Friday, September 24, 2010

Pictutres Of Europe Wax

agree: Something is rotten in the country

There are times when I seek simply evade the issues of security, or rather, lack thereof. Use information from other topics and distract the mind of the events that tired, overwhelmed and shut.

The football seemed a good choice. I entered and immediately looked column Martín del Palacio, one of my favorite collaborators that medium. Martin works for the FIFA website and live abroad, but maintains a very acute perception of what happens within it in terms of local football, Mexican press, and others.

After reading your column I was more worried than I was before. I went looking for football for the "desenpance" and came across another aspect of the violent situation which we live.

The column is titled "Something is rotten in the country." Undoubtedly, very illustrative of the times.

talks about the controversy that lives absurd national team after the sanctions were announced players who participated in a celebration in the team hotel after the last friendly game in Monterrey.

"Something is rotten in Mexico," says the palace in his column. "Something that goes far beyond the football environment, but, as an extraordinary reflection of society that is, one can describe the vicissitudes of what happens to those selected."

media that only seek to address the privacy of the players to sell newspapers regardless of the climate of tension that they generate.

The last three paragraphs of his column left me thinking:
I visceral anguish which includes Mexican society. Where what sells is gossip. Where people claim that Carlos Vela would be banned for life from Tri, "not to throw you win." Where football passions turn so it is better to close our eyes to what is happening around us. Where are conspiracy theories everywhere. Governed by the law of the jungle and there are no mechanisms to protect the citizenry. Where more than half of obese children and teachers continue to sell candy in the classroom. Where the left and right are unable to agree on anything and the country remains in the hands of traffickers. Where even the "bread and circuses" is full of repressed violence because that is what we breathe in the air.

When the Mexican Journalists speak of "bad example for children" by the attitudes of the players, I always want to laugh. In a country with the highest rates of domestic violence, obesity rates, lack of training of teachers, believe me there are many instances worse than some kids who went to party when it was over their work.

Football is a reflection of society. And what happened in these past weeks not only confirms that, even in our play areas are able to abstract from the situation that pervades the country. I hope things change in life, sports and anything that has to do with Mexico and in the future be able to differentiate what is truly important from what is not worth it.

unsettling polarization

With the treatment that is given to the "resold" gate "of the players, I still feel like the tension. We sell and consume. And that is that the polarization that exists in the country for some years has completely reached all spheres of society and have embraced.

This tension has led us to lose the capacity for dialogue and debate. Has led us not to see anything of value in those who think differently from us. Away from dialogue and debate, we prefer bother, give them against everything, and put all the obstacles that occur.

Today it is all white or all black. You're right or left. Or you lopezabrodorista or Calderon. Or you support the war against narco-plane or the Forsaken. There is no middle ground or shades. We have put the cart before the horse. First classify and then observe, when logic tells us should be reversed, in order to classify something, you should first watch to know what it is.

An example of this is given a twiteros that after the death of Germain Dehesa, his first reaction was that "He was a witty, high verbal ability, of that right more polished than illustrated, RIP" is, The first criterion is whether trial was Dehesa right or left. As a writer she was right, adding that "it was a reactionary in every sense of the word and an excellent writer second." Subsequently, it compares: "Carlos Montemayor was far more literary skill and not made such a fuss, probably because it was left. "

is clear. First classifies and then see. The mere fact that Dehesa outside left, would have changed its position on the issue.

And, for some sectors of society, everything is divided into right and left, and from there, it is considered any topic. Those who now say left criticize the army's presence on the streets because they feel right, forgetting that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for example, was one of the first voices of the policy called for the support of the Army in public safety issues to request the presence in military prison La Palma (La Jornada, January 5, 2005).

And we were wrong all. We fought to the death to defend politicians not worth it, say one thing today and tomorrow they forget, in a conditioned amnesia in the heat of political interests and the struggle for power. And that's all. Some talk of austerity when their children use several thousand tennis pesos, and others have chosen to hide guilty for not paying political costs as Felipe Calderón has made in the case of the tragedy of ABC.

Suddenly tension prevails. And the violence is everywhere. There are verbal violence, political violence, about what to put or not in the classified section of a newspaper, and violence ... even in the football press.

is increasingly easy to take a violent approach without throwing a single strike.

And finally, those political factions that polarized the country, end up joining forces to try to gain power. That is the ultimate prize.

As citizens, it was time to put pressure on the entire political class and no longer polarize. Everyone will continue to defend their position, but the country is urging nuances, he urges and urges proposal analysis.

That should be the priority: to propose. Forget about the complaint and against continuing to reinforce ideas, develop projects and give them representation.

If we have not been able to do is serious symptom that we are wrong.

So, I agree with Martin del Palacio. Something is rotten in the country and, as in the orchard, rot spreads, more and more, to other social sectors.


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