Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Córdoba .- With the firm intention of improving the service provided by public servants to the people of Cordoba, the Comptroller of the City of Cordoba, began with a campaign called "Do not Street" for citizens to come this in case of any complaint against any municipal official.

For purposes of monitoring the work of municipal employees, the City Comptroller, Alejandro Nieves Garnica, said that this campaign aims to regain the confidence of the people of Cordoba to those who administer and enforce their taxes.

The City Comptroller explained that "here we attend and receive all their complaints, the best auditors of a municipality are citizens, are those that monitor the behavior of individual public servants."

"The quest of the president, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, this administration is doing the best in the state of Veracruz and by the citizens, I urge you to help us to denounce any act of corruption or abuse authority because it is our obligation to provide good service to citizens, "said Nieves Garnica.

He explained that a public servant must be meet the standards and laws, in order to provide quality service to citizens.

Therefore urged the public to approach the City Comptroller, if you have any complaints or suggestions about the service provided to them.

This campaign had been launched in 2005-2007 that also the prison administration, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, with optimum results that government did was reliable for the people of Cordoba to see that he followed to complaints.

Persons wishing to submit its report may do so through the telephone number 71 4 00 01, which corresponds to the City Comptroller's office, there will attend to your complaints or if they can also go directly to those offices.

Finally, they indicated that this campaign will be reinforced through educational brochures and posters, which will be distributed in conspicuous places of the directions located at City Hall.

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Under intense heat, characteristic of the municipality of Tierra White, the administration made by Dr. Tito Dolphin Cano held the second day of commencement of works covered for the year 2011. Starting at about nine o'clock in the morning, the Mayor was accompanied by his wife Celia Rodriguez Dolphin Municipal President of DIF, as well as the Local Representative Mr. Francisco Javier Lara Arano, different area managers, especially Ing . Arturo Aguirre Ramírez Director of Public Works and Mr. Yair Aguirre Arano Director of Citizen Participation. The first checkered flag of work was held in Cologne Terrapléln where the sewer was rehabilitated at this point in the city, where no this benefit is certainly one of the most important to the Mayor for having a public health Mestries. His words to neighbors and members of the board, were focused on the imp ortancia to have sewer, emphasized that it is a great source of infection for the land, water, food and animals. He said that in this unhealthy environment with which they have lived for several years are susceptible to germs thereby developing diseases. For this reason, thanked his commune this, having passed this crucial work for these people, where the only objective is to seek a health care system because they are also a reflection of culture and values. Later municipal authorities have moved to the town of Las Flores, where rehabilitation work began in a classroom at the campus, being greeted by students, teachers Elementary School Venustiano Carranza, and patronage of the same ejido authorities. The welcoming remarks were given by the school principal, Prof. Maribel Vera Ruiz, where first thanked the highest authority for their support to this institution, also acknowledged the great commitment he is showing just barely three months in office to education, because it is in the classrooms where are forming the great professionals the present and future. Dolphin Cano said about that campaign made no promises, just real commitments not to cheat the city, and for that reason thanked each of the attendees have given them the opportunity to govern the town, and how grateful is to bring benefits each of the communities. He said the issue of education is pivotal to the growth of Tier ra Blanca, regardless of ideological trends or colors, also said stronger investment his government will be in the field of education. The benefit to the School Venustiano Carranza, include reconstruction of the roof with reinforced concrete, waterproofing, painting, installation of lights and fans. This will ensure that the town has a decent school, the same level as any school in the county seat. In this stream was reached Coyol Mata community, which gave the go start work to build a classroom at Primary School here, in the presence of teachers, students and citizens who had expected to welcome support from municipal authorities. Continuing the journey, in the community of Huixcolotla began the rehabilitation of the roof of two preschool classrooms in the Second Green Sánchez, which will benefit more than one hundred small daily take their classes in this kindergarten where the Prof.. Marcelina Ramon Martinez thanked all the mayors for adopting this work. He also thanked the trustees that through their management the benefit achieved today. Dolphin said the Mayor Tito that have his full support to continue to achieve successes in their walk. It is noteworthy that in this place, attended by the Deputy Director of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation of the Federal Government Mr. Gabriel Cárdenas Hernández, was pleased to hear requests for construction of roads in this town, where they said that integrate Tamarindo-Huixcolotla final design and land resource. In the final stretch of this long day Start of works, visited the community of the Frayle where to AUTHORITIES were pleasantly greeted by local inhabitants, and the patronage ejido authorities monitoring the rehabilitation of the main streets of this place, which is composed mostly of women. Tito Dolphin toured within the community, accompanied by the people who showed him the conditions found in buildings they serve. Most of them in poor condition and where the mayor gave them in quick response in coming weeks, the program "The Government Contigo" program that runs on the immediate actions place and improve the conditions of these buildings.

