Sunday, November 11, 2007

How Long Does Sleep Eze


By Rodrigo Quijada (*)

If you have a city with 8 000 buses to move at an average speed of 15 km / h and somehow manages to raise that figure to, say, 25 km / h, it appears that you have been reduced by 40% travel time to the people, which is great, but also find that now needs only 4800 buses to move the same amount of people, keeping waiting times and the level of overcrowding. Least 3,200 buses only increase the speed! Can you imagine what it means to eliminate 3,200 buses and their negative externalities?

Now if you do not want to keep waiting times and overcrowding and want to improve as well, you have to do is, instead of eliminating all those 3,200 buses, remove only part of them. Say, 1500. That is, choose not to get rid of such externality, in order to improve the service. It follows that this pure measure up speed, he has improved all the relevant variables, timeouts and travel, pollution and comfort, as if by magic. And there's more. If the rate that existed was from, say, $ 380, so now clearly at the same rate, because there are fewer buses, will have resources "surplus" that can allow, for example, replacing some of the buses with new ones, further enhancing more environmental variables and incidentally giving even more comfort to users. All thanks to up the speed to 25 km / h.

There is no trick. Transportation systems are well, and the speed is brutally gravitating, with an enormous multiplier effect .

While you're in this, you can now, if you want, also change the mesh of routes so that more of the type Trunk-feeder and less "Door to Door", allowing you to further reduce the fleet, but at the cost of transfers, which are not very nice. There are no absolutes here, a further system is further TA or PP, and can be quite freely choose what you want to be middle ground. It is necessary then use a good approach, and in general it can be stated that while not extreme, costs a little more transfers will be offset by the benefits associated with smaller fleet.

is based on this that Transantiago designers began to dream. When Ricardo Lagos account in his letter that the specialists will be told that he could substantially improve the efficiency of maintaining the rate, what was behind those words is what is stated here (as you know it or not). No one cheated on anyone. No miscalculated. So what happened to us all apart?

passed, as it has already demonstrated the parliamentary inquiry, in its "rampant ignorance on transport issues" Nicolás Eyzaguirre denied the resources to pay brokers segregated areas, which are the two measures to improve the speed. And you see that as all the efficiency depends strongly on the speed, multiply everything the rest went down like a house of cards.

Thereafter designers continued to work much more ambitious plan that professionally, anyway assuming that something could improve the speed of some exotic form (which does not exist), calculating, evil now, they suffice 4,500 buses , forcing the system to transfer much without profit or wait times or travel, or level of overcrowding. By contrast, even making them worse in much of the city to artificially reduce the fleet.

can talk a lot of delays and bad AFT incentive contracts, which is true, but even if it had worked well, the system would not have given good service, since the three variables of service quality transport system depends fundamentally improve the speed.

Sergio Espejo Eduardo Bitran and the Commission of Inquiry said it clearly: When you took, was a segregated corridor just ready for the game (Birdies) and another that would be ready months later (Santa Rosa). The rest, mainly paper. Some "programmed" for 2020. And no pay zone planned. Moreover, the document "Investment Prospectus Transantiago", delivered at the Diego Portales Building in a ceremony headed by Ricardo Lagos on November 11, 2004, and ratify it. Plan design can be concluded without any difficulty, did not consider improving the speed of the buses, the Achilles heel of a transport system, Transantiago, it is inevitable conclusion, was not designed to improve service . How do I want to think then that I blame Michelle Bachelet of all this? Ricardo Lagos

can write all the letters I want to say that the problem was in implementation, but it was his Minister of Finance, which I assume no one-who commanded the resources put into highways and Metro, refusing the possibility of improve the key variable, the speed of buses, and was the Minister of Transport, other it was not a feudal lord who, despite knowing that would not have better speeds and above have a sharp increase in transfers, went ahead and tied the state bid for contracts and terms then it remains to honor on pain huge compensation.

(*) Master in Transportation Engineering, University of Chile

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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The Mea Culpa of Lagos Lagos

By Rodrigo Henríquez (*)

About the letter that former President Ricardo Lagos sent to the commission investigating the Transantiago Many have waited a mea culpa on his part, or even more, assuming a greater responsibility Regarding the results of the design and implementation of the plan. However, after reading this letter is unnecessary to continue looking for more blame or liability, since all the explanations are there, in view of the world.

