Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Answers For Wards Ap Bio Lab 5

The glossy Caps: The Seduction of Culture Narco Safety Tips

That the current anti-drug strategy should consist primarily to eradicate poverty, many argue. However, the drug recruits increasingly middle class and growing in ways more closely related to the image as necessary.

be worth analyzing how much of the uptake of the drug trade feeds on poverty, and how much is due to an aspirational aspect, ie the allure of lifestyle.

course that eradicating poverty should be a priority in any strategy, but this issue is essential for combating narco culture lifestyle has been pursuing a very powerful weapon of seduction in the recruitment of young elements to organized crime. Youth who do not seek money for food or subsistence, but they seek for someone to be feared and respected in their colony. To accommodate the stereotype that the calendar has been claimed.

shiny caps
At least in the phenomenon of "shiny hats" is becoming more emblematic of the cultural aspect of drug trafficking.

These "shiny hats" are the lowest hierarchy of organizations. They generally work as "hawks" by a campaign of espionage and alerting his superiors of the nearby presence of a federal operation. Crosses are placed on major streets, gas stations, convenience stores, markets, take over a piracy position and from there do their work.

tend to be young people whose ages range from adolescence to mid-20s and seem all cut from the same cloth. They wear caps and shirts Ed Hardy style of exuberant colors, inlaid with precious stones and sequins. Most use both the cap and the shirt in the same ornate style, creating a glut of ornaments to be almost "baroque."

For those who do overcome the lower ranges, their leaders have given a "truck "to patrol. But also its lexicon we mentioned in another text-change to take expressions own guild. And not ready, now said to be "100" or being "good batteries."

Fashion comes from Sinaloa
This is not free nor is casual. Compliance have dressed almost exactly with well-defined stereotype that has been dictated from the bench and metroflogs. It is a fad that, like almost all of the drug culture, was born in Sinaloa's capital a few years ago.

In March 2009, a blogger on the internet signed under the name "Sinaloense" a comment that perfectly reflects this stereotype:

"The image of drug trafficking has changed, at least here in Sinaloa. Versace silk shirts printed with the virgin and left behind. This generation saw Dolce Gabbana, Armani, Gucci, among other prestigious brands easily accessible to the population in general. It's the new twist of the drug culture in higher ranks. The below are the clothes wearing Ed Hardy. Here in Sinaloa called bushings. Always with Nextel in hand and the other a tecate trucks parked in a row listening, but not very well acepatos by society. In contrast, the high level, almost 'business', go everywhere with red carpet. "

This page described as" Sinaloense "For almost one and a half, is the stereotype that has spread to Tamaulipas and can be seen in virtually any corner followed almost verbatim.
In Reynosa every weekend takes place the "role" in the called golden zone of the city. Young people who leave in their cars to go around "to see who they are." Today, as part of the urban landscape of "role" Reynosa are inevitable the "shiny hats" standing by his "trocona" parked, "track" and the respective allusive music at full volume.

The spread of stereotype
This stereotype has been called by various names in various regions of the country. In Sinaloa they dubbed "bushings" and elsewhere are called "pipes."

And it is not the only place where the drug culture of "hyacinth" has been "exported." In January 2010, Guadalupe Beltran looked the same stereotype in Tijuana. Wrote a Decalogue to define what is a young "hose." 10 Steps to "hose", he explained, are these:

1 .- Wear clothing brand, especially Ed Hardy.
2.-Having a drug dealer as an idol.
3.-Play narcocorridos
4.-Use rosaries, not a religious symbol but as an accessory.
5.-Ride on Car of the Year.
6.-Wearing clothing with skulls and bright.
7.-believe part of a drug cartel.
8.-Meet with people who only belongs to the same social group.
9.-Flaunting a rich vocabulary in big words.
10.-Own nextel as a symbol of social status.

is significant that the stereotypes of the drug culture in Sinaloa Tamaulipas have spread to almost literally.

and roles is that they are aspirational. It is not lack of choice in the young, but discarded any other option to take them seduces and tempts them. A way of life where they dream of winning, not essential for survival, but large quantities to walk in the "trocona," with fine clothes, a bottle of Buchanan's, women, and be "respected" when entering a place. Dream of being a "heavy."

Narco Corridos, Internet and Metroflogs
In propagating this stereotype, the Internet has played a fundamental role, as has been through the narco corridos the metroflogs as has been literally gaining ground.

Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta is a professor and researcher of border issues in San Diego State University. This is a narco corrido scholar and considered himself a narcocorridólogo.

His work sheds much light to understand the cultural phenomenon of narco corrido. His text "Three Moments of Culture in Mexico Narco" is already a reference in the documentation on the subject. In it, Ramírez-Pimienta says that the musical genre dates back to 1930 in Mexico, when it was made narco corrido has oldest documented.

But the academic concerns in the mid-80s, inspired by the figure of Rafael Caro Quintero, narco corrido changed.

"The subject went from the drug, its dangers and adventures to become a song that emphasizes the pleasant life of luxury and the drug trafficker," refers in the text the researcher. "The hero's symbolic capital was traditionally run the courage above all other virtues. Now, having money and spending it hand over fist has become the new measure of heroism in an increasingly impoverished society. "

The narco corrido also explains the phenomenon of" hyacinth / hose / cap shiny. "

A quick internet search showed at least 15 narco corridos referred to Ed Hardy clothing style, carrying the radio and go "100"

Fragments of 4 narco corridos:

"Like all of my 'clika' is distinguished by how they dress. All used clothing Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier carry radio, cellular and iron never never stops shining. Chargers have more to throw pa pa backpack up but take only what you need them. "

" An Ed Hardy shirt, his pants brand, with its radius tinted windows Nextel played, the mob made a request it sent Chuyita "

" Shirt Ed Hardy, Italian brand perfume I wear at night to visit her dog in the car but I have in my house. And cap pistol tucked in my bag diamond all my radio and notes in bales, to please all the little girls. "

For years it has discussed the role of narco corrido in crime. He has been called advocates crime, and he has tried to ban. Others say that the music does not encourage crime.
Sometimes pictures speak louder than words and is worth watching this video where young criminals appearance "mediera class" narco placed blankets while celebrating themselves singing corridos.

The Metroflogs
are online personal journals that users fed daily with a photo, a text and where visitors will leave a signature or message.

These spaces are a phenomenon in Sinaloa where, for example, spaces dedicated to praise the children of the great lords. Last

as Zambada, Guzman, Araujo, Felix Torres are common or among young people who upload photos. Discuss who is the new Sweetheart Serafin Zambada, son of May. Or if Archibaldo Guzman, son of Shorty, was seen in his Ferrari or his Lamborghini. Or put the picture of so and so live together in his private plane, or some new plastic surgery capo daughter.

When a wealthy young man is not recognized in the photo, some would ask "What belongs lineage this mob?" Lineage. As if you were talking about the nobility of a European royal house. But in reality, the children of noble lords are Culiacan. The internet gossip does not speak of entrepreneurs or artists. Talk to the children of drug barons.

The Metroflogs have been popularized down the hierarchy of criminal organizations. In Sinaloa youth "bushings" began to open their spaces posing with a assault rifle, dressed in stylish clothes Ed Hardy, with his radio and ran a laudatory letter to your group or leader.

fashion soon spread to Tamaulipas, which already can be found many places with young people posing in the same way. Or join a wad of cash, his radio, his squad and some jewelry, the fit carefully to convey abundance and you take the photo.

In others, praise his criminal organization. Visitors who comment do so in the same narrative style. "Here rayándole, compa. Walk good batteries, always at 100 "

Tamaulipas Metroflog
Image taken from a


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