Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Extreme Sensitivity To Cold Right After A Filing

The Narco Weapons: The Power of Fire

"There is an issue in which Mexico needs your cooperation. That is, stop the flow of high-powered weapons and other lethal weapons across the border. "

Felipe Calderon was speaking in Washington before the U.S. Congress on May 20 this year. Just finished his sentence and received a standing ovation by the U.S. Congress.
"I respect completely. Let me be very clear on this, "Calderon stressed. "I respect and admire totally the American Constitution. And I understand that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure that all good American citizens the ability to defend themselves and their nation.

"But believe me," added the Mexican president. "Many of these weapons are ending up in the hands of honest Americans. Instead, thousands of these weapons are ending up in criminal hands. Just to give you an idea. In Mexico in the last three years, we have seized 75 000 pistols and high powered weapons, and over 80 percent of those who have been able to track, from the United States. "

The requirement that United States
And then, when Felipe Calderon launched a controversial thesis to ensure that the opening for widespread sale of assault weapons to civilians triggered the violence in Mexico.

"If you look carefully," he asserted, "may realize that violence in Mexico began to grow a couple of years before I took office in 2006. This coincides, at least, with the repeal of the Assault Weapons Ban in 2004. "

And immediately launched a petition to Congress, in a tone of demand, which was to raise controversy and divided opinion in the political leadership in Washington.

"I ask Congress to help us, with all respect, and understand how important this is for us and you apply the law to stop the supply of these weapons to criminals. And I would ask you consider the return of the Assault Weapons Ban. "

The request followed by a standing ovation from several seconds but, this time, only Democrats applauded. Republicans, out defenders of free trade in arms, sitting permanercieron.

Requirement legitimate but weak thesis.
The Congress demands greater control of U.S. arms flow, was legitimate because most of the weapons that come to Mexico come from the north country.

However, the thesis that the increase in violence in Mexico, which began in 2004 coincided with the repeal of assault weapons control in the United States was weak.

This was demonstrated by Diego Valle, statistical analyst in his blog studied the behavior of violence in Mexico by the numbers of homicides in the country and found no direct correlation, no conclusive evidence to substantiate the thesis of President Calderón .

Valley periodic review of homicide figures in the various entities or violent cities, and there is an ascending pattern of crime attributable to the U.S. arms law, rather, the figures are consistent with proper land disputes posters.

actually drug cartels have made and continue getting their arsenals on the weapons black market that has always existed in the world with or without arms control law for civilians in the United States.

The responsibility lies with the Mexican customs that have not been able to seal the fronera arms trafficking, and U.S. authorities have not acted effectively to stop the gangs who engage in black market weapons on their territory because, ultimately, the arms do not come alone to the border.

Crime: Military Firepower
The fact is that posters have been increasing their firepower, and their arsenals already have the most sophisticated weapons. Many of them are not available to civilians in normal armories.

shows what happened to November 7, 2008 in Reynosa, where the Mexican Army made a spectacular seizure of weapons, the quantity and firepower, is considered the most important in U.S. history .

The arsenal was so large that when it was presented to the media, there was a single camera in the same outlet that could get everything.

The powerful arsenal seized in Reynosa in 2008
More than 500 000 rounds of ammunition of various calibres, 407 long and short guns, 287 grenades, a thousand chargers, 2 37 mm grenade launcher, 14 tubes of TNT, 9 boxes of explosive material., 67 bulletproof vests, a rocket launcher Law. Enough to arm a small army.

But beyond the amount was the firepower of the weapons presented what he did worry about the high military command.

In the arsenal seized rifles were 7 millimeters Barrett M107 50 caliber, 14 multiple launchers and machine guns P90 37 mm grenades. The most destructive weapons that can be found on the market.

The Barrett, for example, was used by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rifle is a high gain and power, comes to destroy targets up to 2 kilometers away and even at that range, able to drill a plate of steel 3 inches thick. Barrett is the .50 caliber, ammunition that measures 13.8 inches long, more than triple a bullet for "goat horn", which measured 3.87.

This rifle is a highly destructive weapon, it is not just for work but also reaches sniper to function as anti-aircraft as well placed shot from a helicopter transmission is sufficient to bring him down.

So sometimes, the special forces strategists make their reservations about attempting a raid by helicopter in an operation to capture a major drug lord, because normally, their stakes (personal security groups) carry more sophisticated weapons arsenal to protect the big bosses. Usually there Barretts to hand the assassins to repel a raid by helicopter from the military.

