Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Difference In Green And White Bars

The Silence in Matamoros: Tony Tormenta gags, even dead

Tony Tormenta gags, even dead.
Like El Cid, Tony Storm continues to win battles even after death. His last victory was repeated in the local press as a nameless Matamoros. The day after his death, local media reported no fall.

armed forces succeeded in killing Antonio Ezequiel Cardenas Guillen, better known as "Tony Tormenta" on 5 November in Matamoros. It is the most significant blow has been given to northeastern Mexico cartels since the capture in 2003 of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, the brother of Storm and then undisputed leader of the organization.

local Silence
In the local press there was no mention Matamoros down the bonnet. Tony Storm, the two words most used in national media, social networking, desktop and gossip in recent days, had no place in the Matamoros newspaper headlines the next morning.

In the clash also killed the reporter Carlos Guajardo Romero, killed in crossfire.

El Expreso he worked for Guajardo Romero, spent his first flat, as well as pages 2 and 3 to report the confrontation, establishing its editorial position and pay tribute to the fallen reporter. But the death of the boss, not a single word.

In his note on the reported fact that there were several clashes "between elements of the Navy of Mexico and the Mexican army armed people."
In his brief cites two more confrontations and blockades, but neither does a count or estimate of those killed in the events. Much less prepared in lowering Tony Tormenta. The closest he comes to be referring to the gunmen involved is when says "armed people."
devotes a full page tribute and biography of journalist Carlos Guajardo Romero dropped and closed and the subject of this tragic day in Matamoros.

Express newspaper coverage of the clashes in Matamoros

For its part, the newspaper El Bravo de Tamaulipas also based in Matamoros even report the confrontation. Upon entering their website you can read notes of all kinds and even accusations of abuse of the Navy, but the fighting or death of the boss, not a single word. As if nothing had happened.

The other major newspaper in the city and the region is Tomorrow, with editions in Matamoros, Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo. In its edition published Matamoros nor anything about the low cartel leader but the other two cities in its first flat header "Die Tony Tormenta," including the only known photograph of the capo. But, again, nothing in Matamoros.

last Friday ended the hegemony of the Cardenas Guillen in Matamoros, where for more than 10 years, had their feud. First was Osiel until his capture in 2003 and then Tony Tormenta, who turned his city into an impregnable stronghold for rival gangs.

Matamoros: The stronghold of the Cárdenas Guillén
Matamoros developed for the Gulf Cartel which is to Culiacan Sinaloa Cartel, a symbolic place, almost sacred, to be kept out of the hands of who are not there.

They did so through a total media control. Organized crime gangs categorically forbidden to mention their media organization, let alone name the leaders of the organization.

When a national magazine as a process brings a story on the cartel or any of its leaders as it has done lately, its circulation is sabotaged in the region. Readers have to resort to a pirated edition of the journal circulating on the Internet.

The media have been muzzled by organized crime are the ones who dictate what is published and what does not in the newspapers. Usually, the performances are flat out at accusations of alleged abuses by the military. Many reporters are even employed by criminals.

is notable as the coverage is clarified as soon as it crosses the border, on the American side, the Brownsville Herald newspaper that has been offered more details on the recent hunt Tony Tormenta.

The death toll
None of the local media referred to an estimate of people killed, but the Herald's source said the clashes have killed more than 45 people. Published the same day afternoon on its website a notice in English titled "Dozens killed in Matamoros, bridges closed."

It confirms two matches. The first began in the morning "with at least 30 people dead around noon", quoting an anonymous police source also reports that in the afternoon there was a second confrontation near the City Hall in the center of the city left "at least 17 more deaths."

And on Saturday in track information, the Herald published another note, "More dead in Tamaulipas," where even presented testimony that several civilians were in the street.

a video circulating on YouTube of an accident that occurred in the streets of Matamoros during the chase in a stunning black Suburban heavily tinted windows, apparently of assassins, collided with a dump truck making family.

The Herald presented the testimony of a citizen who says in the overturned truck was a family. "At least two gunmen came out (the suburban) and fired against the van (family) and the helicopter that was pursuing. The woman said she was also shot when he ran for cover, but not enough to be impacted, "says the Herald.

Other testimony presented by the same newspaper Texan talks about what was happening in the blockades.

"A man who was at the center reported seeing a group of armed men to take a public transport bus and ordered the driver to park blocking the street. As soon as the driver stopped the vehicle, managed to hear a single shot. When the gunman left, the witness saw more closely than the driver had been shot in the head. "

The Brownsville Herald published the much more credible and consistent with how hard they were fighting on Friday, where once again the Scorpions, personal bodyguard of Tony Storm, fought a fierce defense of her boss quartered in a local shopping mall Matamoros. After several hours of fighting, they fell one by one, the boss included. Finally, the Navy managed to take off his spine after several recent operations that were very close to capturing him.

However, even dead, Tony Storm gagged to the city. Like El Cid, continues to win battles.


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