Wednesday, November 24, 2010

93 Mustang Subwoofer Box

"In Tamaulipas not have succumbed" Don Alejo Garza Tamez

letter written by an anonymous Tamaulipeco sent to national media and shared Collateral for publication

Dóriga Joaquín López, Carlos Loret de Mola, and Ciro Adela Micha Gómez Leyva: Succumbing

told you of Tamaulipas, and we have surrendered, or we have lost, and we all died.

Instead we are resisting, fighting with weapons Society: his job, his community work, talent and greatness of its people.

The next time you refer to Tamaulipas Please comment on the courage of those who went outside to meet the task before the risk of crossing in a shootout. Those who, in spite of the violence to which we are subject by the state and municipal authorities and crime, maintain the jobs. Please comment

field men who produce food for all Mexicans, ranches threatened by the violent invasion.

Please comment the precious spirit of our outstanding young people who go to school, and have been their networks of communication and commitment that we have informed, and warns of the dangers and events to the misinformation by television, radio and newspapers gagged. And they are also giving the country of his youth by not having available sites for recreation and development opportunities.

The next time they talk of Tamaulipas Please comment on the cultural community that has continued to provide events for the people, or to excel in production and national and international awards. Please comment

social clubs and the Red Cross are continuing their charitable activities.

Please comment on our elderly who bear the day with the rosary in their hands in a hazardous environment, exemplifying the values \u200b\u200band praying for Mexico, and protection for themselves, their children and grandchildren.

Please comment on the innocent dead, of which only account that we live here, before the enforced silence of his relatives and the complicit silence of both the state and municipal authorities and the media. Talk

the desktop to do in case of explosion of a grenade.

Sleep in the room of his house, where there is less risk of a bullet.

not rely on a patrol or in transit, or catch.

Receive daily news of a new risk.

Hop on your car, walk down the sidewalk, waiting for a taxi on the corner, exercise in a park, go to work, the movies, to church, to visit her parents, maybe someone will kidnap of two thousand dollars, or ten million.

challenge you to uphold the spirit and strength that the Tamaulipas face our duties every day, looking for community progress in an adverse environment, turbulent and risky.

The next time you talk to succumb to remember that when talking about you talk Tamaulipas Mexico. You are up on this colt.

Governor nor read, nor care. We read the people that we are in a critical process of finding solutions.

Stop saying bullshit.


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