Friday, November 26, 2010

Implantation Cramps At 5 Dpo

Tamaulipas Mexico: Failed State?

Recent reports from the international press about what happens in Tamaulipas have once again the debate "Failed state" on the table.

In recent days, the influential Wall Street Journal published a note on Tamaulipas titled "The State of Anarchy in Northern Mexico."

notes that "some parts of Mexico are so deeply caught in the violence that the government seems almost nonexistent. This is especially true in places like Ciudad Mier and northern Tamaulipas state."

describes the penetration of organized crime in society and government institutions, and although Mexico does not qualify as a country failed state, it does raise the term to the region of Tamaulipas and questioned officials about:

Despite these horrific achievements, Alejandro Poire, a spokesman for President Felipe Calderón on security issues, disputes the notion that Tamaulipas is falling into anarchy. "Tamaulipas is not a failed state," he says. "Organized crime has been fought with strength and determination." Tamaulipas says continues to provide public services, collecting taxes and organizing elections. Note that the violence is concentrated in eight of the 43 municipalities, and authorities have signed a number of successes against drug lords.
outgoing Gov. Eugenio Hernandez also said that the state's problems have been exaggerated. "We are far from being a failed state, "said Mr. Hernandez interviewed in the capital city Victoria." We are working. We order. There are some events bulky, but most people have no problems. "
Failed State features

But what is a failed state and the characteristics?

" Fund for Peace "is a nongovernmental organization whose mission is to work "to prevent war and alleviate the causes of conflict." Focuses on the problems of weak and failed states.

Based on 12 aspects, the NGO takes measurements to determine the "health "a State. The results of these measurements are published in the prestigious Foreign Policy magazine and become a reference on the subject.

The 12 indicators that determine whether a failed state is divided into three categories which are: social, economic and political.

Social Indicators

1. Demographic pressures, pressures arising shortages of food and other resources necessary for life in high-density populations. pressures affecting the freedom to participate in common forms of physical and human activity, including economic productivity, travel, social interaction and religious practices. Pressures arising from border disputes, ownership or occupation of land, access to transportation, control of religious or historical sites proximity to environmental hazards.

Tamaulipas For this first point is not so bad but if you have any symptoms, because the growing population declines over the roads to travel and meet in the evenings for games. Have failed to do previously routine activities, the risks of armed confrontation. This has affected economic activity. Not to a degree of extreme gravity, but noticeably .

2. Massive movement of refugees displaced or creating complex humanitarian emergencies: forced transfer of large communities as a result of random violence directed or repression, causing food shortages, disease, lack of clean water, land disputes or riots that can scale to humanitarian or security problems larger, the same within a country than others.

Tamaulipas has a huge number of people displaced by violence. Recently, the city of Mier suffered a mass exodus that virtually emptied the city seeking refuge in nearby Miguel German who struggled to provide basic needs for housing and education the displaced. Other towns such as New Town Guerrero, Camargo, The War and the same Michael German has been affected to varying degrees by the departure of its residents. Larger towns like Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros and Ciudad Victoria have also suffered from the exodus of people into Texas. The Chamber of Commerce in McAllen, Texas, estimated that in the first half of the year, 400 families had moved to Mexico City. And that's just the Valley area of \u200b\u200bTexas.

the situation of displacement by violence in Tamaulipas it can come to regard as serious. Not even to the extent of a severe humanitarian crisis, but the case of Ciudad Mier introduced it some serious symptoms that could be solved.

3. Concern by groups seeking revenge or group paranoia: Community groups concerned past or present injustices. Patterns of atrocities committed with impunity against community groups. Specific groups discrimination by state authorities, or by dominant groups, for purposes of persecution or repression.

in various cities in Tamaulipas are experiencing a state of paranoia and psychosis, which have become true and false rumors spread that generate the terror of the inhabitants. There have been incursions of either city poster dominated by the rival supporters to kill, burn houses and show their mutilated bodies in public places as a warning .

4. Chronic and sustained drain of human capital: "brain drain" of professionals, intellectuals and political dissidents fearing persecution or repression. voluntary migration of the middle class, particularly economically productive segments of the population, as entrepreneurs, businessmen and traders due to the downturn. Growth of communities in exile.

is noteworthy as it has been an exodus of Tamaulipas to the Texas area, not just the middle class, but upper-class cities such as McAllen, Laredo, Mission, Roma, Brownsville or San Antonio forming communities in exile. They are also increasingly young middle-class Mexicans who are enrolled in colleges and universities in Texas to settle in the United States and let Tamaulipas.

Economic Indicators

5. Inequitable economic development: real or perceived inequality between groups in education, employment and economic status. Impoverishment groups as measured by levels of poverty, infant mortality rates and educational levels. Increasing nationalism in the community based on real or perceived inequalities.

6. Pronounced and / or severe economic decline: progressive pattern of economic decline in society as measured by per capita income, GDP, debt, child mortality rates, poverty levels, business failures and other economic measures. Sudden drop in trade balance, foreign investment and debt repayment. Collapse or devaluation of the currency. Extreme social distress caused by economic austerity programs. Market Growth blacks as drug trafficking, smuggling and informality. Increased levels of corruption and illegal transactions in the general population. state failure to pay salaries of government employees and armed forces or to meet financial obligations to its citizens such as pensions.

Tamaulipas economic indicators are not yet alarming. Continue to show health, but is this line that reflected the longer it takes. Cities like Reynosa strong presence of maquiladoras has begun to suffer the impact of insecurity. The Economic Development Secretariat of the municipality said that at least a million people stopped to visit Reynosa, while the local CANIRAC estimates that sales fell by 30%. The Manufacturing Association of Maquiladoras of Reynosa and said that six companies have closed their doors.
Another alarming is the road line, where CAPUFE figures in the various regional roads reported a decline of between 20 and 30% of traffic compared to last year. These figures will soon be reflected in economic indicators of the state.

Political Indicators

7. Criminalization and loss of state legitimacy: Corruption mass or monetary benefit of the elites in power. Resistance of elites to transparency, accountability and political representation. Widespread loss of confidence in state institutions and processes such as elections boycotted or discussed, mass public demonstrations, civil disobedience sustained rise of armed insurgency. Growth of criminal groups linked to the ruling elites.