The first thing you care to read the letter is that an explicit reference to the Transantiago Plan was based on two axes: the construction of urban highways and the extension of subway lines, against which it is self-doubt wondering what happened to the buses "should not have made this the third and main axis of the Plan? However, beyond this bad introduction to views on the subject in subsequent paragraphs Lagos reflects at least two grave misconceptions which added to the above, explain the poor design, implementation and launch of this revolutionary system of urban transport.

The first of these relates to the justification of the first axis and corresponds to point out that urban highway construction favors the movement of buses, and that clears the streets (Page 1, fifth paragraph.) This aberrant sentence shows the utter ignorance about the reasons that explain the phenomena of congestion. The population growth and increasing incomes of the same, bring the direct consequence that people increase the number of trips taken every day and also a higher proportion of them do in a car, since it will be increasingly within reach of their pockets. To build urban freeways is giving the green light to the increased use of this transport, which congestion and pollution at least 10 times more a public transport bus per passenger (you can easily reach 20 times) . That is, the construction of urban highways NO not only promotes the movement of buses, but the difficult, increasing levels of congestion and making even more attractive than it already is the most inefficient mode of transport: the car.

The second error, and complementary to the previous lies in thinking (or impose) the system should be self-financing, which was sufficient to reduce the fleet of buses and average mileage (page 3, fourth paragraph.) First, for a smaller supply to serve the same demand is absolutely necessary is completely built the infrastructure for the freest possible movement of buses, that is, segregated roads, by not this happens, the buses are reduced speed of movement and therefore take longer to perform one cycle (go and return whereabouts), which for us will mean a reduction in the ability of passengers carried per hour or the lack of buses to meet the stated frequencies. Second, although the infrastructure was built, you can not avoid demand subsidies if it is desired to reduce the time passengers in the system, mainly the waiting time, so to make public transport a more attractive.

is, to impose self-financing scheme involves charging infrastructure costs to the amount of the fee and therefore increases, delay the construction of this infrastructure with the consequences described and also underestimates the importance of while public transport users spend on a trip, where the waiting time of transshipment product is essential. The high levels of overcrowding and wait times today are a direct result of this design condition.

This implies that the prioritization of public transport system over private has never been such, since I never had the financial support (subsidies) or political support (management), not least the clarity of concepts that are required to achieve be designed and implemented successfully, that is, achieving a modern bus system, adequate infrastructure, travel times and at a rate less attractive.

declare that is to streamline and prioritize public transport system forcing self-financing and parallel to subsidize the construction of urban highways, is to stick a bullet in the foot, since in practice it is favoring the less sustainable mode of transport and less sustainable over time since it is the most inefficient from the point of view of resource use, infrastructure, pollutant emissions and energy resources.

responsibilities regarding the serious problems of mobility that has a majority of Santiago residents currently lie in such decisions and even more in this kind of thoughts regarding how to address issues of transport of people living in a city. Denying

resources now so that next year the system to work fairly well, continue to act with the same logic to declare one thing and do another, however, the results of this "strategy" already know: a system inefficient bus, a subway collapsed, with more cars on the streets, more traffic chaos, the more pollution, more delays for all users of the system and thus lower mobility of citizens and reduced quality of life. With all this theoretical and empirical evidence, legislators and authorities of this country, once again commit the same error?

(*) Master in Transportation Engineering, University of Chile.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Skidoo Tundre For Sale

The media debate around the letter sent by Ricardo Lagos to the commission investigating Transantiago has focused on aspects of form and trifles that are not even remotely close to trying to understand the root of the problem that now affects millions of Santiago, and accept their political responsibility or not, or should attend in person to the commission. The letter is much more than that, is his statement, the essence of the transport policy designed and executed during his tenure. A then reproduce and analyze their fundamentals (quotes in italics):

Transantiago Plan was part of a public policy that allowed the profound transformation of transport infrastructure of our country and required emergency plans and programs to suit the modern . This Plan was based on two axes.

