Friday, October 29, 2010

Itchless Rash On Penis

night of a road to war

Venturing at night on roads in Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas in these times is just that: an adventure, no more no less. It involves a dose of adrenaline and faith known to circulate in a land without law and a purpose in war.

Today, October 27, embarked on the adventure of traveling on the night of Reynosa to Monterrey for the toll road. A journey of just over 200 miles used to be secure and peaceful but, starting this year, has become a risky traffic. Same situation has occurred with most of the roads in Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.

For example, a driver of a regional line of passenger buses to the lakeside road qualifies as "the lion's den." And is that stretch of highway runs from Nuevo Laredo Reynosa crossing the frontier girl "by municipalities and Diaz Ordaz, Camargo, German and Ciudad Miguel Guerrero, the most critical stages of the war between the two cartels operating in the northeast.

northeastern roads have been the subject of countless stories of fear and anxiety. Families who have been robbed of their cars on the highway and left to drift. Buses entering the city of Monterrey have been approached by gunmen to rob the passengers. Or stories too, of course, fighting.

Just a few days, a close family member I told how in a road near the town of Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, was able to observe the remains of a heavy clashes between gangs of organized crime. Luxury trucks and shot bodies of fallen combatants who were picked up by their own fellow survivors, put into boxes pickup trucks and taken to dismiss. None of the federal forces was seen nearby.

are stories that are repeated over and over again, which only changes the place and the victim.

Just today we went out the way to Monterrey, a serious battle was raised in the village of Peña Blanca and General Bravo, Nuevo León, almost on the border of Tamaulipas. Organized crime members fought against elements of the Army and Navy who often have checkpoints near the state border. This confrontation delayed our departure, and so we had to go at night.

The trip was a faithful representation of a country at war. Military checkpoints, convoys of the Federal Police, very little civilian traffic and strange situations arising from violent acts that took place in Monterrey.

Once we move a few miles from the urban area of \u200b\u200bReynosa, we passed the first filter monitoring. It was a catch Navy. With kind gesture, but weapons drawn, faces tense and tight jaws raised by the confrontation earlier that day. We took the step immediately without any question.

When you get to mile 30 where is the office that marks the end of the border was another permanent checkpoint Army has built a modest "strength" with sheets and sandbags for protection. Also, we gave way immediately.

try to be as transparent as possible and not create any doubt in the checkpoints. As we approach the checkpoint, turned the interior lights of the car and put his hands in a conspicuous place. The message was well captured by marines and soldiers who gave us immediate access to continue our journey.

is important to follow all federal forces on the roads. Not stop where they are instructed and, above all, transparent. Remove the paper polarized glasses and turn the interior lights of the car to reach the checkpoint, if it is night. So we make your job easier and less risk ourselves for any confusion fatal.

The road was virtually deserted. The traffic was composed mainly by trucks and passenger buses. Very few civilian vehicles.

More buses, fewer cars
And people in the region that used to travel with his family in private vehicles on the roads of the Northeast, have stopped doing so and prefer to go by bus passengers. These days, companies that offer this service are often completely filled with people from all walks of life.
For example, on its website, the company is a path which covers the region has reported a 14% increase in profits during the first half of 2010 versus the same period last year. This illustrates the new behavior of travelers in the Northeast who feels safer in a bus than traveling on your own.

During the trip I did a little exercise to count the vehicles passing through a stretch of 10 kilometers of the highway. Only 4 private cars, 5 trucks and 3 buses for passengers.

Remnants of War
One of the few places off the highway there is the restaurant "godchildren" which marks almost exactly half of the road. In addition, the place is a convenience store, gas station and public toilets. Until recently I used to have ongoing activity. It was almost a preset stop for travelers, whether day or night.

Today not a single car or bus "godchildren." The restaurant has all the tables empty. The waiters and staff are the only sign of life in the place, coexisting with the remnants of death. And that is local in the parking lot still remains the portion of burnt asphalt left by the burning of a truck during clashes between gunmen and a convoy of army command in March.

In this confrontation the military spotted a convoy of trucks with armed men who had stopped to get gas and come to the site were greeted with bullets. The fight lasted several minutes, where they were detonated grenades and thousands of shots. One of the grenades hit a truck that caught fire and was completely charred in the place, leaving his imprint on the asphalt is still visible today.

That night changed many things in the confidence of travelers on the highway, since many people were stranded for hours at toll booths and enjoy the sounds of the confrontation. Some lived their panic unable to communicate at home, others had the coolness to report on what was going on Twitter.

Just a day before that showdown in "The Ahijados" the U.S. consulate in Monterrey had issued a warning to his fellow citizens not to travel in this motorway, in a climate of insecurity that was spreading throughout the journey.

Televisa Monterrey Reporting on conflict in "The Ahijados"

Even with his mind set on the images of the band charred asphalt and patching the facade to cover the holes in the shot, we go back at night to keep the other half of the journey by highway from Reynosa to Monterrey. We traveled

alone several tens of kilometers. The desert environment and the low volume of traffic continued until a convoy of the Federal Police broke the quiet. Ten trucks in a row with at least 6 elements each, are headed in the direction of Reynosa. Despite the low traffic, the elements were alert and with guns drawn. Transit seemed rushed, but not urgent, so we are reassured that there were going to meet a mess.

Arrival to Monterrey Monterrey
troubled times very complicated lives day in and day fighting the other too. Is the scene of conflict between cartels vying for the seat. As we approached the entrance to the city, transit is accelerated.

Before reaching the last house we realized that something was happening in Monterrey, as a civilian convoy of 4 trucks going at full speed, escorted by the same number of municipal police patrols to open siren. Seemed to be running from something.

was almost in the same place in early September a group of hitmen put up a roadblock to extort money from travelers. On that occasion they were also escorted by local police patrols. The catch was detected and dissolved by the army, killing a 5 assassins, while others managed to escape aided by the police.

enter the City As we noted a large deployment with tens municipal and sirens on patrol on the avenue Morones Prieto.

few minutes before had thrown a grenade into a garrison of Federal Police and that was because all the movement of patrols and possibly also the flight of the civilian convoy escorted by local police.

hasty and restless
immediately headed home. No loitering. We were out of a troubled city in for another, going through a tight road, watched with suspicious eyes watching from the shadows.

Everything is quiet for the day, when shadows fade. The only thing we could recommend, for now, is: avoid driving at night, as nights a proud owner.


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