Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Vancouver Sliding Closet Door

"La Barbie" Father of the narco-terrorists in

"Why my brother up?" Questioned in a hoarse voice and video hit four men who are handcuffed and show obvious signs of having been tortured.

Today we know that unmistakable voice that asks is that of Edgar Valdez Villarreal, whose peculiar nickname "Barbie" would be present for a long time in the media, terror, warning that the interrogation was videotaped organized crime exceeded a dangerous line.

The image belongs to a video recorded in May 2005 and the four men subjected to questioned were members of the band "Los Zetas kidnapped in Acapulco by the rival gang, the Sinaloa Cartel.

few seconds before the end of the video, making it about one of the subjects, while the barrel of a square peeking out from the right side of the image and shoot on his temple. The man vanishes very slowly backwards, as the camera zooms to the face executed detailed showing how his eyes are exorbitant and a trickle of blood down his neck. Court and the image is in black. The message was clear.

The play was very well thought out by its author. "La Barbie" sent by mail to the recording American newspapers and was the "Dallas Morning News" who published a few months later censored. The news transpired to major Mexican news where the full and uncensored video was shown with horror.

was the first time a video of these features were shown in Mexico and thus began a new era for organized crime in the country: the narco-terrorists. Back

executions were "clean" the gunmen discreet, and respect for the family. Codes of violence that had prevailed for decades in the Mexican drug trade would have to be rewritten.
Now the executions would be more graphic, more robust and more media. And not enough to make clear a message to a rival, but also had to leave it clear to those who protected him and, above all, a society so that everyone knew the danger they were in command who defied in the square.

From simple coup de grace was passed to leave messages on cardboard on the corpses, videotaped executions, the detonation of grenades in public places, beheadings and even the purchase of organized crime made the most important newspapers country.

This escalation of violence has a name, name and aliases. And in every line that was exceeded, Edgar Valdez Villarreal included "La Barbie," a gunman who initially showed a great ability to use the media in disseminating their murders.

Valdez Villarreal had a special sharpness to give their performances of features that would be emphasized by the press to grab the covers. Exploiting the morbid curiosity that prevailed in the editorial criteria and thus, the media, his name was gaining strength in the world of crime.

The first time the nickname "Barbie" came to the media was the October 10, 2004 was shocking. That day, national newspapers like La Jornada and El Universal published the notice of the finding of 5 men executed in a house in Nuevo Laredo. Next to the corpses were two fluorescent green cards with messages written in marker. It was the first drug cards that had been recorded in Mexico.

"This message is for you and for you Chapo Guzman Arturo Beltran Leyva," said one. The second: "Send more idiots of these pa matártelos, queers Barby and Lucio The Sun."

Communication cartels had become public. The message was picked because the image of the bloodied bodies together with cards circulated by the press all over the country. Those executed in Nuevo Laredo were gunmen of the Sinaloa Cartel.

And in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Sinaloa Cartel sought to wrest the seat to the Gulf Cartel whose armed wing, the Zetas, was looking for blood and fire defend your possession. That battle would ultimately change many things in the level of violence in Mexico and to generate hatred whose bills continued to claim many years later.

cell of the Sinaloa Cartel gunmen fighting in Nuevo Laredo was coordinated by "La Barbie", who knew the terrain, a native of Laredo, Texas, and also had with the right profile of the assassin by the forcefulness of its operations and vicious attitude.

Hence his nickname appeared on that first card along with other Sinaloa cartel hit man, Lucio Manriquez Martinez, "The Sun" who was executed in September 2005.

messages followed, and "Barbie" ordered increasingly violent revenge against "Los Zetas" or those who protected them. In February 2005, were found in the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway, the bodies of two people executed. The bodies were accompanied by a card signed by Valdez Villarreal reading "Top Sinaloa, Czech Villarreal (King Kong), Edgar Valdez (Barby), Fer González (Sun), do not mess eyelets.

The war for Nuevo Laredo got worse and when "La Barbie" took control of the Sinaloa Cartel gunmen in 2005, the number of homicides in the city tripled. According to INEGI, in 2004 there were 50 homicides in the city, and in 2005 and with "Barbie" fully operational, the figure soared to 158. To these figures must be added a considerable amount of missing.

"La Barbie" received a critical blow when his brother and collaborator in his cell, Armando Valdez Villarreal, was built and executed on the orders of Miguel Trevino Morales, the "Z40", leader of the Zetas in Nuevo Laredo. This caused a deep hatred between the two gunmen and that's when "La Barbie" planned the video of the interrogation and execution of four Zetas in Acapulco, where he asked one of those taken captive that why his brother had built.

"La Barbie" also began to take action in Monterrey, where their path led to a considerable increase in violence, a situation that was unprecedented for the city Monterrey.