Tamaulipas increasingly feel less represented by their government has been ineffective in the violence this year in the state. It almost killed a few days virtual governor the election and the investigation has suggested improvements. His successor comes with a doubt about him in an election with a high level of abstention. The mayors and legislators are still making a living flashy and gone to live in luxurious neighborhoods in southern Texas .

There is a feeling of lack of state and municipal government in the ongoing violence.

8. Progressive deterioration of public services: Disappearance of basic state functions, including failure to protect citizens from terrorism and violence and providing essential services such as health, education and public transport. The state apparatus is narrowed to those agencies that serve the ruling classes as security forces, presidential staff, central bank, diplomatic service, customs and finance.

Organized crime has taken control of state and local police, leaving the population to drift. State and municipal governments have no control over their police. Transits deliver the money from fines and bribes to organized crime and not the council. Also, criminals take a percentage of customs import and share in esablecen business. The state's role in Tamaulipas is becoming increasingly narrow .

9. Suspension or arbitrary application of law and widespread violation of human rights: Emergence of an authoritarian, dictatorial or military in which constitutional and democratic institutions are suspended or manipulated. Emergence of politically inspired violence against innocent civilians. Increase the number of prisoners and political dissidents who are denied consistent with the standards processes and practices. widespread abuse of social, legal and political, including individuals, groups or cultural institutions (Eg, harassment of the press, politicization of the judiciary, internal use of the army for political ends, public repression of political opponents, religious or cultural persecution.)

In Tamaulipas has long been suspends individual rights. Organized crime gangs, with the help of local police, enact curfews or prohibition when it suits their interests and set up roadblocks to rob and strip roads. Harass and threaten journalists to publish what they want. The violation of human rights and individual rights is something everyday in the state.

10. The security apparatus operates as a "state within a state": Emergence of praetorian guards that operate with impunity. Emergence of private militias sponsored by the state to terrorize political opponents, potential enemies or civilians sympathetic to the opposition. Emergence of an army within the army that serves the interests of a dominant group. Emergence of rival militias, guerrillas, private armies or armed combat or violent campaigns against state security forces.

These cartels through his army of thugs have harassed local police forces that are aligned to the opposite side and also in fighting harassing military forces sent by the federal government.

11. Emergence of factions fragmentation of the ruling classes and state institutions in various groups.

This has not been reached up with gravity. The ruling classes of Tamaulipas have kept completely silent or have already left the state. For its part, the state government time and again minimizes the facts.

12. Intervention of other states or external political actors: military or paramilitary involvement in the internal affairs of the state by foreign armies, states, groups identity or entities that affect the internal balance of power or conflict resolution. donadoes intervention, especially if there is a tendency towards over-reliance on foreign aid or peacekeeping missions.

Although there is just an army or foreign group to intervene in the state, if a federal armed presence that does not leave the drug cartels to operate freely. Also other signs such as Sinaloa, Michoacan Family, the Millennium and the Beltran Leyva have allied with drug cartels affecting the balance of power to regional crime and aggravated conditions in the territory.

Tamaulipas state alarming symptoms

failed Status symptoms in almost all 12 indicators for Peace Fund looks to diagnose a failed state. In a severe degree in others less so, but it certainly has been a deterioration in control of the state in its territory.

Mexico is tagged with alert Fund for Peace, that is, which is near the border to become a failed state. It puts the level of Central American countries like Honduras and El Salvador or African countries like Senegal and Namibia.

And certainly, Tamaulipas is one of the institutions where less control of its territory has the government. We do not live even in conditions in Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan, of course, but we have now passed the border of the bankruptcy of the state in a progressive deterioration that could dangerously widen even further.

is a term that is scary. Which, as we read in the Wall Street Journal, Mexican politicians circumvented. But Tamaulipas, it is a failed state.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Water In Respirometer

Feelings of the Nation 2010: All are guilty.

A nearly 200 years after José María Morelos draft the "Sentiments of the Nation" a beautiful document that I first envisioned the construction of a country, city, ElCiudadano68, send this reflection Collateral Damage: The Feelings of the Nation 2010.

Politicians, in their pride stupidity, senders always see where the comments do not favor them. In its perpetual conquest of power are incapable of believing in people, not partisan inclinations, we can refute their petty and short ideas.

They, always hungry and unsatisfied ego trip, just looking off the speeches and the pavilion with applause. They use public resources for outstanding framed and welcomes the caravan of praise and thanks. Never see, much less feel that their public actions are included within its obligations to employees.

Demigods-for feeling self-from beginners to always know that his "actions" affect us all but their interests are often ahead of their businesses, just like that. The hypocrisy of some and the arrogance of others always makes us hostage to their perversions.

What fault is a citizen of this country, peasant life, and the workers of the workshop, guilt I have, indeed dealer for all human needs, except that of having secured a job in my country?

In my 42 years I lived the worst devaluation and crisis-free world, I have seen inflation galloping to 150% in one year. I was born when soldiers were sent to presidential orders to kill students, only to protest and without guns. I watched almost understand how a president cried, vowing to defend the peso like a dog, while leaving a country in ruins. And I watched it die a presidential candidate, citing all kinds of justice, except for having committed a crime of state and the state itself.

How sad give me all politicians.

How sad to see me die a candidate for Governor here in Tamaulipas. And to those who pray, worship, decorating attributes, dreams and ideals that he never imagined, much less felt. Cry out for justice those, they should exercise it. How sad, and what terrible perversion-is to see angry to the point of anger, begging leave them with their grief, as if it were a private matter, or ask not profiting from the figure of the deceased, as if someone more than they won with that profit. And then forget, forget, as if nothing had happened. And, following the customs of a governor ruled by his vice, nothing happens here. Although all but passed bribery and minimize the sycophants.

I thought, like so many, that with the fall of this man would change things. I thought, naively, that a murder of this size would unify reactions. I thought that this breed of pseudo human misrule and we both overwhelming, converge, and together defend his first term: security.

But again, it was not. His "first I, then the game "to beat them again.

I did not cry when he was killed. I had no reason to mourn a man who I had not said anything to me or my country Tamaulipas, but I did when I heard the terrible words the wife of the tricolor. With them he had heard it all because, with unusual anger, as if it were genuine pain, canceling out any negotiations with the federal government, knowing full well that we left an orphan to almost everyone. But the orphan suited the national party, the election of the following days. It is to those of 2012 if not before capsizing kills us.

not defending the actions against crime by the government federal, much less that these are correct or strategic. The destruction and death have large negative balances for all parties here and anywhere in the world. I do not defend the war against crime, since it would be defending the same crime at gun point, favors and bribes has managed to infiltrate and corrupt all municipal structures of this country. But if the federal government does wrong their actions, states seem determined that things go worse.