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THE CANDIDATE WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE FLOWER QUEEN 2011 **** This Sunday in a cultural event invites

Fortin, Veracruz - Ada, Gladys, Los Angeles, Esther and Mayra are the five participants who seek the coveted crown for Queen of the Flower 2011 and will be presented to society fortinense Sunday in a cultural event.
The nice girls who show off their talents in the beauty contest, will represent the municipality, in addition to promote tourist attractions Fortin.

According to the program, the event will begin with the participation of cultural groups and then the candidates will make a beautiful gateway park on the esplanade of Lazaro Cardenas.

the Key Martha Martinez, Director of Social Development and Human Promotion, said the girls have been prepared and trained to various activities during the week, so they can represent the municipality pride.

explained that the event will be led by Mayor Ramos Cesar Torrecilla and starts at 17:00


Ada Antonio Galicia, has 22 years of age, is originally from the colony Melesio Portillo, graduate degree in social work.

Sol Gladis Hernandez, has 18 years of age, lives in the San Jose and is a student in high school.

Luz Maria de los Angeles Benavides Bello, has 20 years old, home is terminal in the colony and studied chemical engineering at the Institute Tecnológico de Orizaba.

Peney Maria Esther Garcia, 18 years old and a student of sixth semester High School Graduates College of the State of Veracruz.

Zenpoalteca Mayra Denisse, a student level.

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Attorney for the Defense of Children, Family and The Indian in Bury **** It is possible crimes gives legal support in the installation

Fortin .- After the municipality has identified possible cases of domestic violence and in some cases maintenance requests for infants dysfunctional marriages, in charge of the Office of the Defense of Children, Families and Indigenous, invites potential victims of crime to report incidents.

Calatayud Maribel Ramos, said that statistics show that domestic violence is the most common crimes affecting women fortinenses, why have produced ten minutes at the request of the aggrieved, in order that the family problems overcome this situation and be able to establish a better link for healthy living with a partner.

"If women experiencing any signs of physical violence, are encouraged to bring before the Special Public Prosecutor for Crimes against the Family, and are given free legal advice to once and for all end verbal abuse and economic suffering to your partner "external Calatayud Ramos.

also reported that requests for alimony are the steps that have been treated consistently, coupled with the conventions of mutual respect. "Our role is to provide legal advice to vulnerable people ask us, but we are also inclusive of family unity, which is why we try to exhaust before reporting instances."

The attorney concluded by saying that the President of DIF Olga Ramos Lopez been instructed to question any form of healthy family life prevail.

invited citizens suffering from a probable crime, you get closer to the DIF facilities located on Avenue 7 blocks 5 and 7, to state their case and receive the advice be required if necessary

Friday, March 25, 2011

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"I AM A MAN OF WORK AND COMMITMENT" TITO DELFIN CANO * initialize work plan 2011 in Tierra Blanca