The first line refers to the need to continue making progress on motorway concession by the private sector now be built in the urban sector of the metropolitan area. That program, which began strongly with President Frei, had allowed up to Chile along a series of highways that were running at the time of taking office. Strongly support the need run the whole urban freeways that exist today in Santiago. These urban highway speed to allow more private transport, thus decongest the roads used transport buses. The highway concessions have become example management and efficiency for several countries in Latin America and the world (...).

The second axis has to do with the great effort being made to extend the Metro Santiago. This, for 30 years, had gained a total network with a total of about 40kms. In 6 years, more than doubled this amount and at the end of my Government had 90kms Metro. approx. And were the measures taken so that the line extension to Maipu and the Dominicans, unable to reach 105kms. extension.

Reading between the lines

First of all, it seems that for the former president, Transantiago is not only a new public transport system, is also the whole infrastructure for private transport. Urban highways facilitate and encourage travel by car ... contradiction with one of the stated objectives of Transantiago: Increase or at least maintaining the percentage of trips made by public transport. Total confusion. Transantiago has nothing to do with urban highways, have been conceived as two separate schemes that rowing in opposite directions, which have no beneficial relationship or coordination with each other. Visit the official website Transantiago, where are the freeways, according to Ricardo Lagos is one of the axes of the plan? Note the investiture of confused.

then stated that his goal is to have a modern transportation system, which is accomplished with more infrastructure. This is the beginning and end: More concrete, great works that show, and certainly open . It seems a contradiction, but this solution, presented here in order to have more currency, is the most outdated. It is known as "predict and Provide " and in short is to solve the problems of congestion with more infrastructure, a road that followed historically countries with almost infinite budget to build public works such as the U.S.. Today and for over thirty years, is known around the world, in the field of urban transport, this road leads nowhere, and that actual results achieved by measures smarter investments that do not require obscene money, such as traffic management and the existing infrastructure, management of transport demand (in order to influence the need to travel or trip features: relocation of activities, incentives carpool, telework, etc.) congestion pricing, a rational and effective investment in public transport, promoting non-motorized modes of transport, etc.. None of this existed in practical terms for former President Lagos, only the need for more infrastructure. Then

said the two axles that support the plan Transantiago New highway concessions to Santiago and the expansion of the metro network. Ie on the basis of plan ... buses are not! We immediately heart of the matter, the answer to all questions, the root of all evil: The design of Ricardo, the priorities were always his meter and its highways. Always. This explains the two packages of projects were generated, built and opened without delay during his tenure, while modernizing the bus system was a necessary evil, a chub, a program that suffered constant delays and arrears, with a meager budget coordinators general lasted three months and came to learn on Transantiago in office.

With respect to plan for urban highways, speaks of him as a need ... Why, if as in this blog we discussed at length in the medium and long term not only not solve the problems of congestion, but get worse? Perhaps the answer to why the roads were a necessity depends on the goal: To have a better transportation system or electoral gains?

Then comes a little creepy, to say that urban highways decongest the streets for the buses. Do we want to convince you that one of the objectives or Vespucio Sur Costanera Norte is to help public transportation? If we believe it, we're all crazy. Urban highways are to walk faster cars and project a modern image. Point. Any comparative analysis is made of the movement of buses with and without motorways, going to now there is less congestion for them. A faster flow of buses is achieved with lanes for buses, not segregated lanes for cars (sounds of platitude, but it seems necessary to clarify). Moreover, a serious phenomenon that occurs on the highway Vespucio North and South, is that the new infrastructure extremely difficult of access to buses by the users, who must now undergo long walks and crossing bridges to get to bus stops, due to the physical segregation of the road.

