Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Córdoba .- With the firm intention of improving the service provided by public servants to the people of Cordoba, the Comptroller of the City of Cordoba, began with a campaign called "Do not Street" for citizens to come this in case of any complaint against any municipal official.

For purposes of monitoring the work of municipal employees, the City Comptroller, Alejandro Nieves Garnica, said that this campaign aims to regain the confidence of the people of Cordoba to those who administer and enforce their taxes.

The City Comptroller explained that "here we attend and receive all their complaints, the best auditors of a municipality are citizens, are those that monitor the behavior of individual public servants."

"The quest of the president, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, this administration is doing the best in the state of Veracruz and by the citizens, I urge you to help us to denounce any act of corruption or abuse authority because it is our obligation to provide good service to citizens, "said Nieves Garnica.

He explained that a public servant must be meet the standards and laws, in order to provide quality service to citizens.

Therefore urged the public to approach the City Comptroller, if you have any complaints or suggestions about the service provided to them.

This campaign had been launched in 2005-2007 that also the prison administration, Francisco Bonilla Portilla, with optimum results that government did was reliable for the people of Cordoba to see that he followed to complaints.

Persons wishing to submit its report may do so through the telephone number 71 4 00 01, which corresponds to the City Comptroller's office, there will attend to your complaints or if they can also go directly to those offices.

Finally, they indicated that this campaign will be reinforced through educational brochures and posters, which will be distributed in conspicuous places of the directions located at City Hall.

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Under intense heat, characteristic of the municipality of Tierra White, the administration made by Dr. Tito Dolphin Cano held the second day of commencement of works covered for the year 2011. Starting at about nine o'clock in the morning, the Mayor was accompanied by his wife Celia Rodriguez Dolphin Municipal President of DIF, as well as the Local Representative Mr. Francisco Javier Lara Arano, different area managers, especially Ing . Arturo Aguirre Ramírez Director of Public Works and Mr. Yair Aguirre Arano Director of Citizen Participation. The first checkered flag of work was held in Cologne Terrapléln where the sewer was rehabilitated at this point in the city, where no this benefit is certainly one of the most important to the Mayor for having a public health Mestries. His words to neighbors and members of the board, were focused on the imp ortancia to have sewer, emphasized that it is a great source of infection for the land, water, food and animals. He said that in this unhealthy environment with which they have lived for several years are susceptible to germs thereby developing diseases. For this reason, thanked his commune this, having passed this crucial work for these people, where the only objective is to seek a health care system because they are also a reflection of culture and values. Later municipal authorities have moved to the town of Las Flores, where rehabilitation work began in a classroom at the campus, being greeted by students, teachers Elementary School Venustiano Carranza, and patronage of the same ejido authorities. The welcoming remarks were given by the school principal, Prof. Maribel Vera Ruiz, where first thanked the highest authority for their support to this institution, also acknowledged the great commitment he is showing just barely three months in office to education, because it is in the classrooms where are forming the great professionals the present and future. Dolphin Cano said about that campaign made no promises, just real commitments not to cheat the city, and for that reason thanked each of the attendees have given them the opportunity to govern the town, and how grateful is to bring benefits each of the communities. He said the issue of education is pivotal to the growth of Tier ra Blanca, regardless of ideological trends or colors, also said stronger investment his government will be in the field of education. The benefit to the School Venustiano Carranza, include reconstruction of the roof with reinforced concrete, waterproofing, painting, installation of lights and fans. This will ensure that the town has a decent school, the same level as any school in the county seat. In this stream was reached Coyol Mata community, which gave the go start work to build a classroom at Primary School here, in the presence of teachers, students and citizens who had expected to welcome support from municipal authorities. Continuing the journey, in the community of Huixcolotla began the rehabilitation of the roof of two preschool classrooms in the Second Green Sánchez, which will benefit more than one hundred small daily take their classes in this kindergarten where the Prof.. Marcelina Ramon Martinez thanked all the mayors for adopting this work. He also thanked the trustees that through their management the benefit achieved today. Dolphin said the Mayor Tito that have his full support to continue to achieve successes in their walk. It is noteworthy that in this place, attended by the Deputy Director of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation of the Federal Government Mr. Gabriel Cárdenas Hernández, was pleased to hear requests for construction of roads in this town, where they said that integrate Tamarindo-Huixcolotla final design and land resource. In the final stretch of this long day Start of works, visited the community of the Frayle where to AUTHORITIES were pleasantly greeted by local inhabitants, and the patronage ejido authorities monitoring the rehabilitation of the main streets of this place, which is composed mostly of women. Tito Dolphin toured within the community, accompanied by the people who showed him the conditions found in buildings they serve. Most of them in poor condition and where the mayor gave them in quick response in coming weeks, the program "The Government Contigo" program that runs on the immediate actions place and improve the conditions of these buildings.

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THE CANDIDATE WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE FLOWER QUEEN 2011 **** This Sunday in a cultural event invites

Fortin, Veracruz - Ada, Gladys, Los Angeles, Esther and Mayra are the five participants who seek the coveted crown for Queen of the Flower 2011 and will be presented to society fortinense Sunday in a cultural event.
The nice girls who show off their talents in the beauty contest, will represent the municipality, in addition to promote tourist attractions Fortin.

According to the program, the event will begin with the participation of cultural groups and then the candidates will make a beautiful gateway park on the esplanade of Lazaro Cardenas.

the Key Martha Martinez, Director of Social Development and Human Promotion, said the girls have been prepared and trained to various activities during the week, so they can represent the municipality pride.

explained that the event will be led by Mayor Ramos Cesar Torrecilla and starts at 17:00


Ada Antonio Galicia, has 22 years of age, is originally from the colony Melesio Portillo, graduate degree in social work.

Sol Gladis Hernandez, has 18 years of age, lives in the San Jose and is a student in high school.

Luz Maria de los Angeles Benavides Bello, has 20 years old, home is terminal in the colony and studied chemical engineering at the Institute Tecnológico de Orizaba.

Peney Maria Esther Garcia, 18 years old and a student of sixth semester High School Graduates College of the State of Veracruz.

Zenpoalteca Mayra Denisse, a student level.