Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Does A Baby Get A Twisted Bowel

displaced, forgotten by politicians

The displaced have been forgotten by politicians. Few, very few have been the officials who have come to stand up for citizens.

Felipe Calderón has not even broached the subject publicly. Eugenio Hernandez, governor of Tamaulipas, was limited to sending a representative to the hostel. Mayor Mier, Ivan Mancias said on national television that have been "isolated incidents."

Ciudad Mier The exodus has become a hot potato that any "public servant" of any of the 3 levels of government, wanted to load. Only one officer, Mayor Michael German, has been responsible for providing real support, sincere and honest to the displaced. Other precedence over the political cost of genuine solidarity.

The mayor of Ciudad Mier, José Iván Mancias, was one of the first to get out of town to go live in Roma, Texas when the violence began. Has been performing at the shelter with food, but this time his inauguration as mayor is merely ornamental. In an interview with the news of Joaquin Lopez Doriga on Monday played down the facts violence, arguing that "have been isolated incidents that have been overwhelmed."

The only politician who came out to stand up for refugees with a real support was Servando López Moreno, City Mayor Michael German. IDPs received Mier, they installed a hostel managed support in food, sought temporary employment programs and educational assistance to refugees. Became the real mayor of Ciudad Mier.

then the mayor of Mier and state officials wanted to hang the medal to be coordinating the management of the hostel in conjunction with the city of Miguel German. But it was through Servando Lopez who enabled the local DIF shelter.

Meanwhile the state government has been ineffective as ever on the subject. He hastened to implement its already iconic speech "nothing happens" in a campaign that seeks to return, either way, the displaced to their homes.

And in the first week of December, is expected to visit the Governor Eugenio Hernandez Miguel German to open the General Hospital. Do not want to have to deal with the inevitable visit to shelter refugees and bear the political cost involved.

Mier That has become the first people displaced by the violence of organized crime in the country warranted a more personal attention of the rulers.

warrants Eugenio Hernández girl come to the border to offer, personally, support the displaced. Not only their presence is needed flashy opening works, but it was just in these days when they really needed his presence this traumatized region of Tamaulipas. Sáenz was Florentino

Cobos, general secretary of government, which was presented last Saturday at the shelter. Was the slogan of demagoguery start to return refugees to their homes.

"From next week, people of Mier be given the guarantee of returning to their homes, thanks to the work be done in coordination with the Mexican Army, "Saenz said Cobos.

Just hours after the state official said, flatly contradicted by the facts, as the newspaper El Universal reported that at the entrance to Ciudad Mier, a military convoy was attacked by members of the Zetas, resulting in the death of 4 military elements. In addition, it handles report unofficially that 5 soldiers were allegedly caught in the attack.

That is, the conditions are not even in the border region girl to enable refugees to return home, as he insists the government of Tamaulipas. Notwithstanding

attack Army early Sunday, Public Security Secretary of Tamaulipas, Antonio Garza García, insisted Tuesday that the exodus of Mier is over and ensuring security of the displaced not only by state authorities but also by the Mexican Army.

Not only is safe to return, but the Army is getting hammered in the heart of territory controlled by the most violent criminal group in the country.

Not only did the exodus is over, says Garza Garcia, but that is accentuated in neighboring towns like New Ciudad Guerrero, Tamaulipas and General Treviño in Nuevo León.

At the federal level has not been a single statement to the theme of displacement in Ciudad Mier, by President Felipe Calderón.

Alejandro Poire, a spokesman for the Office of the President on security issues, merely passing address the issue by ensuring that federal authorities have been working closely with local ones, to restore security in the country.

And he reiterated that the violence in northern border due to the split between the Gulf Cartel and its former military wing, the Zetas, which is now fighting for control of routes and areas for the smuggling of drugs.

Nothing new. This break the Tamaulipas residents knew even before the government itself.

Finally, reviewing each other's statements, it becomes clear that anyone charged with the "hot potato." No one is responsible. Nobody wants to act like the man in charge of the situation.

And, simply, no one in charge. There is no state control at the border Mexican girl. Villages in the region as Mier, The War, New City or General Guerrero Treviño is wild country, insurgent.

region is a perfect definition of a failed state.


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