Where is the role and functions of the States in this issue of all? Where are the governors, those gentlemen who dictate when respect, sovereignty and adjust accounts, start to walk the structure throughout its territory, and the medieval style, annihilate opponents, opponents, critics "insulting prophets" and some other "evil-minded servant? Where is it? Where are they at the time of the shooting? What role

as comfortable playing in this problem of "everyone but them." His remarks, which come to power when it comes to war, are only accounting data, balances and cries, minimizing what happened, media buying and fleeing to the den, but not before checkout to collect salary, bonuses and commissions from third -after a while we go on this shit, which they created and tomorrow we leave ... MATAULIPAS.

And "curuleros" made by state legislators and not represent a people, what whistles play? than shouting like mad dogs that they find it when it affects your game, or their own interests.

What gives me courage and disappointment to see a Mexico diluted to almost nothing, where democracy has become an empire of feuds, endlessly hungry, feuds and feuds infinitely capricious damn perverse.

What politicians are terribly sick. Those of Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, the Veracruz, Michoacan, Jalisco's, those of all of Mexico's Puebla complete. The insecurity of our states is only the reflection of politicians we have, mayors, governors, legislators and officials of the security agencies of all levels who swear to be innocent, they vow to be threatened, but their greed is bigger than the fear of being killed WHY NOT WAIVE.

But if this be so, if they - the politicians all in this miserable country, only care about themselves and their wealthy families, to win elections as if it were business purchase, charge-taking difficult actions by incomplete these are-as having the right proposals and criticizing the plight of Mexico as if they were blameless.

If your unconsciousness and terrible Greed does not allow them to realize their duties and responsibilities, then so be it, but the pay balances them.

If they are unable to reach workable compromises that allow us to get out of this crisis that has persisted for decades and they did. If your political revenge, are above the safety of the people, since then, with all the ruthless and inhumane as this sounds, death is for them, maybe their sons or their lovers, for something it hurts.

What else could hurt them to perpetual power holders who have made Mexico a miserable nation tour in reverse in the competitive international puzzle, and we have made every Mexican FREE THIS FAULT at a crossroads with no answers or outputs. I REFUSE



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

93 Mustang Subwoofer Box

"In Tamaulipas not have succumbed" Don Alejo Garza Tamez

letter written by an anonymous Tamaulipeco sent to national media and shared Collateral for publication

Dóriga Joaquín López, Carlos Loret de Mola, and Ciro Adela Micha Gómez Leyva: Succumbing

told you of Tamaulipas, and we have surrendered, or we have lost, and we all died.

Instead we are resisting, fighting with weapons Society: his job, his community work, talent and greatness of its people.

The next time you refer to Tamaulipas Please comment on the courage of those who went outside to meet the task before the risk of crossing in a shootout. Those who, in spite of the violence to which we are subject by the state and municipal authorities and crime, maintain the jobs. Please comment

field men who produce food for all Mexicans, ranches threatened by the violent invasion.

Please comment the precious spirit of our outstanding young people who go to school, and have been their networks of communication and commitment that we have informed, and warns of the dangers and events to the misinformation by television, radio and newspapers gagged. And they are also giving the country of his youth by not having available sites for recreation and development opportunities.

The next time they talk of Tamaulipas Please comment on the cultural community that has continued to provide events for the people, or to excel in production and national and international awards. Please comment

social clubs and the Red Cross are continuing their charitable activities.

Please comment on our elderly who bear the day with the rosary in their hands in a hazardous environment, exemplifying the values \u200b\u200band praying for Mexico, and protection for themselves, their children and grandchildren.

Please comment on the innocent dead, of which only account that we live here, before the enforced silence of his relatives and the complicit silence of both the state and municipal authorities and the media. Talk

the desktop to do in case of explosion of a grenade.

Sleep in the room of his house, where there is less risk of a bullet.

not rely on a patrol or in transit, or catch.

Receive daily news of a new risk.

Hop on your car, walk down the sidewalk, waiting for a taxi on the corner, exercise in a park, go to work, the movies, to church, to visit her parents, maybe someone will kidnap of two thousand dollars, or ten million.

challenge you to uphold the spirit and strength that the Tamaulipas face our duties every day, looking for community progress in an adverse environment, turbulent and risky.

The next time you talk to succumb to remember that when talking about you talk Tamaulipas Mexico. You are up on this colt.

Governor nor read, nor care. We read the people that we are in a critical process of finding solutions.

Stop saying bullshit.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Def Jam South Internships

: An appeal to the resistance

The story of Don Alejandro Garza Tamez, 77 year old man who defended the spoil sacrificing his own life, has touched the heartstrings of a corporation injured by organized crime that begins to contemplate the possibility of civil resistance.

With the threat of being stripped of his ranch prepared to defend their property entrenching their sporting rifles. Before the arrival of the criminals opened fire killing 4 and wounding two more, before falling dead.

The criminals had to return empty handed, unable to take the property. Even dead, Don Alejo triumphed. Did what many thought and that few had dared to say or do: take up arms and return fire.

But what made this brave man is not new. Civil society in that territory in war has sought their own ways of resisting the ravages of organized crime to the ineptitude cynical politicians who have proven, quite simply, joint managers.

Given the silence of Tamaulipas politicians more concerned with the political image than the welfare of their own citizens, society was organized to build an efficient system of monitoring and reporting via Twitter.

And it was in that same place where Don Alejo twitterer Garza Tamez has been one of the most contentious issues since the news broke. He has been hailed as a hero. The bullets fired Don Alejo were signed by hundreds of thousands of people, citizens of this country to war, who have been wronged by organized crime, who have suffered the theft, kidnapping, extortion, threat.

These bullets were signed by all those honest citizens who overnight lost a lifetime of work and effort, just because it came a horde of armed idiots steal the fruits of their labor.

Don Alejo knew it was going to die and did not care. He knew his actions that night were going to leave a message. Would be a declaration of dignity. Like him, there are other people who prefer to give their lives rather than give more power to criminals.

So Peter told us about another victim of theft in Reynosa who, in the few assets that were less valuable it is, perhaps, his own life.'s Not afraid to lose.