With an investment of approximately three million pesos, the Mayor Tito Cano Dolphin began work in the communities of Forest Plant and Agricultural Colony Quechuleño Step Magueyitos May 1, works integrated in the package 2011.
This investment will include road rehabilitation in the agricultural colony May 1, Electricity Network Expansion in the community of Forest Plant and construction of an annex to the Telesecundaria Benito Juárez. Dolphin
Cano Mayor reported that these works are to be performed with resources from FISM (Municipal Social Infrastructure Fund) to be applied in Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructure Basic Education, Electrification, Water Supply, Drainage and Municipal Construction, all within the year 2011.
"When I came in the campaign I said that I am a man of commitment, I am a man who seriously believe in the work and responsibility under the citizen, therefore not you thank me, I owe to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to govern this town and where I was born for forty-seven, in my government no distinction of social classes, all terrablanquense citizen deserves our attention, "said the munícipe.
Tito Dolphin In these communities, he reminded them that the work was receiving in your area today, was the pressing need expressed through the election the inhabitants themselves, agreed that the lag in the entire municipality is large and that resources are not sufficient, but this administration more will seek in the three years of his government, achieve a significant number of support in different areas.
The Mayor of Tierra Blanca, stressed that the plan of work for this year is a program that seeks progress of the municipality, noting that there are 458 communities that will benefit this year is 180 with an unprecedented investment and
n recent years.
worth mentioning that the rehabilitation of the road in Colonia Agrícola May 1 will benefit more than four thousand people in the region, with 7.5 km of road, the extension of electricity grid in the town of Izote (Mata Floor) benefits more of eight families and is achieved abate the energy lag in low-income families, and last but not least the construction of the annex Telesecundaria School Benito Juarez Garcia Quechuleño community, which will build the curved roof structure with car so bearing and columns of particular benefit to students and teachers of the sites of El Roble, Paso Bobo, Quechuleño, Junta de Moreno, Magueyitos, Roberto Barrio and Tetela, Oax. Participated in these events
the rulers of this administration, as well as managers from different areas. With these actions, we begin the work plan 2011 of the municipality of Tierra Blanca that seeks to compensate a little the huge backlog that exists throughout the municipality.

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Fortin, Veracruz - This Friday ended the stay of a mobile unit Vasconcelos, that by supporting the mayor, Cesar Torrecilla Ramos came to the town of Monte Chambers support the education of children and youth as well for better technological future.
students came to the place telesecundaria `` `` Ricardo Muñoz Lazcano, primary school "Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez" and kindergarten "Citlaltépetl, who thanked the squad for their support and commitment to the community, but especially the interest granted over the day.
`` It was the place where more than teachers, find friends, rather than math problems, it was fun, thanks for your support and exclaimed `` learning students present at the closing.
Within municipal representatives arrived Councilman Diego Alberto Mendoza-Nava, the director of education Flor Esmeralda Beristain, Adolfo Rico and the Director of Government Itinerant Fadanelly Gisela Martinez, who showed the commitment we have to continue to promote opportunities to the education, backed by Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte of others, reiterated his congratulations to the team that made this technological advance in the locality.
Agustín López Gonzales, Roberto Marcos García Córdoba, Alberto Martínez López, Juan Carlos Aldana Estrada, Edgar Pérez Lobato Pascual Aguilar and Gonzales are the six members that make up the squad that took the work over two weeks, So at the end of the day the result fu was the satisfaction of learning through activities in the unit.

Before concluding the event will be recognized by students Vasconcelos group, who in turn gave the report of activities during their stay within the congregation.

"We leave with the satisfaction of providing help and expertise in all those who attended the day, but especially grateful for the good treatment they gave us and soon hope to be back in the town of Fort `` conclude Aldana Estrada Vasconcelos brigade unit.



Fortin, Veracruz - The Municipal Sports Committee (COMUDE) launched the invitation to participate this Sunday in the third event of physical activation and bike ride.
José Mauricio López Gómez, director of COMUDE invited the general public to participate in the tour, which promotes sport as a major daily life activities.

Sera from 8:30 am when Carry out activities in the park plaza Lazaro Cardenas.

also reported that the officer made the raffle of a bicycle shot 20, which is open to all children who attend the bike ride.

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Córdoba .- With a commitment to promote public policies that benefit the inhabitants of 28 municipalities in the region this Friday, the mayor of Cordova, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, was sworn in as regional coordinator of Municipalities for Health.
facilities in the Municipal System for Integral Family Development (DIF) Córdoba, a meeting was held with presidents and representatives of municipalities in the downtown area, to inform the integration of Veracruz Network of Municipalities for Health , inter-agency set up as an association to promote cooperation and exchange of experiences among mayors statewide, national and global levels.

With the presence Barragan Jesus Flores, deputy director of Health Promotion in the State and José Héctor Bonilla Portilla, head of the Sanitary District No. 6 in Cordoba, Cordoba Inhabitant was elected as Regional coordinator of the center, to promote and develop policies healthy public.

In this regard, Francisco Portilla pledged to work conj untamente with the Ministry of Health to strengthen municipalities Veracruz strong, healthy, healthy, considering that these factors are essential for the development of cities.

said that support the concern and actions of Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, health, taking into account that requires Veracruz have medical services, as offered by the Seguro Popular, for those who lack social security.

also said he would work actively in the Red Veracruzana of Municipalities for Health and the Red Mexicana, platforms created for municipalities to share best experiences, approaches, projects and innovative actions in the field of health.

added also support the strengthening of community action, developing an environment conducive to health and the promotion and creation of healthy public policy.

