Thursday, November 25, 2010

Water In Respirometer

Feelings of the Nation 2010: All are guilty.

A nearly 200 years after José María Morelos draft the "Sentiments of the Nation" a beautiful document that I first envisioned the construction of a country, city, ElCiudadano68, send this reflection Collateral Damage: The Feelings of the Nation 2010.

Politicians, in their pride stupidity, senders always see where the comments do not favor them. In its perpetual conquest of power are incapable of believing in people, not partisan inclinations, we can refute their petty and short ideas.

They, always hungry and unsatisfied ego trip, just looking off the speeches and the pavilion with applause. They use public resources for outstanding framed and welcomes the caravan of praise and thanks. Never see, much less feel that their public actions are included within its obligations to employees.

Demigods-for feeling self-from beginners to always know that his "actions" affect us all but their interests are often ahead of their businesses, just like that. The hypocrisy of some and the arrogance of others always makes us hostage to their perversions.

What fault is a citizen of this country, peasant life, and the workers of the workshop, guilt I have, indeed dealer for all human needs, except that of having secured a job in my country?

In my 42 years I lived the worst devaluation and crisis-free world, I have seen inflation galloping to 150% in one year. I was born when soldiers were sent to presidential orders to kill students, only to protest and without guns. I watched almost understand how a president cried, vowing to defend the peso like a dog, while leaving a country in ruins. And I watched it die a presidential candidate, citing all kinds of justice, except for having committed a crime of state and the state itself.

How sad give me all politicians.

How sad to see me die a candidate for Governor here in Tamaulipas. And to those who pray, worship, decorating attributes, dreams and ideals that he never imagined, much less felt. Cry out for justice those, they should exercise it. How sad, and what terrible perversion-is to see angry to the point of anger, begging leave them with their grief, as if it were a private matter, or ask not profiting from the figure of the deceased, as if someone more than they won with that profit. And then forget, forget, as if nothing had happened. And, following the customs of a governor ruled by his vice, nothing happens here. Although all but passed bribery and minimize the sycophants.

I thought, like so many, that with the fall of this man would change things. I thought, naively, that a murder of this size would unify reactions. I thought that this breed of pseudo human misrule and we both overwhelming, converge, and together defend his first term: security.

But again, it was not. His "first I, then the game "to beat them again.

I did not cry when he was killed. I had no reason to mourn a man who I had not said anything to me or my country Tamaulipas, but I did when I heard the terrible words the wife of the tricolor. With them he had heard it all because, with unusual anger, as if it were genuine pain, canceling out any negotiations with the federal government, knowing full well that we left an orphan to almost everyone. But the orphan suited the national party, the election of the following days. It is to those of 2012 if not before capsizing kills us.

not defending the actions against crime by the government federal, much less that these are correct or strategic. The destruction and death have large negative balances for all parties here and anywhere in the world. I do not defend the war against crime, since it would be defending the same crime at gun point, favors and bribes has managed to infiltrate and corrupt all municipal structures of this country. But if the federal government does wrong their actions, states seem determined that things go worse.

Where is the role and functions of the States in this issue of all? Where are the governors, those gentlemen who dictate when respect, sovereignty and adjust accounts, start to walk the structure throughout its territory, and the medieval style, annihilate opponents, opponents, critics "insulting prophets" and some other "evil-minded servant? Where is it? Where are they at the time of the shooting? What role

as comfortable playing in this problem of "everyone but them." His remarks, which come to power when it comes to war, are only accounting data, balances and cries, minimizing what happened, media buying and fleeing to the den, but not before checkout to collect salary, bonuses and commissions from third -after a while we go on this shit, which they created and tomorrow we leave ... MATAULIPAS.

And "curuleros" made by state legislators and not represent a people, what whistles play? than shouting like mad dogs that they find it when it affects your game, or their own interests.

What gives me courage and disappointment to see a Mexico diluted to almost nothing, where democracy has become an empire of feuds, endlessly hungry, feuds and feuds infinitely capricious damn perverse.

What politicians are terribly sick. Those of Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, the Veracruz, Michoacan, Jalisco's, those of all of Mexico's Puebla complete. The insecurity of our states is only the reflection of politicians we have, mayors, governors, legislators and officials of the security agencies of all levels who swear to be innocent, they vow to be threatened, but their greed is bigger than the fear of being killed WHY NOT WAIVE.

But if this be so, if they - the politicians all in this miserable country, only care about themselves and their wealthy families, to win elections as if it were business purchase, charge-taking difficult actions by incomplete these are-as having the right proposals and criticizing the plight of Mexico as if they were blameless.

If your unconsciousness and terrible Greed does not allow them to realize their duties and responsibilities, then so be it, but the pay balances them.

If they are unable to reach workable compromises that allow us to get out of this crisis that has persisted for decades and they did. If your political revenge, are above the safety of the people, since then, with all the ruthless and inhumane as this sounds, death is for them, maybe their sons or their lovers, for something it hurts.

What else could hurt them to perpetual power holders who have made Mexico a miserable nation tour in reverse in the competitive international puzzle, and we have made every Mexican FREE THIS FAULT at a crossroads with no answers or outputs. I REFUSE




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