"And now, what do?" Peter accepted. "I left almost in ruins, but fuck your mother. Me and will not get anything. "He opened his palm

of his hand and showed me a pill.

"I bring with me all the time. The day I want to take it up me and goodbye. A bitch. Better dead than keeping those bastards. "

Don Alejo's story is also launching a reality check to those who, from the center of the country, has limited the debate on human rights, legitimacy of presidents, nests and recite numbers and more numbers . These ideologues, "opinólogos" desktop have not been able to focus their vision on what matters most: the victims of organized crime.

Indeed, there is an enemy, there is a criminal side. And there are also victims, hundreds of thousands. No is an invention, or a smokescreen. There are criminal groups that are undermining the fundamental rights of citizens. They, the criminals have been the first to suspend the guarantees in this area.

us not lose. The enemy is organized crime. Felipe Calderón may be inept, but no less real enemy and, indeed, existed before Calderon took office.

Here in Tamaulipas, where I write, organized crime gangs have violated individual rights and "no" fundamental rights of those who live here.

Ask the citizens of Nuevo Laredo between 2003 and 2005 experienced a of the most violent wars in living memory when the Sinaloa Cartel attempted to wrest the seat to the Gulf Cartel and triggered a series of grudges and vendettas that have brought us to today's crisis. That's where he started this war.

Don Alejo's sacrifice shaken by the lapels throughout the country, especially to all those debaters desktop provided ideological make a profit for their candidate have minimized what happens here.

Don Alejo's sacrifice exhorts us, heartbreakingly, to action. The careful arrangement of the weapons at each window of his estate, was not designed only for a proper defense, but to a powerful message that should be captured by someone.

That night, as Don Alejo fired, he was communicating with us.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Purple Haze Tech Deck

Armsman Being: Another seed of violence

ever read the comments of a man who was arrested for bringing a gun Ak-47 or goat horn on his truck. He said that did not work with the crime but has always been "a man of arms."

It appeared that, indeed, had no connection with the crime but can be a warrior?

What does being a "warrior"?

How do you justify a man bring a "goat horn" in his truck? If it was for hunting, do not need a goat horn to hunt deer. If it was for self-defense is illegal to use a rifle for that purpose.

In the country there are people that do not belong to the crime, they consider themselves "men of arms." It is part of the culture that abounds brave in certain regions.

ends up being a factor that is easily cyst in a strong and macho society, where he handled with an automatic rifle familiarity becomes a brave and energetic in the perception of their social group.

"A man of arms" brags to teach shooting their children early, and both men and women. And as proof, YouTube videos abound of youngsters who, in a seemingly ham, proudly driven "goat horn" on the air until all the magazine.

One of the regions where culture abounds to such weapons is in Sinaloa, where he teaches to shoot automatic weapons at a young age, not only in the mountains, but also in large cities like Culiacan, Mazatlan and Los Mochis. There is abundant this energetic man archetype in the regional culture.

There is another video on YouTube where it is clear that high-powered guns have become an inevitable component in "uses and customs" of certain social groups related to this archetype brave.

In the picture, a couple of grandparents celebrating a wedding anniversary. Go walking around town in a procession that is accompanied by a relentless drum and is followed by family, friends, neighbors and children. At the rate we are leaving familiar with congratulations.

But what is striking is how along the entire route, neighbors operated machine guns to clear the air in celebration. The bursts of dozens of automatic rifles of various calibres, as well as guns, you hear the passage of the procession. And who parade not flinch. They simply turn smiling. Well accustomed to the sound Weapons do not make or blinking. They are part of the protocol.

The video can also be seen as one of the companions is emboldened and belt out a square and shoot into the air to empty the magazine.

should not be surprising that the video was recorded in Badiraguato, Sinaloa, a village on top of the mountain which is famous for having given birth to several major drug lords in the country's history.

In Badiraguato born Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman, the Beltran Leyva brothers, Juan Jose Esparragoza "El Azul", Rafael Caro Quintero and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo. A few miles away at the Alamo, was born on Mayo Zambada. And beyond in Guamuchilito, born the Carrillo Fuentes.

who was born in the mountains of Sinaloa boasts of being enthroned, bravo. It boasts always fight "breast to breast." These are the virtues that become an archetype, an ideal profile in certain social groups from Sinaloa.

But then forms a thin line between who is just a "military man" and who begins to use these weapons as a way of life. So thin is that line has been crossed often. The mountains of Sinaloa is a clear example.

The cultural aspect should not be forgotten when it comes to combat violence, because there is a seed, a foundational aspect of many of the things that we now suffer.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Does A Baby Get A Twisted Bowel

displaced, forgotten by politicians

The displaced have been forgotten by politicians. Few, very few have been the officials who have come to stand up for citizens.

Felipe Calderón has not even broached the subject publicly. Eugenio Hernandez, governor of Tamaulipas, was limited to sending a representative to the hostel. Mayor Mier, Ivan Mancias said on national television that have been "isolated incidents."

Ciudad Mier The exodus has become a hot potato that any "public servant" of any of the 3 levels of government, wanted to load. Only one officer, Mayor Michael German, has been responsible for providing real support, sincere and honest to the displaced. Other precedence over the political cost of genuine solidarity.

The mayor of Ciudad Mier, José Iván Mancias, was one of the first to get out of town to go live in Roma, Texas when the violence began. Has been performing at the shelter with food, but this time his inauguration as mayor is merely ornamental. In an interview with the news of Joaquin Lopez Doriga on Monday played down the facts violence, arguing that "have been isolated incidents that have been overwhelmed."

The only politician who came out to stand up for refugees with a real support was Servando López Moreno, City Mayor Michael German. IDPs received Mier, they installed a hostel managed support in food, sought temporary employment programs and educational assistance to refugees. Became the real mayor of Ciudad Mier.

then the mayor of Mier and state officials wanted to hang the medal to be coordinating the management of the hostel in conjunction with the city of Miguel German. But it was through Servando Lopez who enabled the local DIF shelter.

Meanwhile the state government has been ineffective as ever on the subject. He hastened to implement its already iconic speech "nothing happens" in a campaign that seeks to return, either way, the displaced to their homes.

And in the first week of December, is expected to visit the Governor Eugenio Hernandez Miguel German to open the General Hospital. Do not want to have to deal with the inevitable visit to shelter refugees and bear the political cost involved.