In Nuevo Laredo, on August 2, two people were found executed with a card with a message written in marker and misspellings saying "Click Barby and Arturo Beltran, or the Apollo Special Forces will support jente hinosente enter or killing." Another strong image that circulated for several newspapers.

Despite the brutality that "Barbie" and his minions erupted in Nuevo Laredo, could not stay with the square and, even worse, "Los Zetas" began to send commands to Acapulco Square "Cartel de Sinaloa" to try to seize the port. The four mushrooms that appear in the video of the interview were the first Tamaulipas detected and raised by the Port Valdez Villarreal Guerrero.

The video was recorded in May 2005 and thus "La Barbie" escalated their level of terror. However, not satisfied with that, Valdez Villarreal was the first to go beyond another line in the history of drug violence in Mexico.

On August 2, 2005, a cell of assassins "Cartel de Sinaloa" detonated two fragmentation grenades into a crowded palenque in Tonala, Jalisco.

It was the first known attack on the country where drug trafficking group detonated a grenade in a public place. Though there was no official confirmation, sources say that both "La Barbie" as Lucio Manriquez Martinez, "The Sun" were responsible the attack. In the arena

killed 4 people and there were at least 25 wounded. The aim of "Barbie" was to remove several members of the Valencia, members of the "Cartel of the Millennium" that were present at the scene.
The use of fragmentation grenades were still small. Had been used in some battles in Nuevo Laredo, but its use in public places was still unpublished and that day in Tonala, 2005 marks the beginning of the indiscriminate use of grenades in Mexico. Today, the explosion of these devices in public places is almost everyday situation in various regions of the country, Tamaulipas.

Around the same time, began intensive warfare "Cartel de Sinaloa" Acapulco to defend against the onslaught of the "Gulf Cartel." The brutality of the message sent by "La Barbie" via video, provoked the anger of Tamaulipas.

On 6 August in Acapulco, the "Gulf Cartel" sent a message through a bodyguard who released after an execution.

"He told me to tell them (the media) already here in Guerrero with 120 items of Tamaulipas Los Zetas, who receive greetings of Mr. Goyo Sauceda, Tamaulipas up!, Nothing more. Is all that I can comment, "reported hostage released.

war broke out between the 2 bands and Guerrero lived a climate of unprecedented violence. Hatred was born in Nuevo Laredo between the killers of "Barbie" and Miguel Treviño Tamaulipas "Z40" moved to a new war front with many outstanding vendettas. In Nuevo Laredo

violence had escalated to breaking unwritten codes in drug trafficking, to the detriment of rival families who had previously been considered untouchable. He had also escalated the level of rudeness in the messages with the cards and videos, but even more missing and would continue exceeding Acapulco lines.

While the video made by "La Barbie" was recorded in May 2005, until December of that year it circulates in the national media and without the initial censorship.
In 2006, as fighting in Guerrero, Valdez Villarreal would become again the pioneer of a scale of terror. He was the initiator in the beheadings of its rivals, giving their heads in public places accompanied by messages on cards.

On April 21, 2006 the national media reported the finding in Acapulco 2 human heads had been left on a fence wall for access to the offices of the Ministry of Finance, Government of Guerrero. Also

was left a red card with a message in black marker. The written sentence, would become the signature of "La Barbie" is repeated in many executions over the years. The phrase was clear and concise: "To learn to respect."

One of the heads belonged to Erik Juárez Martínez, a native of Nuevo Laredo, who was one of "Los Zetas" who fought in Acapulco. With the bodies, they also found a list with 23 names of policemen and civilians, with the caption: "These are as follows." Juárez Martínez's body had the mark of a Z in the back made by his executors.

was the first time it was used beheading gang of organized crime in Mexico and, like the cards and grenades, this practice would grow over the years.

On May 26, 2006, and a few weeks of the presidential election, Edgar Valdez Villarreal, "The Barbie" has given new management propaganda that characterized him in signing the publication of an ad to full page in the Journal was Millennium addressed to the Coparmex, the governor of Nuevo Leon, Natividad Gonzalez Paras, the then presidential candidates and the general public.

"It is the intention to clear my reputation, nor does it mean to excuse myself from responsibility that is for me (...) I'm just alerting (...) the great cancer that represent the Zetas, as any territory they tread, make it a death zone provided with the eagerness to attribute their actions, "he says.

"I call the new administration that is coming, and the man who was to deposit the confidence to lead it through the vote, have the courage to assert the rule of law, it must govern equally, an administration that contains decisive and firm action to end this great cancer of narco-kidnappers and murderers of women and children ", says in an ad published today in the newspaper Milenio.

also accuses the Office of Special Investigations on Organized Crime (SIEDO) of the PGR, and Nuevo Leon authorities of being complicit in "Los Zetas" and to allow free entry to the plaza. Under

firm Valdez Villarreal, left the Latin phrase: "The law is hard, but it's the law."