The event also was attended by Mayor José Luis Anguheven Cotaxtla corner, Nicolas Prado and Rafael Morales Tomatlán Zentla López Hernández, and representatives from the municipalities of Atoyac, Carrillo Puerto, Chocamán, Coetzala, Coscomatepec, Fortin, Ixhuatlán Coffee and Yanga.

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Reduced to Ashes was a house built of sheets located on Calle Nicolás Bravo Extension Reforma del Barrio corner of Torreon, in the municipality of Tierra Blanca Santana Bravo where the family watched in sadness UNICPO flames consumed his patrimony.
The incident occurred on Saturday March 19 at noon, when the Municipal Civil Protection personnel and fire department were notified of the fire house, to where they moved to crush that wiped out the few belongings of the integrated family four people, including two minors.
Everything was reduced to ashes, despite efforts of neighbors and the elements of these units to quell the flames, fortunately there were no injuries or personal misfortunes.
items Municipality Civil Protection by director Alfredo Ahuja investigate the causes that led to the fire, however it seems that was a candle which caused the fire.
Therefore, the Dolphin Cano Mayor Tito visited the family to provide all necessary support for housing reconstruction, bringing construction material as well as assistance from the Municipal DIF by his wife Celia Rodríguez food aid.
terrablanquense The mayor said that the workforce will be up to neighbors, relatives and friends. Emphasized to join in these times of misfortune, and also acknowledged the support that the citizens have given to this family. He also mentioned that all building materials for housing will be provided by management.

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Fortin, Veracruz - With only 12 years old Pitol Stephanie Martinez, will represent the state of Veracruz in the National Children's Chess Olympiad to be held in the first days of May .
As every year, less prepared to compete in one of its most coveted competitions, which is the National Olympiad, which involved students different states of the republic to demonstrate his extensive knowledge in the sport of mental ability.

And is that despite his young age, secondary school student has won 7 medals, 3 of which are gold streak State Chess Olympiad, and a trophy he got in an Open Tournament in the city of Xalapa.

With a smile on his face and proud to represent the state, fortinense is said to be ready again for the gold medal and set up the name of Bunker.

"I like chess because it develops my abilities as well that helps me maintain an average excellence in school, "said Stephanie, while indicating that the average first Diocesan College José Antonio González Peña.

The girl, explained that the National Olympics were divided, that is, rounds slow or fast classical and where the participants will be classified according to their category.

Meanwhile the girl's father, Mr. René Pitol Berbel, said he was proud of his daughter, since it is an excellent student. "I am very proud of her, nothing is difficult, so I try to do as a parent is to give you all the tools to continue develop their abilities and have more success in life, "he said. Stephanie added that besides being an excellent chess player, his other hobbies include playing the guitar, organ, and painting in oils.

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Fortin in the National URGE PEOPLE TO TAKE A HEALTHY LIFE AND HYGIENIC *** Under the International Day the fight against TB

Fortin, Ver-Faced with a large number of people gathered in the plaza of the park Lázaro Cárdenas, municipal authorities celebrated the International Day of Fight Against Tuberculosis ".

On behalf of Mayor Cesar Torrecilla Ramos the City Council Trustee Lara Efren Martinez, said the importance of increasing public awareness about the symptoms of this disease, one of the oldest that affects humans.

The event, attended secondary school students General Enrique C. Rebsamen, who managed to give a brief history of tuberculosis.

"This day was declared by the World Health Organization and is commemorated on 24 March 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus," said one student.

also women's groups in the San Jose, bougainvillea, gardenias, San Martín, among other communities, people with placards with slogans "Tuberculosis is treatable if caught early," "All Tuberculosis, "joined this important event organized by the Department of Health, with the aim of creating awareness among people about the symptoms of the disease.

For its part, the Municipal Health Director, Gilberto Olmos Alejo, said that the municipality is not aware of cases of tuberculosis, however, will work jointly with health authorities and thereby maintain a constant struggle against any kind of disease.

"The intention of these events is to instil in young people about preventive measures, so far no one has any cases in the municipality, the problem is eradicated 100%, however it A census to identify cases, if there are any, "he said.