Finally, his summary of what was to come with the new bus system:

By replacing long runs that have meant mostly empty buses circulating the whole day through downtown Santiago, devised a system of trunk, as it were consolidated, would increasingly looking to Metro: pay zones, exclusive lanes for public transport, bus stops deferred, drivers would gain by cutting ticket. What was sought was that core services are moving more quickly and securely to users.

regard, the minister René Cortázar said last week that only now are working on the design of a sequential plan for the construction of segregated lanes for buses in the main, and that will be taken as management measures to expedite their movement. So, before 2007, there was never a serious plan for Transantiago infrastructure (read: buses ... although not part of the two axes of the plan itself) with defined deadlines and budget. Now they're doing, because the harsh reality has shown its necessity. In its design stage, Transantiago did not consider the existence of extravehicular payment stations or pay areas. Those that exist (in a good performance but improved, inexplicably few) also built on the fly. The policy

Ricardo Lagos, surface public transport has always been the poor relation of its highways and Their meter. After all, this letter is the extended version of his definition of the plan, made in a few words while still ruled:

"We are 47 kilometers from Metro, ... 260 km of motorways class y. .. buses, as befits a modern city. " (Ricardo Lagos Escobar, 13/Mayo/2004) ----

Link: Charter

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

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Normalizing public transportation system in Santiago

(Photo: EMOL)
and spent the Chilean Congress of Transport Engineering . There was no TV, radio, newspapers ... anything, shows virtually no convincing of the general impact of Chile's transportation engineers in solving the most serious problems in this area, now live in the country, particularly Transantiago case. But at least there blog. On Wednesday 24 October, held a forum on Transantiago, in the presence of the minister René Cortázar, Germain Correa, and academics Sergio Jara (U. de Chile) and Enrique Fernandez (Catholic University Fernández & de Cea Ingenieros ).

In this installment I will focus on the intervention of the minister (who was the first to speak, and once finished his speech, withdrew, without hearing the opinion of the rest of the panelists or the assembly, returning to the point above) . Was a summary of all the good he has done since assuming the portfolio of things to come in the short term, in order to "normalize" the public transportation system in Santiago, by the end of the year. In his presentation to shred what you mean by "normalize." Let's see:
More buses

Base for "normalization." Today, 30 more joined , and the goal is to reach 6400 by year-end vehicles, if operational fleet will certainly have a major impact on the level of service.

Renegotiation of contracts

Change from the claim payment by reference to the payment per passenger, as well as incorporating an index of contract enforcement, which every half hour measures the amount of buses that each operator has on the street, compared with what should be by contract, and on that basis, it pays. This took effect in early August and what happened was this:

With the same total number of buses in the system (about 5800), the number of buses circulating in the streets went from 4600-4800 in two days, reaching the end of September 5500. That is, a poorly designed contract, which had only fines for operators who did not meet, generating incentives not to get all the buses to the streets, because that way they saved costs (revenue claim were insured by reference) .

New Contracts have also lessened evasion:
And importantly for users, waiting times have decreased, Technology

The vast majority of buses circulating today with GPS satellite positioning system that allows to know the position of each vehicle in real time, in order to better manage the fleet, mainly to prevent two or more buses of the same line observed moving together and then a long interval without vehicles (the glue of the old "frog") . However, the central control system is not yet operational, and will not be until another year, so that in the short term will implement a control system "more human" in the words of the minister. Translating: neosapos of office, through a display of buses on the screen, may detect situations of crowding and advising drivers to regulate the intervals between passes. Not ideal but it is necessary to do so as soon as possible: better fleet management can significantly reduce waiting times before even put more buses to the system.

How to reduce travel times?
This is achieved with extravehicular pay stations (pay zones ) and segregated lanes. Of the first thing the minister did not speak, of the latter said they are making a plan to build lanes for the next few years, and in the meantime will be implemented only tracks bus, to punish motorists with cameras that invade. Seeing is believing.

How to reduce the transfers? With more
hotlines, crossing various business units. Nowadays this is not possible because the operators contract feeder lines have exclusivity over its concession area, with user forced to transfer for a journey between different units. The minister said that work is with operators to implement new routes to penetrate different areas, through a mechanism of compensation between operators to assure they will not lose money.