Mier That has become the first people displaced by the violence of organized crime in the country warranted a more personal attention of the rulers.

warrants Eugenio Hernández girl come to the border to offer, personally, support the displaced. Not only their presence is needed flashy opening works, but it was just in these days when they really needed his presence this traumatized region of Tamaulipas. Sáenz was Florentino

Cobos, general secretary of government, which was presented last Saturday at the shelter. Was the slogan of demagoguery start to return refugees to their homes.

"From next week, people of Mier be given the guarantee of returning to their homes, thanks to the work be done in coordination with the Mexican Army, "Saenz said Cobos.

Just hours after the state official said, flatly contradicted by the facts, as the newspaper El Universal reported that at the entrance to Ciudad Mier, a military convoy was attacked by members of the Zetas, resulting in the death of 4 military elements. In addition, it handles report unofficially that 5 soldiers were allegedly caught in the attack.

That is, the conditions are not even in the border region girl to enable refugees to return home, as he insists the government of Tamaulipas. Notwithstanding

attack Army early Sunday, Public Security Secretary of Tamaulipas, Antonio Garza García, insisted Tuesday that the exodus of Mier is over and ensuring security of the displaced not only by state authorities but also by the Mexican Army.

Not only is safe to return, but the Army is getting hammered in the heart of territory controlled by the most violent criminal group in the country.

Not only did the exodus is over, says Garza Garcia, but that is accentuated in neighboring towns like New Ciudad Guerrero, Tamaulipas and General Treviño in Nuevo León.

At the federal level has not been a single statement to the theme of displacement in Ciudad Mier, by President Felipe Calderón.

Alejandro Poire, a spokesman for the Office of the President on security issues, merely passing address the issue by ensuring that federal authorities have been working closely with local ones, to restore security in the country.

And he reiterated that the violence in northern border due to the split between the Gulf Cartel and its former military wing, the Zetas, which is now fighting for control of routes and areas for the smuggling of drugs.

Nothing new. This break the Tamaulipas residents knew even before the government itself.

Finally, reviewing each other's statements, it becomes clear that anyone charged with the "hot potato." No one is responsible. Nobody wants to act like the man in charge of the situation.

And, simply, no one in charge. There is no state control at the border Mexican girl. Villages in the region as Mier, The War, New City or General Guerrero Treviño is wild country, insurgent.

region is a perfect definition of a failed state.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Prostate Infections

Day of the Dead in Ciudad Guerrero: The second exodus in Ciudad Mier Tamaulipas

Just a few miles west of the desert and is New Mier Ciudad Guerrero, Tamaulipas. Is another population that has remained outside the organized crime violence and also live their own exodus.

The picture in Guerrero is not very different from Wed. Both fields are converted to war with burning houses, fighting everyday, armed civilians and even military Apocrypha.

talked with Michael, a descendant of a family of Guerrero and spent much of his childhood in the village. Several years ago he went to America, but every November 2 go religiously to the pantheon of the municipality to enter and leave flowers to their dead ancestors.

"We have many people in the cemetery," he says. "And despite the uncertainty, we retain the customs and traditions going to leave flowers."

This nostalgic Guerrero offers testimony anonymously, so simply call Miguel. For him, Guerrero again for the first time since the outbreak of the Gulf War and Zeta has been painful. He found nothing of what both enjoyed as a child.

The first surprise on entering the village was to see the large number of houses burned.

"ladies were home!" Exclaims Michael. "A 'casononas' and now they are burned. If I say 50 I saw houses burned (in town) will make me slim. "

And in Guerrero has always operated the drug trade, says Michael, but" did not get into you. "

were members of a local family that used to operate the movement of drugs but with the outbreak of war between cartels this year, they began to kill and burn their houses.

"Here in Guerrero who started it all were members of one family," explains Miguel. "With these shootings started and burned houses. But what helped them? A few already killed them. Those who remained alive, they are gone. And besides, I have been burning their property. "

In short, the cartels have imposed their level of violence in the area that is usually referred to as territory of the Zetas and the Gulf cartel raids trying to destabilize it for months, but could not gain control the square.

Upon arrival to the cemetery waiting for more surprises. He was surrounded by more than 10 army trucks and a number of troops stationed there. However, the military were false or "cloned" as they have been given to call.

"It was very obvious," stresses Michael. "When you see soldiers running shoes I wear when running? Although we are at 40 degrees Celsius bring his uniform and military boots. Do not you see that walk-shirt or sandals. "

were about 10 military trucks circling the block from the pantheon igualitas the soldiers," according to Miguel, but did not bring the code number on the doors as required by law to carry military units.

And this is not strange or new. On September 3, members of the Army gunmen shot dead on a ranch 27 near Ciudad Mier. In the place were two trucks, "cloned" Army with false plates. In late July, in the same town had been seized two others with the same characteristics. "clone" vehicles and military uniforms is a common practice in the region by criminal organizations.

Upon arrival to the cemetery, the thing was not like other years.

"There were few people," says Miguel. "In previous years, the custom was to stay and chat with acquaintances. But people like me who felt tense atmosphere, merely doing his thing and leave."

or graveyards are now free territory. In Ciudad Guerrero when there is a death the emissaries of the criminals make an appearance on the site.

"I have to say who will attend the cemetery," said Miguel. "You have to give the number of license plates and list of persons from outside. If you miss one, do not let him enter. They have control in the pantheon. "

addition, the funeral of the town was burned.

No wonder then that the people of Guerrero, like that of Mier, have decided to leave their land and go somewhere else. The Warrior is an exodus that has garnered national media as if they did the moving pictures recent Mier, but the situation is less severe.

On his return to Guerrero, Miguel and did not see many faces for years and years was in the village.

"Almost no one lives there," he explains. "Most went to Zapata, Laredo in Texas or Rome. Families hence, the center of Guerrero, are already scarce. "

Miguel has no qualms in acknowledging that long since Guerrero is ghost town. The school schedules are irregular because they must be stopped when flare up raids rival cartel and multiply the fighting.

"The last school year completed it after Easter. We only offer ballots collected at the end. Kindergarten, primary and secondary students have almost no because they had school age were taken to the other (American). Most houses are single. "

Guerrero Ironically today is a ghost town because just the greatest tourist attraction are the ruins of Guerrero Viejo, the original settlement of the town, located several miles from where the village is located today.