He explained that part of the activities to address office is to provide information to the public most vulnerable communities of the municipality, through the "Conference on Health in Your Home", where are real tracks and provides medical care.

Finally urged people to take the necessary hygiene to prevent the spread of tuberculosis.

The event brought together policy makers, Diego Alberto Mendoza-Nava, Pedro Martínez Olivares, Israel Zilli Beristain, José Antonio Ramírez Martínez, Carlos Humberto Eusebio Danes and health authorities.

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Justice Palace in Buena Vista was installed

Mayor of Cordoba, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, said in an interview that the Veracruz State Legislature authorized the City of Cordoba donate 3 million square feet to the judicial branch of government to establish Palace of Justice in an earthy which is located in Colonia Buena Vista.

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Mexico City, March 24, 2011 - Mexican Alliance for Social Organizations (AMOS), the Federal District Government has initiated disguised expropriation transport in order to deliver the 36 corridors and 10 Metrobus lines to powerful economic groups that monopolize the mobilization of at least 14 million tickets per person per day in the Federal District.
voice of Gabriel Sánchez In Medina, the AMOS stressed that there is concerted action to compel carriers to participate in a trust, by which the parastatal Metrobus raise revenue for transportation modernization projects, an amount in excess of 45 million pesos a day, revenues come only in small part to dealers suddenly turning micro-entrepreneurs to workers.
This, they explained, will require carriers to sell its shares in the lines that are created in the coming months, causing a monopoly for those with the power of money as we saw recently.
whole strategy of the lack of operation of regularization program that puts virtually defenseless at the mercy of the government authorities, since practically most of the concessions expired.
The closure and lack of information is another problem, since despite being willing to invest in transportation since 2009, such as dealers in the Route 7 have no information or attention required by the Federal District Government, through a Setravi. Will be tomorrow when you make the first formal work table on what will be the first phase of Line 4 of Metrobus ranging from Black Bridge to San Lazaro.
"We want private investors as in Line 3," said Armando Gonzalez, leader of Route 7, who recalled being integrated into a company with enough capital to invest, so ensure that no one except the Transport Network Passengers (RTP) could join them with a maximum of 25 percent.
But he said existing differences with the transport authorities regarding the appraisals as has happened with the other lines, because while they are educated about 110 000 passengers daily, the Setravi the low to 55 thousand.
also reported that Nicolas Vazquez from Setravi revive routes, so they are these, whose licenses were purchased at bargain prices, those entering the corridors where the dealers are in irregular status.
Similarly, disclosed that there is total impunity for groups close to transportation officials, like line 94 in Tlahuac, which gave him an extension, violating an agreement that while not end the Metro line 12 and to reach a concussion, all going to stay in the state.
For this reason, Gabriel Sanchez, leader of the Route 56 said that if that's the way some get certain privileges against the majority, held on Monday 28 block in the town of Tempelul in Tlahuac to socialize the benefits to all participants in the area.
Manuel Garcia, leader of the State Route 104 Mexico reported having 6 years in the defense of certain procedures to provide the service, but as in the Federal District regularization to prevent them from delivering the ADO transport monopoly, despite to have court rulings in their favor.
This situation dealers suffer routes 42, 47, 48, 92, 103, 104 and 105 of the State of Mexico.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Costume Culture House Calls "Musician-Cultural Concert" * The date is this Friday, March 25 from 19 : 00 hours

Fortin .- In the presence of a historian of the city of Queretaro and the participation of Yang-Bara and Mexican corridos, the Director of the Casa de Cultura "Antonio Ruiz Galindo, invites the general public a show to be held next Friday on the esplanade of the park "Lázaro Cárdenas".
Pablo Reyes Gomez, Director of Casa de Cultura, said that besides the show called "Corridos Mexicanos" Class-rated, "to be presented, will the audience a few minutes for a coffee break and delight with an exquisite cup of coffee, which will be gifted by a specialist.

"From the city of Queretaro comes a musical-historical spectacle, which, besides the music, will be presenting images via a projector to be installed in the park, in addition to the renowned historian, will be accompanied by Yang-Bara who plays calendar, "said Reyes Gómez.