How to reduce overcrowding?
That looks almost impossible, as is endemic Transantiago. The system is designed to operate with 6 passengers per square meter peak, which is unlikely to change even with the projected 6400 buses, fleet will always be lower than the old system, and also will travel fewer miles per day. The only glimmer of hope is that with segregated lanes and efficient operation of stops is increased significant commercial speed of vehicles, so give them buses round, improving the frequency and thus reducing overcrowding. But that is a daydream. "Responsible for designing a crowded? I do not know. I hope that the Inquiry Committee have some light.

In short, the "normalization" of the public transport system which undertakes René Cortázar, by the end of the year, consists of:

- A fleet of 6400 buses.
- Contracts with incentives
- Part of Fleet Management (centralized system is for another year)
- New routes
- Road management through audit trails and bus only.

view of his works, management of the minister has been very good. All this goes in the right direction towards the desired "normalization." What next? The leap in quality, which is achieved with medium-term actions: Centralized control of fleet (promised), segregated roads to facilitate the movement of buses (promised), extravehicular payment stations (at least the high demand no mention), optimal pricing. Indispensable is not wasting the money go underground lines and relevant road pricing is congestion, the proceeds could be used to improve the public transport system (and London), winning all in the long term. It is the struggle to come. I hope that this debate if journalists arrive. And the minister to stay. ---

Source figure: Presentation of René Cortázar ( Presentations )

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Nico Pregnant Milena Velva

XIII Chilean Congress of Transport Engineering

This is an open invitation to participate in a forum for discussion of ideas on transportation issues.

Chilean Congress of Transport Engineering is the main activity of the Chilean Society of Transport Engineering (Sochitran), affiliated the Institute of Engineers of Chile. Is the body's biannual meeting of the academic and professional community on the issue, involving professionals and specialists in public and private sector.

The Congress aims to disseminate and discuss the main research and applications in the area of \u200b\u200btransportation engineering through scientific papers, poster presentations, exhibition of projects and discussion workshops in several areas of specialty.

Congress, traditionally hosted by the Chilean Society of Transportation Engineering, will be organized by the Department of Transport Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and its activities take place at the UC Extension Center from 22 to 26 October 2007.

Details of the event, as its agenda, registration forms and fees can be found on this page .

Thursday, September 13, 2007

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World Car Free Day 2007

Next Friday September 28 is celebrated in Chile the "World Day without my car", an initiative that has been doing for a while but every year achieves greater notoriety. The idea is that all citizens of the car we go down that day and use other means of transport to move around, such as public transport, cycling, why not our own feet. The

World Day without a car is also celebrated in many European cities on September 22 so fixed, I imagine that the date change here was to fall on a Friday. In Chile one of its most notorious is the closure for the cars of the Alameda (the previous version was from Plaza Italia and Teatinos) and shall be available 2 tracks for cyclists and generating a huge traffic congestion around (another incentive not riding in a car that day.)

In previous versions some controversy was generated, critics say that does not correspond to discourage car use when you have a good transport system public. That was before the implementation of Transantiago ... imagine now.

Despite the criticism (which some reason they have), it is possible to participate in anyway without getting on a bus or the subway, using non-motorized transportation. Finally not to make the journey to work or study site (which can be quite long for some) but to travel to other activities, which are nearby and perfectly "achievable" in the means of transport .... better than nothing.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Grils Showing Ther Pees And Boobs

Is it dangerous to use bicycle helmets? Reform

Usually the discussion about whether helmet use for cyclists should or does not generate much disagreement between users and "ideologues" of urban cycling. The large Discussion focuses on the usefulness of the helmet to protect riders in case of accident at low speed and at the same time, the limited use of it to protect against accidents at high speeds or when it was struck by a vehicle.

A questionable utility of the hull is very annoying to use it, especially in summer, which could discourage potential riders to change their mode of transport for the bike ... something clearly not desirable.

a long time ago now, a study Bath University, UK, began to clear the film. Ian Walker, a "traffic psychologist", an electronic sensor installed on your bike you possible to measure the distance to vehicles ahead in the two situations, with and without a helmet. The result ?.... passing vehicles on average 8.5 inches closer to the view advanced by the rider wearing a helmet.