Guerrero The original settlement was founded in 1750 under the name of Revilla but almost 200 years later, in 1953, its inhabitants were switched to another settlement which is where today stands the New Town Guerrero. This was due to the construction of Falcon Dam and the original settlement was prone to flooding by the waters of the dam, so they abandoned their homes and moved to the new city. That was the first exodus.

Guerrero Viejo was alive for 200 years then became a ghost town. Their houses wasted away by the waters of the dam, and in ruins, were an ecotourism destination for both hikers and for practitioners of the thriving fishing in its waters.

But all this ended with the arrival of organized crime to haunt the place.

"In the ruins of the Old Warrior and only lived a family of fishermen who were of succession," explains Michael. "But they ran when they got 'them' (criminals) to dig." He

destination was already in the hands of the criminal organization still controls the town. Even Michael says that many people in the village has learned that the ruins of Guerrero Old is already a camp where they train assassins and stored weapons.

For this reason, the passage of the inhabitants of Nuevo Guerrero, tourists and fishermen have been prohibited. The huge dam is binational Falcon, ie, which marks the border between Mexico and the United States as its importance as a road map on the transfer of the drug is evident. So drug dealers jealously guard its waters.

lapidary Proof of this was the murder of American David Michael Hartley, who with his wife Tiffany enjoyed jet skiing on the Falcon Dam and had the unfortunate idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see the ruins of Guerrero Viejo.

Their bikes were intercepted and in Mexican waters by the guards of the cartel and Michael was killed. His body was never recovered and his wife let her go.

This caused a lot of attention from major news networks in the United States who, naively, suggested that the wife was lying and that something had to do with the disappearance of her husband.

The U.S. government pressed diplomatically to submit progress since the Mexican researchers are wary of entering such designs that they knew prohibited.

"We can not go without the support of the Army or the Navy," said the Texas newspaper The Monitor, Rolando Villegas Flores Mexican researcher charge of the case. "We can be ambushed there."

Given the diplomatic crisis continued research. And what was so feared, happened. Eight days after the above declaration Villegas Flores, his severed head was left in a bag outside a Mexican Army garrison.

That was enough. The case has not made any progress since then. Doubts about the wife of David Hartley dissipated and there was no question about who the authors. The media ended up dropping the case forgotten. Guerrero

So today, the new and old, because the old each time becoming closer to the new. And the two ghost towns.

This picturesque destination that came to receive the visit of then U.S. president, Dwight Eisenhower or Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, is now a forgotten people in the temperamental girl Tamaulipas border.

a town totally outside the control of the Mexican state, where even the Mexican Army runs a high risk to attempt a raid.

And for Michael and very little remains of that Guerrero where he grew up. Since tourism is not, nor peace, nor small-town faces.

For him, now more than ever was Day of the Dead in New Town Guerrero.

Program Meridiano X made in Guerrero Viejo and Nuevo several years ago when you could still touring and invite passersby to do so. Today unthinkable.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Toll George Washington Bridge

: Exodus, displaced and war ashes

Whoever does not believe that this is a war really should shop around Mier, Tamaulipas, in those days. There will be doubts. The called "Athens of Tamaulipas" has become a ghost town. Its inhabitants have begun an exodus with what little they have left.

The beautiful architecture of the nineteenth century town that quietly tells the story of Tamaulipas, is now eaten away by bullets. Obelisks, houses and squares in which it is not uncommon to find traces of shrapnel.
And it became the epicenter in the fratricidal dispute over the territory held Zetas Gulf Cartel and the so-called frontier girl, temperamental region from Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo has been fighting street by street. The Gulf have been recovered Miguel German city and in recent months have focused their struggle Mier and Guerrero, the Zetas strongholds defended by blood and fire. Is the prelude to Nuevo Laredo, the crown jewel among the country's international crossings. Thus

Mier, magical people, old, nostalgic, humble working people, has become the prey of organized crime gangs that move billions of dollars in business.

why in the streets of Mier are ashes. Remnants of past battles. Charred remains of late model trucks that are already part of the landscape. In a battle were hit by grenades, fire, and left to roast. No one bothered to remove or clean. Here are staying. As gravel. Disposable like everything in the war.

Ashes of houses, bills that are charged to the Chinese. Where paper is invalid. If you owe, pay it. The inhabitants of Mier say a lot of houses were burned by the mere suspicion that some of the people working with one of the sides.

The townsfolk have had enough and decided to leave the city. They know when they will return, if they do one day. Have decided to take everything they have or, rather, how little they have left.

"Today I saw on the road more than 12 trucks loaded with furniture," says a native of Mier. "One store they had the dealer Bimbo today. "

People have closed their businesses to leave. Only a handful of residents remain on their properties.

The Army has supported in providing security to the inhabitants Mier returning to finish the move and go somewhere else . A fresh start. A where they have a family or flat, where he can.

In the nearby German town of Miguel has enabled a shelter that have already reached 300 inhabitants of Mier. Other towns such as Camargo have begun to send food.

"We are operating the shelter in the same way that the Army taught us during Hurricane Alex," he told the Texas newspaper The Monitor Mayor Michael German, Servando López Moreno. "We are supporting and helping these people here. Huyen of things we can not fix."

program seems to escape an impending natural disaster. But this meteor is otherwise. It is man's natural disaster. Hurricane is called revenge for which today live their day to day many people in the region to serve the cartels. Wake up with the sole purpose of killing of the rival.

This happened last Monday, when he saw the dawn Mier between the sound of intense shelling. The fight began in Mier and ended in the nearby town of The War.

A series of videos, of almost half an hour, were uploaded to YouTube with the sound of fighting. Dozens of different caliber weapons, grenades, and continuous bursts until all the magazine. Leave no doubt. And do not even flinch before the roosters the deafening clatter of weapons. Heard singing in the video with the same vigor as ever.

environment is perceived in the sense that the situation will not end soon Mier. In "The Chilito" , news portal on the frontier girl, but report the search for ways that the exiles could find work at Michael German and displaced children can resume their school program taught by the same teachers have also left the village. Mier

screams for attention from his exile, like many small towns and cities of Tamaulipas in similar situations. Guerrero, San Fernando, Mante, Camargo, Valle Hermoso, and many others live their scourge gagged. The press does not report state and its citizens' voices are not always able to resonate in social networks.

In Mier are evidence of what a war, if a skeptic wants to go.

