Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Is The Price Of Scandium Per Gram

Best rates and service quality for users of telecommunications

PAN Sen. Juan Bueno Torio claimed best rates and quality service in Mexico to telecommunications users. He said that in this area the country is very backward compared to other developing countries have achieved.
"Not enough access to the vast majority of Mexicans over the Internet, basically, and this limits the capacity for development and personal growth. Mexico competes in international markets in many respects, but in terms of telecommunications are long overdue, "said Legislator of Veracruz. Bueno Torio
participated in the hearing of the President of the Federal Telecommunications Commission (Cofetel), Mony de Swaan, as well as commissioners Gonzalo Martínez Pous, Rafael del Villar, Ernesto Gil Elorduy and José Luis Peralta Higuera, before the Committee Communications and Transportation of the Senate.
For Bueno Torio, telecommunications users are in a state of helplessness, to a market where what prevails is the "law of the jungle." "The strength is greatest and who assume the consequences are the users in all services telecommunications, "he said.
So the commissioners asked: "What needs to Cofetel to take decisions that unlocks the problems that are living and to begin to directly benefit consumers?".
The Economic Policy Sub-coordinator is also the Parliamentary Group of National Action in the Senate is ruled by reducing the monopoly of fixed telephony, so that in the short term there is more competition in this scheme.
"As legislators, we want are competitive rates, greater openness, more competition in the television and radio. Where do they want legislate so that you, as regulators in a market, can be effective in your work? Because until today are not meeting expectations, "said the legislator.
In this regard, De Swaan said that Cofetel is looking for better prices and better quality. "What distinguishes this sovereign and what distinguishes the Commission of other operators is to defend the general interest over particular interests," said the official.
Mony de Swaan said that among the things that need fewer resolutions Cofetel to be brought to trial in Mexico is that district judges have expertise in economic matters.
"No authority may have to jump by 81 distinct districts to defend the very act of authority, ie, it is unreasonable that a single act can be used in 81 separate districts and then go to collegiate judges, "he lamented.
De Swaan also noted that not satisfied with the market structure that Mexico in all its services, such as broadcast television, cable TV, fixed telephony and mobile telephony.
In turn, PAN Senator José Julián Sacramento Garza agreed with the remarks to the effect that the telecommunications sector is growing rapidly worldwide and Mexico can not be left behind
mentioned that has hurt the industry the fact that during this administration have been three secretaries of Communications and Transport. "We were concerned, no doubt, have been appointed during this administration three Secretaries of Communications and Transport, before starting any secretary has to soak up the issues that are current and are in the mood of the people engaged sector, "he explained.
The lawmaker asked the commissioners Cofetel work with the Senate, to make arrangements needed for the country's development.
At the hearing, senators were also PAN José Isabel Trejo Reyes and Sebastian Calderon Centeno.


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