The result is surprising, it seems that motorists assume that a cyclist with a helmet will be more "experienced" than one without, then expect to behave more "predictable" in the same and are given leave to move closer to the . This would suggest that cyclists "beginners" should not wear a helmet if they will venture to share the road with other traffic flows. However, it is not recommended that an inexperienced rider out to walk down the street ... and less if it is going to do without a helmet.

What we conclude from this? ... while not educate motorists to respect cyclists to always be dangerous cycling in the city ... with or without a helmet, especially for cyclists should not ride on the sidewalk and bike paths do not reach everywhere. For citizens are encouraged to bike to do this look attractive and safe ... might have to start to implement bike lanes on roadways claims (something that apparently is being done, but poorly organized and methodical way), where users could gain experience and then hit the streets with a minimum of confidence ... and hope you can do with a helmet (because maybe do) without the physical attacks on cars.

bicicleta urbana

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Need To Marsterbate

metropolitan bus system in Seoul, Korea False False False

By Cristián Canales.

In July 2004, the Seoul Metropolitan Government undertook an ambitious reform of the bus system, with the aim of creating an integrated network and improve the level of public transport system. The old system, which enhanced the competition between the subway and the bus was converted into a mutually beneficial supplementary interconnection.
The bus route system became a modal system. The operation went from being semi-private, public authority decides to transport routes and methods of operation, while the actual management is carried out by private companies as qualified. Were established 36 km of bus lanes on main roads in 2005 and is expected to reach 170 km in the near future. Also implemented a new fare system for transfers between bus and metro, and a smart card (contactless RF). Currently manages the routing of the buses and their distribution by System Management Bus, and a GPS.

At 6 months of project implementation, and positive results were observed in number of passengers, security, punctuality and reliability. The average daily use has increased by 620,000 passengers and 760,000 passengers transfer. The bus speed has doubled, reaching 22 km / h. Public transport as a whole has increased its revenues by 12.9% and 2.5% by bus. The project will be extended to the entire area covered by the metro network and implement more restrictive policies of automobile traffic.

The following are the five key features that highlighted in this new system:

1. Simplified the bus routes.
2. Has established four different categories of buses.
3. The current fixed price system has been replaced by a new tariff system based on the distance you travel. The metro has also adopted this system.
4. The number of buses indicate the different areas of Seoul, making it easier for passengers to identify the origin and destination.
5. The installation of satellite communication system allows passengers to check the arrival time of buses using cell phones or PDAs.

bus type and rates

applies the following basic rate if it is not transferred to another bus any distance. Exchange rate: 1 peso = 0.55 won

Discount transfers

The basic fee covers the first 10 km. plus 100 won for every 5 additional miles. With the new fare system, passengers will benefit in prices when they need to transfer from bus to bus, bus to subway or vice versa. For example, if you make a trip of 14 km underground, and transferred to a bus for another trip of 5 miles within 30 meters from the subway exit, you pay only 800 won for the first 10 miles plus 100 won for each additional 5 kilometers, so in this case, you apply the sum of 1,000 won on the card. Transfer discounts only apply if passengers make the transfer within 30 minutes after marking the exit to get off the bus or subway exit. Transfers discounts only apply as long as the output dial.

transport card Seoul - T-money

T-money is the new card for transport in the city of Seoul, which can be used for both bus and subway. T-money card can be prepaid or pay after use through credit cards. The prepaid card can be used only for public transport, you can find the type "popular" (of 1,500 won) and type "luxury" (2,500 won) to accumulate points for the services used by the affiliated companies.

T-money cards can be recharged easily in any place selling them at kiosks or from the sum of 1,000 won to 90,000 won. Those who leave Seoul and did not need more of this card can receive the remaining amount on the card, less the 1,500 won on the value of the card anywhere selling T-money card. With the use of T-money card, passengers can enjoy more benefits in rebates than paying cash. For example, if you take five times the bus or subway for a distance of less than 10 kilometers, will apply only the minimum rate of 800 won, while if you pay cash, the total amount paid for this trip will be of 4,000 won.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Toro Poptropica Alien

The parade of ¨ Technology · before the investigative commission Transantiago, now it was time for the former president of Metro, Fernando Bustamante. According to La Tercera, Bustamante blames the current government about the serious problems it has had the plan, to give beginning in February 2006 even if no were ready all the stops, stations or intermodal equipment in vehicles for fleet management.

