olga Ramos Lopez been instructed to question any form of healthy family life prevail.

invited citizens suffering from a probable crime, you get closer to the DIF facilities located on Avenue 7 blocks 5 and 7, to state their case and receive the advice be required if necessary


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