Friday, November 26, 2010

Implantation Cramps At 5 Dpo

Tamaulipas Mexico: Failed State?

Recent reports from the international press about what happens in Tamaulipas have once again the debate "Failed state" on the table.

In recent days, the influential Wall Street Journal published a note on Tamaulipas titled "The State of Anarchy in Northern Mexico."

notes that "some parts of Mexico are so deeply caught in the violence that the government seems almost nonexistent. This is especially true in places like Ciudad Mier and northern Tamaulipas state."

describes the penetration of organized crime in society and government institutions, and although Mexico does not qualify as a country failed state, it does raise the term to the region of Tamaulipas and questioned officials about:

Despite these horrific achievements, Alejandro Poire, a spokesman for President Felipe Calderón on security issues, disputes the notion that Tamaulipas is falling into anarchy. "Tamaulipas is not a failed state," he says. "Organized crime has been fought with strength and determination." Tamaulipas says continues to provide public services, collecting taxes and organizing elections. Note that the violence is concentrated in eight of the 43 municipalities, and authorities have signed a number of successes against drug lords.
outgoing Gov. Eugenio Hernandez also said that the state's problems have been exaggerated. "We are far from being a failed state, "said Mr. Hernandez interviewed in the capital city Victoria." We are working. We order. There are some events bulky, but most people have no problems. "
Failed State features

But what is a failed state and the characteristics?

" Fund for Peace "is a nongovernmental organization whose mission is to work "to prevent war and alleviate the causes of conflict." Focuses on the problems of weak and failed states.

Based on 12 aspects, the NGO takes measurements to determine the "health "a State. The results of these measurements are published in the prestigious Foreign Policy magazine and become a reference on the subject.

The 12 indicators that determine whether a failed state is divided into three categories which are: social, economic and political.

Social Indicators

1. Demographic pressures, pressures arising shortages of food and other resources necessary for life in high-density populations. pressures affecting the freedom to participate in common forms of physical and human activity, including economic productivity, travel, social interaction and religious practices. Pressures arising from border disputes, ownership or occupation of land, access to transportation, control of religious or historical sites proximity to environmental hazards.

Tamaulipas For this first point is not so bad but if you have any symptoms, because the growing population declines over the roads to travel and meet in the evenings for games. Have failed to do previously routine activities, the risks of armed confrontation. This has affected economic activity. Not to a degree of extreme gravity, but noticeably .

2. Massive movement of refugees displaced or creating complex humanitarian emergencies: forced transfer of large communities as a result of random violence directed or repression, causing food shortages, disease, lack of clean water, land disputes or riots that can scale to humanitarian or security problems larger, the same within a country than others.

Tamaulipas has a huge number of people displaced by violence. Recently, the city of Mier suffered a mass exodus that virtually emptied the city seeking refuge in nearby Miguel German who struggled to provide basic needs for housing and education the displaced. Other towns such as New Town Guerrero, Camargo, The War and the same Michael German has been affected to varying degrees by the departure of its residents. Larger towns like Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros and Ciudad Victoria have also suffered from the exodus of people into Texas. The Chamber of Commerce in McAllen, Texas, estimated that in the first half of the year, 400 families had moved to Mexico City. And that's just the Valley area of \u200b\u200bTexas.

the situation of displacement by violence in Tamaulipas it can come to regard as serious. Not even to the extent of a severe humanitarian crisis, but the case of Ciudad Mier introduced it some serious symptoms that could be solved.

3. Concern by groups seeking revenge or group paranoia: Community groups concerned past or present injustices. Patterns of atrocities committed with impunity against community groups. Specific groups discrimination by state authorities, or by dominant groups, for purposes of persecution or repression.

in various cities in Tamaulipas are experiencing a state of paranoia and psychosis, which have become true and false rumors spread that generate the terror of the inhabitants. There have been incursions of either city poster dominated by the rival supporters to kill, burn houses and show their mutilated bodies in public places as a warning .

4. Chronic and sustained drain of human capital: "brain drain" of professionals, intellectuals and political dissidents fearing persecution or repression. voluntary migration of the middle class, particularly economically productive segments of the population, as entrepreneurs, businessmen and traders due to the downturn. Growth of communities in exile.

is noteworthy as it has been an exodus of Tamaulipas to the Texas area, not just the middle class, but upper-class cities such as McAllen, Laredo, Mission, Roma, Brownsville or San Antonio forming communities in exile. They are also increasingly young middle-class Mexicans who are enrolled in colleges and universities in Texas to settle in the United States and let Tamaulipas.

Economic Indicators

5. Inequitable economic development: real or perceived inequality between groups in education, employment and economic status. Impoverishment groups as measured by levels of poverty, infant mortality rates and educational levels. Increasing nationalism in the community based on real or perceived inequalities.