"the teacher will come Tatay Maria del Carmen Fernandez, who will Yangban dumbbell "the brunette of Fire", who is the ninth generation of the principality of the tribe Yang-bara, Ivory Coast Africa, based in Queretaro, but hails from the first free town at Latin America in 1609, Yanga Veracruz. "

said the idea is that the public knows the musicalized version of the history of the Revolution, with narration and interpretation of ballads that are a cultural expression, in addition to being recognized as "the voice of the people."

ended by saying that thanks to the concerns of Mayor Cesar Ramos Torrecilla, this city is seeking to attract events cultural impact to be seen and heard by people who love culture, and had not had the opportunity to witness an event of high standard.

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Tito Cano Dolphin Mayor of Tierra Blanca, attended the CRAM 3017 (Regional Training Centre for Continuing and Professional enhancement of Teachers) at the express invitation of Prof.. Graciela Elvira Leal General Coordinator of the center. Teachers
This center is unique in our region, is providing services to over two thousand teachers in the areas of Tierra Blanca, Cotaxtla and Three Valleys, where his mission is BINDAR quality care that meets the needs for professional development of teachers, managers and technical staff of basic education to contribute to the innovation of better ways of teaching and thus raise standards of student learning.
worth mentioning that the center does not have its own facilities, but debibo to the great importance of e, l General Conception High School Chumacero Gutierrez has provided one of their classrooms on campus, for teachers
inco CRAM rporados 3017 (Regional Training Centre for Teachers) have a temporary space and had the items necessary and sufficient for their professional training, benefiting more than 34 thousand 047 students. Therefore
Dolphin Cano who is committed to education, I appreciated the invitation to this center and acknowledged the work that managers have been playing Chumacero School by providing space for their activities, these teachers said that his administration search through a building lobby where they can count himself more space.
For its part, the general coordinator, Prof.. Graciela Elvira Leal welcomed the visit of the Selectmen and told them that is the first time that the site is visited by the authorities and the support offered of having an own house, where teachers trained and CONSEQUENCES continue to raise the level of their students.

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Best rates and service quality for users of telecommunications

PAN Sen. Juan Bueno Torio claimed best rates and quality service in Mexico to telecommunications users. He said that in this area the country is very backward compared to other developing countries have achieved.
"Not enough access to the vast majority of Mexicans over the Internet, basically, and this limits the capacity for development and personal growth. Mexico competes in international markets in many respects, but in terms of telecommunications are long overdue, "said Legislator of Veracruz. Bueno Torio
participated in the hearing of the President of the Federal Telecommunications Commission (Cofetel), Mony de Swaan, as well as commissioners Gonzalo Martínez Pous, Rafael del Villar, Ernesto Gil Elorduy and José Luis Peralta Higuera, before the Committee Communications and Transportation of the Senate.
For Bueno Torio, telecommunications users are in a state of helplessness, to a market where what prevails is the "law of the jungle." "The strength is greatest and who assume the consequences are the users in all services telecommunications, "he said.
So the commissioners asked: "What needs to Cofetel to take decisions that unlocks the problems that are living and to begin to directly benefit consumers?".
The Economic Policy Sub-coordinator is also the Parliamentary Group of National Action in the Senate is ruled by reducing the monopoly of fixed telephony, so that in the short term there is more competition in this scheme.
"As legislators, we want are competitive rates, greater openness, more competition in the television and radio. Where do they want legislate so that you, as regulators in a market, can be effective in your work? Because until today are not meeting expectations, "said the legislator.
In this regard, De Swaan said that Cofetel is looking for better prices and better quality. "What distinguishes this sovereign and what distinguishes the Commission of other operators is to defend the general interest over particular interests," said the official.
Mony de Swaan said that among the things that need fewer resolutions Cofetel to be brought to trial in Mexico is that district judges have expertise in economic matters.
"No authority may have to jump by 81 distinct districts to defend the very act of authority, ie, it is unreasonable that a single act can be used in 81 separate districts and then go to collegiate judges, "he lamented.
De Swaan also noted that not satisfied with the market structure that Mexico in all its services, such as broadcast television, cable TV, fixed telephony and mobile telephony.
In turn, PAN Senator José Julián Sacramento Garza agreed with the remarks to the effect that the telecommunications sector is growing rapidly worldwide and Mexico can not be left behind
mentioned that has hurt the industry the fact that during this administration have been three secretaries of Communications and Transport. "We were concerned, no doubt, have been appointed during this administration three Secretaries of Communications and Transport, before starting any secretary has to soak up the issues that are current and are in the mood of the people engaged sector, "he explained.
The lawmaker asked the commissioners Cofetel work with the Senate, to make arrangements needed for the country's development.
At the hearing, senators were also PAN José Isabel Trejo Reyes and Sebastian Calderon Centeno.

