Saturday, February 12, 2011

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The Jussà, the head of Catalonia with seven high-voltage power lines

Up to seven high-voltage power lines (132 / 220 / 400 kV) believe today Pallars Jussà, which, according to mayors and council, the region stands at the head of Catalonia with regard to power lines (350 km). This, they say, shows that complies Jussà "envelope" with its share of solidarity is "untenable" for the territory over to another line of high tension, with reference to Peñalba-Monzon-Isona (400 kV). If you run this project would be the eighth line that crosses the region and the second 400 kV. "This may hurt our economic development, which in recent years is based on sustainable tourism and nature," complains the mayor of Castle Wall, Josep Castells. "The project affects the ravine of St. Gregory, which has an important colony of birds of prey," assenyala.Amés the negative impact, the council pointed out that the electricity sector is no longer a mainstay of the economy Jussà . "30 years ago, gave the power to work more 300 people in the region and a thousand in the Pyrenees. Now, there are only 60 workers, "said Councilman deTremp Planning and Member of the Provincial Council, Boniface Colomina. The compensation could offer Red Eléctrica de España (REE) also serve as consolation to the municipalities in the county. "We do not want money but improve quality of life of the population, something not achieved with more power lines," said Castles. For its part, the county council president, Xavier Puente, described as "joke" compensation bid dialog if REE finally declaring the line of general interest. Mayors fear that has opted for Red Electrica Pallars Jussà for its low population density and, consequently, the lack of a critical mass that opposes the project. It also lamented that while projecting a new line there runners like Seira-Terrace, hardly used (in some sections is wireless). Because of this demand that, ultimately, assessing the possibility of taking advantage of this corridor as an alternative to Isona-Monzon. The Jussà hopes to have the support of the Government and maintain unity of action ambAragó, where the country opposes towers that take advantage the old-line Aragon Cazaril because there is a ruling that dismissed the project.

"Within a radius of 600 meters there will be four lines"
Councilman Isona Dellà Constante Aranda Basin and reported that the core Figuerola Orcau will, if built-Monzon-Peñalba Isona Four high voltage lines within a radius of 600 meters. In this village will rise at a still undetermined point, the substation that will connect with the future line-Sallent Sentmenat (400 kV), which passes a few meters of cores id'Orcau Figuerola.
Castle Demura recorded 10,000 visitors a year
The monumental castle wall has registered 10,000 visitors last year. A significant figure, considering that four years ago hardly exceeded the 500 annual visits. The mayor of the municipality, Josep Castells, fears that the placement of a new power line
visible from the castle and next to the guard tower could damage the tourist town of
seven lines long haul
The region supports seven lines of high tension and long haul: La Pobla de Segur-Escalona (220 kV
) Llavorsí-Pobla (220 kV) Salient-Sentmenat (400 kV), the Puebla-Rubio (220 kV); Bridge Suert-Ruby (220 kV), the Puebla-Can Beard (132 kV) and Seira-Terrace (132 kV).
PEIN of Walnut Pallaresa
Mayors emphasize that the line will cross areas of natural interest as the ravine of St. Gregory of Walnut or PEIN Pallaresa. We also emphasize the "great impact on the landscape" that will cause the towers to cross the Conca de Tremp.


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