Ciudad Miguel German hostel where the displaced from Ciudad Mier

Ciudad Mier It looks today. The Army in providing security to support the evacuation.

pictures what is these days Ciudad Mier. We have taken pictures of a city on the city blog ( ) We invite you to visit. Will not only images of the devastation and the stories of what has changed in the city. But also images of historical and architectural wealth has Mier. It's a blog totally touching. Visítenlo.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Difference In Green And White Bars

The Silence in Matamoros: Tony Tormenta gags, even dead

Tony Tormenta gags, even dead.
Like El Cid, Tony Storm continues to win battles even after death. His last victory was repeated in the local press as a nameless Matamoros. The day after his death, local media reported no fall.

armed forces succeeded in killing Antonio Ezequiel Cardenas Guillen, better known as "Tony Tormenta" on 5 November in Matamoros. It is the most significant blow has been given to northeastern Mexico cartels since the capture in 2003 of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, the brother of Storm and then undisputed leader of the organization.

local Silence
In the local press there was no mention Matamoros down the bonnet. Tony Storm, the two words most used in national media, social networking, desktop and gossip in recent days, had no place in the Matamoros newspaper headlines the next morning.

In the clash also killed the reporter Carlos Guajardo Romero, killed in crossfire.

El Expreso he worked for Guajardo Romero, spent his first flat, as well as pages 2 and 3 to report the confrontation, establishing its editorial position and pay tribute to the fallen reporter. But the death of the boss, not a single word.

In his note on the reported fact that there were several clashes "between elements of the Navy of Mexico and the Mexican army armed people."
In his brief cites two more confrontations and blockades, but neither does a count or estimate of those killed in the events. Much less prepared in lowering Tony Tormenta. The closest he comes to be referring to the gunmen involved is when says "armed people."
devotes a full page tribute and biography of journalist Carlos Guajardo Romero dropped and closed and the subject of this tragic day in Matamoros.

Express newspaper coverage of the clashes in Matamoros

For its part, the newspaper El Bravo de Tamaulipas also based in Matamoros even report the confrontation. Upon entering their website you can read notes of all kinds and even accusations of abuse of the Navy, but the fighting or death of the boss, not a single word. As if nothing had happened.

The other major newspaper in the city and the region is Tomorrow, with editions in Matamoros, Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo. In its edition published Matamoros nor anything about the low cartel leader but the other two cities in its first flat header "Die Tony Tormenta," including the only known photograph of the capo. But, again, nothing in Matamoros.

last Friday ended the hegemony of the Cardenas Guillen in Matamoros, where for more than 10 years, had their feud. First was Osiel until his capture in 2003 and then Tony Tormenta, who turned his city into an impregnable stronghold for rival gangs.

Matamoros: The stronghold of the Cárdenas Guillén
Matamoros developed for the Gulf Cartel which is to Culiacan Sinaloa Cartel, a symbolic place, almost sacred, to be kept out of the hands of who are not there.

They did so through a total media control. Organized crime gangs categorically forbidden to mention their media organization, let alone name the leaders of the organization.

When a national magazine as a process brings a story on the cartel or any of its leaders as it has done lately, its circulation is sabotaged in the region. Readers have to resort to a pirated edition of the journal circulating on the Internet.

The media have been muzzled by organized crime are the ones who dictate what is published and what does not in the newspapers. Usually, the performances are flat out at accusations of alleged abuses by the military. Many reporters are even employed by criminals.

is notable as the coverage is clarified as soon as it crosses the border, on the American side, the Brownsville Herald newspaper that has been offered more details on the recent hunt Tony Tormenta.

The death toll
None of the local media referred to an estimate of people killed, but the Herald's source said the clashes have killed more than 45 people. Published the same day afternoon on its website a notice in English titled "Dozens killed in Matamoros, bridges closed."

It confirms two matches. The first began in the morning "with at least 30 people dead around noon", quoting an anonymous police source also reports that in the afternoon there was a second confrontation near the City Hall in the center of the city left "at least 17 more deaths."

And on Saturday in track information, the Herald published another note, "More dead in Tamaulipas," where even presented testimony that several civilians were in the street.

a video circulating on YouTube of an accident that occurred in the streets of Matamoros during the chase in a stunning black Suburban heavily tinted windows, apparently of assassins, collided with a dump truck making family.

The Herald presented the testimony of a citizen who says in the overturned truck was a family. "At least two gunmen came out (the suburban) and fired against the van (family) and the helicopter that was pursuing. The woman said she was also shot when he ran for cover, but not enough to be impacted, "says the Herald.

Other testimony presented by the same newspaper Texan talks about what was happening in the blockades.

"A man who was at the center reported seeing a group of armed men to take a public transport bus and ordered the driver to park blocking the street. As soon as the driver stopped the vehicle, managed to hear a single shot. When the gunman left, the witness saw more closely than the driver had been shot in the head. "

The Brownsville Herald published the much more credible and consistent with how hard they were fighting on Friday, where once again the Scorpions, personal bodyguard of Tony Storm, fought a fierce defense of her boss quartered in a local shopping mall Matamoros. After several hours of fighting, they fell one by one, the boss included. Finally, the Navy managed to take off his spine after several recent operations that were very close to capturing him.

However, even dead, Tony Storm gagged to the city. Like El Cid, continues to win battles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Answers For Wards Ap Bio Lab 5

The glossy Caps: The Seduction of Culture Narco Safety Tips

That the current anti-drug strategy should consist primarily to eradicate poverty, many argue. However, the drug recruits increasingly middle class and growing in ways more closely related to the image as necessary.

be worth analyzing how much of the uptake of the drug trade feeds on poverty, and how much is due to an aspirational aspect, ie the allure of lifestyle.

course that eradicating poverty should be a priority in any strategy, but this issue is essential for combating narco culture lifestyle has been pursuing a very powerful weapon of seduction in the recruitment of young elements to organized crime. Youth who do not seek money for food or subsistence, but they seek for someone to be feared and respected in their colony. To accommodate the stereotype that the calendar has been claimed.

shiny caps
At least in the phenomenon of "shiny hats" is becoming more emblematic of the cultural aspect of drug trafficking.

These "shiny hats" are the lowest hierarchy of organizations. They generally work as "hawks" by a campaign of espionage and alerting his superiors of the nearby presence of a federal operation. Crosses are placed on major streets, gas stations, convenience stores, markets, take over a piracy position and from there do their work.

tend to be young people whose ages range from adolescence to mid-20s and seem all cut from the same cloth. They wear caps and shirts Ed Hardy style of exuberant colors, inlaid with precious stones and sequins. Most use both the cap and the shirt in the same ornate style, creating a glut of ornaments to be almost "baroque."