6. Pronounced and / or severe economic decline: progressive pattern of economic decline in society as measured by per capita income, GDP, debt, child mortality rates, poverty levels, business failures and other economic measures. Sudden drop in trade balance, foreign investment and debt repayment. Collapse or devaluation of the currency. Extreme social distress caused by economic austerity programs. Market Growth blacks as drug trafficking, smuggling and informality. Increased levels of corruption and illegal transactions in the general population. state failure to pay salaries of government employees and armed forces or to meet financial obligations to its citizens such as pensions.

Tamaulipas economic indicators are not yet alarming. Continue to show health, but is this line that reflected the longer it takes. Cities like Reynosa strong presence of maquiladoras has begun to suffer the impact of insecurity. The Economic Development Secretariat of the municipality said that at least a million people stopped to visit Reynosa, while the local CANIRAC estimates that sales fell by 30%. The Manufacturing Association of Maquiladoras of Reynosa and said that six companies have closed their doors.
Another alarming is the road line, where CAPUFE figures in the various regional roads reported a decline of between 20 and 30% of traffic compared to last year. These figures will soon be reflected in economic indicators of the state.

Political Indicators

7. Criminalization and loss of state legitimacy: Corruption mass or monetary benefit of the elites in power. Resistance of elites to transparency, accountability and political representation. Widespread loss of confidence in state institutions and processes such as elections boycotted or discussed, mass public demonstrations, civil disobedience sustained rise of armed insurgency. Growth of criminal groups linked to the ruling elites.

Tamaulipas increasingly feel less represented by their government has been ineffective in the violence this year in the state. It almost killed a few days virtual governor the election and the investigation has suggested improvements. His successor comes with a doubt about him in an election with a high level of abstention. The mayors and legislators are still making a living flashy and gone to live in luxurious neighborhoods in southern Texas .

There is a feeling of lack of state and municipal government in the ongoing violence.

8. Progressive deterioration of public services: Disappearance of basic state functions, including failure to protect citizens from terrorism and violence and providing essential services such as health, education and public transport. The state apparatus is narrowed to those agencies that serve the ruling classes as security forces, presidential staff, central bank, diplomatic service, customs and finance.

Organized crime has taken control of state and local police, leaving the population to drift. State and municipal governments have no control over their police. Transits deliver the money from fines and bribes to organized crime and not the council. Also, criminals take a percentage of customs import and share in esablecen business. The state's role in Tamaulipas is becoming increasingly narrow .

9. Suspension or arbitrary application of law and widespread violation of human rights: Emergence of an authoritarian, dictatorial or military in which constitutional and democratic institutions are suspended or manipulated. Emergence of politically inspired violence against innocent civilians. Increase the number of prisoners and political dissidents who are denied consistent with the standards processes and practices. widespread abuse of social, legal and political, including individuals, groups or cultural institutions (Eg, harassment of the press, politicization of the judiciary, internal use of the army for political ends, public repression of political opponents, religious or cultural persecution.)

In Tamaulipas has long been suspends individual rights. Organized crime gangs, with the help of local police, enact curfews or prohibition when it suits their interests and set up roadblocks to rob and strip roads. Harass and threaten journalists to publish what they want. The violation of human rights and individual rights is something everyday in the state.

10. The security apparatus operates as a "state within a state": Emergence of praetorian guards that operate with impunity. Emergence of private militias sponsored by the state to terrorize political opponents, potential enemies or civilians sympathetic to the opposition. Emergence of an army within the army that serves the interests of a dominant group. Emergence of rival militias, guerrillas, private armies or armed combat or violent campaigns against state security forces.

These cartels through his army of thugs have harassed local police forces that are aligned to the opposite side and also in fighting harassing military forces sent by the federal government.

11. Emergence of factions fragmentation of the ruling classes and state institutions in various groups.

This has not been reached up with gravity. The ruling classes of Tamaulipas have kept completely silent or have already left the state. For its part, the state government time and again minimizes the facts.

12. Intervention of other states or external political actors: military or paramilitary involvement in the internal affairs of the state by foreign armies, states, groups identity or entities that affect the internal balance of power or conflict resolution. donadoes intervention, especially if there is a tendency towards over-reliance on foreign aid or peacekeeping missions.

Although there is just an army or foreign group to intervene in the state, if a federal armed presence that does not leave the drug cartels to operate freely. Also other signs such as Sinaloa, Michoacan Family, the Millennium and the Beltran Leyva have allied with drug cartels affecting the balance of power to regional crime and aggravated conditions in the territory.

Tamaulipas state alarming symptoms

failed Status symptoms in almost all 12 indicators for Peace Fund looks to diagnose a failed state. In a severe degree in others less so, but it certainly has been a deterioration in control of the state in its territory.

Mexico is tagged with alert Fund for Peace, that is, which is near the border to become a failed state. It puts the level of Central American countries like Honduras and El Salvador or African countries like Senegal and Namibia.

And certainly, Tamaulipas is one of the institutions where less control of its territory has the government. We do not live even in conditions in Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan, of course, but we have now passed the border of the bankruptcy of the state in a progressive deterioration that could dangerously widen even further.

is a term that is scary. Which, as we read in the Wall Street Journal, Mexican politicians circumvented. But Tamaulipas, it is a failed state.


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