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PAN senators ask FLOWER SHOW IS TOTALLY FREE **** Looking to bring the event to all families in the region

Fortin, Veracruz - After a series of surveys to the population, the fair committee chaired by the mayor Cesar Torrecilla Ramos agreed that the entrance to the site will be free to avoid economic problems in the families of the central region of the state.
"It is necessary that the public benefits are g ratuitos, which all have the scope to enjoy our party will be full of great events, rides and above all fun and culture ", said the mayor.
regard to costs, confirmed that there will be no one to join the show, knowing the stands, the park of flowers, the mass entertainment market or area of \u200b\u200bProspero, which is supported by " pocket "of inhabitants.
In this regard, said that the only price you will have to be part of the show is for those who are car owners who must pay between 40 and 50 pesos, but not yet agreed costs.
To do this, the current administration is working at top speed forced, mainly to take a worthy place where fortinenses enjoy the annual festival dedicated to tourism, floriculture and healthy recreation.
Torrecilla Ramos recalled that the fair will have to be held from 8 to 16 March, the flower park facilities, soon Plaza Gardenias, counting the opening with the group K-Paz de la Sierra act that will be opened by the state governor, Javier Duarte Ochoa and state officials.

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Córdoba .- In order to encourage careful water use among young people, the city of Cordoba through the Department of Ecology and Environment, presented to pupils in schools ICATEC Sosa and Jose Maria Mena , a documentary made by the Mexican Institute of Water Technology on Tuesday afternoon in the central courtyard of the Palacio Municipal de Córdoba.
Celebrating World Water Day, we performed the screening of a documentary lasting about 35 minutes, where 60 students of educational institutions referred to, watched the video of which was intended to raise awareness about the care that must be taken to aquifers and rivers clean.
Montealegre Guillermo Quintero, coordinator of the Environment, said: "This document is intended for young people to participate in the programs of the municipal authorities to care primarily water and they become vigilantes and complainants so we can go and enforce the law, which is made to protect a resource that belongs to all Mexicans. "
"We must not forget that the state of Veracruz, Tabasco and Chiapas with, are the states that almost 70 percent of rainfall throughout the Republic, this gives us an abundance of water resources and serious pollution problems, "Montealegre said Quintero.
city official said, that will be bringing this documentary to the colonies and communities of Cordova, who participate in the Rescue and Sanitation Program Streams (RESA), so that people become aware of the importance of maintaining rivers and streams clean.
the end of the projection led to a series of questions and answers, in which Queen Margaret Gonzales Cadó, ICATEC school teacher said, "is a very good measure for implementing the City Council know that young people care and uses should be given to water, they are at the right time to projecting a future and prevent water loss, which we have seen as has been finished. "

Finally, the Environmental Coordinator conducted a ciudanía urged all not to take the streams and rivers as garbage dumps, because in rainy season these streams clogged, causing flooding on the slopes of rivers and gender affect different.

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On Tuesday March 21 at the premises of the Municipal DIF this municipality conducted the revival of the pools in the presence of Mayor Tito Dolphin Cano and his wife Celia Rodriguez Dolphin president of this organization. These pools
Which carrier a new entertainment option for families who can live terrablanquenses healthy and may also perform an activity that also involves sports.
And Celia Rodriguez, considers it essential to give families more options for Tierra Blanca development activities that promote unity and development. Also said that the reactivation of these pools are an excellent choice to carry it out, as are spaces available to the entire society.
For its part, the director of this system Rosa Isela Martínez de Mora, thanked and acknowledged the support given by the Mayor and his community, he mentioned that all personnel working in this institution have come together and work so delivered programs that have the benefit of citizens terrablanquenses. Cano
The Dolphin Inhabitant thanked equally to all staff working in DIF, said in his message that his administration continues the
recovery revitalization of public spaces of this city, said this includes a commitment to provide spaces worthy citizen, as he said it is the responsibility as public officials. Invited all families to attend the pools, which only contributed ten dollars to be used for the maintenance of the pools and schedules available.
In the final of this event, the mayor gave the staff terrablanquense DIF with computer equipment that will help the good service of this body care.