The Barrett has become a weapon of legend, not only for its functionality but the psychological impact of its destructive power on the enemy. The sound of the shot becomes unmistakable, a highly sound blasting and dry, with the subsequent economic and hiss of the projectile breaking the air at a great distance, has a devastating effect on those who hear it coming.

Each rifle has a market price of $ 9.345, according to the website of the factory.

Scene from the film "Hurt Locker" where a Barrett is used in Iraq by sniper work

The P90, meanwhile, also has a level of destructiveness as it is capable of firing 900 times per minute, a volume of fire than the "goat horn" and the AR-15, which are the most common assault rifles in organized crime. It is also a highly effective weapon in the middle distance, it is capable of providing precision firepower to 200 meters.

The P90 in action

In the arsenal were also seized multiple grenade launchers 2 (MGL). Each has charger store 6 37 mm grenades, and semiautomatic shooting 3 times per second, with a target range of 400 meters.

similar to MGL seized in demonstration

and the seizure must add tens of AK47 rifles "goat horn" and AR15 also were confiscated at that time.

well trained Criminal
The problem is that most of the sophisticated weapons in organized crime are held well-trained people who do know them to use.

The August 24, 2010 in Reynosa was heavy fighting between members of organized crime and the Mexican Army, which the Greens took the brunt.

A witness who witnessed the events spoke in an internet forum, the level of training that are the killers.

"Believe me when I tell them," says the witness. "I know that there is much pendejo nomas pa press serves the kick trigger and the gun turns pal sky, but the people I saw shooting, he knows it. Pure military tactic. Since the arrival of reinforcements to the way of retreat. These people know what it does. And Creek speak, but now it logs to the gauchos (soldiers). "

And we must not forget that the Zetas were founded by several soldiers who deserted from the Special Forces Airmobile Group of the Mexican Army, better known as the jinxes.

This group of military elite was trained to perform various operations such as precision parachute infiltration, sniper missions, ambush, rapid deployment in difficult terrain, assault operations and hostage rescue.

also conducted training with different units elite in the world. The jinxes were trained in training centers of the U.S. Special Forces as Fort Bragg, North Carolina and Fort Benning in Georgia where they were trained in assault and sniper capabilities using the most sophisticated weapons, among which were the Barrett .50 and multiple grenade launcher (MGL), the same type of weapons that would then be seized in Reynosa criminal groups.

jinxes in the military parade to .50 Barrett rifle
were estimated over 30 jinxes who deserted the Mexican Army to establish "Los Zetas" in 1998. Although SEDENA has refused to disclose the names of the deserters, it is believed that the current head of the organization, Heriberto Lazcano was a jinx.

The day the powerful arsenal seized in Reynosa, there also was arrested Jaime González Durán, "The Hummer," one of the main leaders of the organization of "Los Zetas" who was also a deserter from the jinxes . Throughout the transfer of the place of detention at the airport, his assassins were attacking the military convoy trying to free their boss. Were barricaded with civilian cars kidnapped to try to prevent the transfer, but the military convoy was able to open step with the arrest and delivery to the aircraft managed to take him to Mexico City.

Many founders of "Los Zetas" have died or, like the "Hummer," have been captured, however, Army desertions have not stopped and it is likely that more troops with special forces training have been linked to organized crime.

In November 2008, the Ministry of Defence revealed the number of Special Forces troops who had deserted from the military. Since the late 90s until 2008 when the information is disclosed, had dropped out 1559 items. There is no estimate many of these elements have been captured by organized crime, but it is a very large number of highly trained men in the handling of weapons in the civilian world, so surely have been tempting offers.

can say that those jinxes founders of "Los Zetas" left school. While operated as the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel trained members of the organization assault and ambush operations, interception of communications, sniper and all they had learned in the military. They also began to buy black market weapons last generation had learned to use.

So when the witness to that shooting in mid-August this year in Reynosa said that the gunmen used military tactic pure and do not know what is so wrong. They are elite fighters with high firepower and training the gunmen involved in sensitive operations of organized crime. A routine patrols sent, yes, inexperienced trainees just starting to gain experience in handling automatic weapons.

Therein lies the importance of the Mexican Army and Navy combat organized crime. Some say that the military should not act as police, but seeing the power weapons fire and with the criminals, only the military can meet them. That's why local police have been bent so easy to be virtually nonexistent.


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