With samples of brutality that "Barbie" was deployed in Nuevo Laredo, Nuevo León and Acapulco, his name already appeared strongly in the public and began to be one of the most wanted criminals in the country, so the letter was intended to divert attention and distance himself from the wave of terror from which he had been a trigger.

Meanwhile, in Acapulco would continue beheadings. On June 29, 2006, in one of the steps of the Palacio Municipal de Acapulco, another human head was found. Beside it was an orange bag and a card with a message: "Lascano to follow me to send more of your jinxes assholes" and ends with the phrase a "Z".

The message was devoted to Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano "The Lazca" leader of "Los Zetas." Jinxes And those who were referred to the elements of Special Forces Airmobile Group of the Mexican Army, who had deserted from the military to join the "Gulf Cartel" and create "Los Zetas."
The head belonged to Hugo Carpio Herrera, who had indeed belonged to the jinxes the Mexican Army, where he had been discharged a year earlier to join " Los Zetas. "

For the dedication of the message is no doubt that the beheadings were ordered by" La Barbie. "

Two days later, they found two human heads on a wall of the Ministry of Finance of Guerrero in Acapulco, with a sign that read: "A message more dirty, to learn to respect. Z "

Again, the phrase became the signature of "Barbie"

Violence begets more violence and terror also ends up creating more terror. "Los Zetas" were quick to respond with the same brutality. On July 21, 2006, in five plastic bags, a man was found dismembered on a highway in Guerrero.

Inside one of the bags was a card with a message: "There's your people, but you protect the AFI, soldiers and other corporations follow you Edgar Valdez Villareal, Arturo Beltran Leyva and Rivera. You keep laughing, but I'm going to kill: Shadow. "In the back of the card was painted a Z.

Old debts of Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey between "Barbie" and "Los Zetas" were even charged.

Monterrey was found decapitated body of a man with two messages. The first said: "These are those who walk by the murders in Nuevo Laredo and Guadalajara's Square, under the leadership of Ephraim, 'El Beto' and 'Pipo'; are people Chapo." The second message said: "The matazones it will end when the government hold a" Barbie, "Arturo Beltran, and his great protected" Shorty. "

Within weeks, decapitated or dismembered bodies started appearing in various regions. Other criminal groups such as the emerging cartel "La Familia Michoacana" had taken the example of "Barbie" to intimidate their rivals. "The Family" would mandate dozens of beheadings in Michoacan, reaching the level of breaking into a nightclub in Uruapan and leave 5 human heads on the dance floor to the horror of those who had fun there.

In just 2 years, as "La Barbie" ascended the ladder of power, the level of drug violence has increased exponentially.

This phenomenon coincided with the success of social networking. Never before been easier to upload a video or photo and expose it to millions of eyes in the country. Immediately, the criminal groups used tools such as YouTube and blogs to send their messages of terror.

Both "La Barbie" as "Los Zetas" more videos posted on YouTube in which opponents were interrogated and beheaded on camera.

the end, the legacies of the criminal mind of Edgar Valdez Villarreal redefined the drug. "La Barbie" was first detonated grenades in public places and years after criminal groups would use grenades against civilians in the festivities of September 15. "La Barbie" was the first a video recording and dissemination of execution, and then, dozens of video performances from organized crime flourished in the network.

The price of human life in Mexico became cheaper than ever before. The cover of impunity would continue surpassing lines. In 2010 it began to use car bombs in Ciudad Juárez and in Tamaulipas, as well as high-profile murders of mayors and candidates for governorships.

is clear that for the last few years, live in the era of narco-terrorism in Mexico. Lived situations and countries like Colombia or Peru, where Peruvian President Belaunde Terry narco-terrorism defined as "the systematic use of threats and violent acts by drug traffickers and their terrorist associates any national or transnational, to influence government policies. "

But the concept of terrorism is something more basic. A terrorist act is any act or omission tending to make another human being feel scared or fear for their lives.
task in which Edgar Valdez Villarreal was a specialist and a pioneer. There is no doubt that "Barbie" is the father of narco-terrorism in Mexico.

Videos mentioned in the text (very strong picture. Watch them at your own risk.)
  • Recorded in May 2005 Four members of "Los Zetas" are interviewed by "La Barbie." Eventually one of them is executed in front of the camera.
  • Leyva Manuel Mendez, a worker at "La Barbie" is beheaded on camera.
  • Recorded in 2007, a member of "Los Zetas" is questioned and beheaded on camera. The video would have been carried out by "La Barbie"


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