For those who do overcome the lower ranges, their leaders have given a "truck "to patrol. But also its lexicon we mentioned in another text-change to take expressions own guild. And not ready, now said to be "100" or being "good batteries."

Fashion comes from Sinaloa
This is not free nor is casual. Compliance have dressed almost exactly with well-defined stereotype that has been dictated from the bench and metroflogs. It is a fad that, like almost all of the drug culture, was born in Sinaloa's capital a few years ago.

In March 2009, a blogger on the internet signed under the name "Sinaloense" a comment that perfectly reflects this stereotype:

"The image of drug trafficking has changed, at least here in Sinaloa. Versace silk shirts printed with the virgin and left behind. This generation saw Dolce Gabbana, Armani, Gucci, among other prestigious brands easily accessible to the population in general. It's the new twist of the drug culture in higher ranks. The below are the clothes wearing Ed Hardy. Here in Sinaloa called bushings. Always with Nextel in hand and the other a tecate trucks parked in a row listening, but not very well acepatos by society. In contrast, the high level, almost 'business', go everywhere with red carpet. "

This page described as" Sinaloense "For almost one and a half, is the stereotype that has spread to Tamaulipas and can be seen in virtually any corner followed almost verbatim.
In Reynosa every weekend takes place the "role" in the called golden zone of the city. Young people who leave in their cars to go around "to see who they are." Today, as part of the urban landscape of "role" Reynosa are inevitable the "shiny hats" standing by his "trocona" parked, "track" and the respective allusive music at full volume.

The spread of stereotype
This stereotype has been called by various names in various regions of the country. In Sinaloa they dubbed "bushings" and elsewhere are called "pipes."

And it is not the only place where the drug culture of "hyacinth" has been "exported." In January 2010, Guadalupe Beltran looked the same stereotype in Tijuana. Wrote a Decalogue to define what is a young "hose." 10 Steps to "hose", he explained, are these:

1 .- Wear clothing brand, especially Ed Hardy.
2.-Having a drug dealer as an idol.
3.-Play narcocorridos
4.-Use rosaries, not a religious symbol but as an accessory.
5.-Ride on Car of the Year.
6.-Wearing clothing with skulls and bright.
7.-believe part of a drug cartel.
8.-Meet with people who only belongs to the same social group.
9.-Flaunting a rich vocabulary in big words.
10.-Own nextel as a symbol of social status.

is significant that the stereotypes of the drug culture in Sinaloa Tamaulipas have spread to almost literally.

and roles is that they are aspirational. It is not lack of choice in the young, but discarded any other option to take them seduces and tempts them. A way of life where they dream of winning, not essential for survival, but large quantities to walk in the "trocona," with fine clothes, a bottle of Buchanan's, women, and be "respected" when entering a place. Dream of being a "heavy."

Narco Corridos, Internet and Metroflogs
In propagating this stereotype, the Internet has played a fundamental role, as has been through the narco corridos the metroflogs as has been literally gaining ground.

Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta is a professor and researcher of border issues in San Diego State University. This is a narco corrido scholar and considered himself a narcocorridólogo.

His work sheds much light to understand the cultural phenomenon of narco corrido. His text "Three Moments of Culture in Mexico Narco" is already a reference in the documentation on the subject. In it, Ramírez-Pimienta says that the musical genre dates back to 1930 in Mexico, when it was made narco corrido has oldest documented.

But the academic concerns in the mid-80s, inspired by the figure of Rafael Caro Quintero, narco corrido changed.

"The subject went from the drug, its dangers and adventures to become a song that emphasizes the pleasant life of luxury and the drug trafficker," refers in the text the researcher. "The hero's symbolic capital was traditionally run the courage above all other virtues. Now, having money and spending it hand over fist has become the new measure of heroism in an increasingly impoverished society. "

The narco corrido also explains the phenomenon of" hyacinth / hose / cap shiny. "

A quick internet search showed at least 15 narco corridos referred to Ed Hardy clothing style, carrying the radio and go "100"

Fragments of 4 narco corridos:

"Like all of my 'clika' is distinguished by how they dress. All used clothing Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier carry radio, cellular and iron never never stops shining. Chargers have more to throw pa pa backpack up but take only what you need them. "

" An Ed Hardy shirt, his pants brand, with its radius tinted windows Nextel played, the mob made a request it sent Chuyita "

" Shirt Ed Hardy, Italian brand perfume I wear at night to visit her dog in the car but I have in my house. And cap pistol tucked in my bag diamond all my radio and notes in bales, to please all the little girls. "

For years it has discussed the role of narco corrido in crime. He has been called advocates crime, and he has tried to ban. Others say that the music does not encourage crime.
Sometimes pictures speak louder than words and is worth watching this video where young criminals appearance "mediera class" narco placed blankets while celebrating themselves singing corridos.

The Metroflogs
are online personal journals that users fed daily with a photo, a text and where visitors will leave a signature or message.

These spaces are a phenomenon in Sinaloa where, for example, spaces dedicated to praise the children of the great lords. Last

as Zambada, Guzman, Araujo, Felix Torres are common or among young people who upload photos. Discuss who is the new Sweetheart Serafin Zambada, son of May. Or if Archibaldo Guzman, son of Shorty, was seen in his Ferrari or his Lamborghini. Or put the picture of so and so live together in his private plane, or some new plastic surgery capo daughter.

When a wealthy young man is not recognized in the photo, some would ask "What belongs lineage this mob?" Lineage. As if you were talking about the nobility of a European royal house. But in reality, the children of noble lords are Culiacan. The internet gossip does not speak of entrepreneurs or artists. Talk to the children of drug barons.

The Metroflogs have been popularized down the hierarchy of criminal organizations. In Sinaloa youth "bushings" began to open their spaces posing with a assault rifle, dressed in stylish clothes Ed Hardy, with his radio and ran a laudatory letter to your group or leader.

fashion soon spread to Tamaulipas, which already can be found many places with young people posing in the same way. Or join a wad of cash, his radio, his squad and some jewelry, the fit carefully to convey abundance and you take the photo.

In others, praise his criminal organization. Visitors who comment do so in the same narrative style. "Here rayándole, compa. Walk good batteries, always at 100 "

Tamaulipas Metroflog
Image taken from a