Would it work better if that system existed? Undoubtedly so, especially the technological support to manage the (low) current frequency and the same number of buses, reduce waiting times. However, all these delays are not the sole responsibility of the current government, the fragility of Transantiago-patent through countless failures and delays "comes from the former government, being part of the problem inherited. It can not last a junior government is wrong to say that this government exclusive jump-start the plan on 10 February, to the justified suspicion that things would be alright. The basic question is how is it possible that after four postponements, the date has not yet given the basics to ensure a decent quality of service? That obviously comes from behind. With everything that has happened, it is clear that it was a mistake to start with the plan in February, but the government was between a rock and a hard place, because a further postponement came with a storm of criticism (possibly, they would be higher than estimated which have now been received) to stop further release the plan in 2008, an election year, all explaining the decision made but not justified. Returning

Bustamante, before the million dollar question "was a mistake Metro prioritize investments in infrastructure over the Transantiago? Responds that is not conflicting with · Interests Transantiago because Metro provides a good surface transport ¨. Perhaps Bustamante spent a couple of nights thinking how to answer this question. The answer is correct only in one case, if the plan has a budget almost infinite, capable of building more subway and bus infrastructure at the same time. The obvious counter question is: Rethink your answer, if I add that because of the 2,000 million dollars spent to double the underground, leaving only crumbs for the infrastructure for buses?

The Transantiago gestation stage (or rather, the Transport Plan for Modernization of Santiago), at the dawn of this millennium, Germain belt was in charge of the plan and his vision was exactly the opposite, the buses priority on the underground (view also of the transportation engineers, at least those who give their opinion publicly and Slaughterhouse-Palma, for reasons explained in at least five items), while on the other side was Bustamante, bidding to make meters . I do not know how important was the work of Metro's decision Ricardo Lagos, or whether it was completed only convincing, but the results are clear: Belt out Transantiago, a ton of money for Metro, buses in state of disrepair and users realize the importance of transportation in their lives the hard way.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Buy Milena Velba Dvds

The lack of harmonized transport: a practical example (and pathological)

For about 4 months on my commute I find an example of what the lack of coordination between the various institutions that make decisions about the transportation system in Santiago. At first I thought the authorities would eventually charge for this error (it has been previously reported ), but that has not happened, so I proceed to do this "interview suit." The axis

Curicó-Tarapacá There is a (very useful) bike path that goes from Vicuña Mackenna to Paseo Bulnes. The problem is that, besides the usual obstructions , cyclists move with difficulty in this way because some authority decided (arbitrarily) that a single block, the bike path should go across the street.

How? ... Tell the nice readers ... is it possible that such a mockery? Well if so, the following pictures to prove it.
At the bike lane disappears and is changed to the north side of the road.

burrocracia 1

can be seen even reversed in segregating Physically this piece of bike path that nobody uses

burrocracia 2

burrocracia 3

then the cycle path continues along its original side

all this mess with the need there to give priority to turn to the left of the buses Transantiago (by Arturo Prat). Surely some official decided to switch sides complete the cycle path, a second officer decided there was not much money and a third (half case making the first and second) sent the order to execute this without even having the slightest knowledge of the problem.

It is almost funny that has changed the bike path side ... would have disappeared if only one would understand it was a (very bad) workaround to the problem of the turn of the buses. However, the waste of resources physically segregate anyone use a bike path confirms that what he was a (very bad) solution to the problem of the turn of the buses (and in passing we confirmed that in this country plenty of silver )

I do not want to accuse anyone of doing a bad job, which seems to happen is that everyone does but without a proper overall organization. Seeing this level of disorganization on a specific problem, one can imagine the level of mismatch that exists between, for example, the various ministries to try take forward a project as complex as Transantiago. It is hoped that these problems (the cycle path and the Transantiago) are solved in spite of bureaucratic barriers ...

One hopes that the "heads" serve to "something more" to shoot when an error is detected ....

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

John Goodmanchris Kattan

revealed policy decisions and avoidance technology

For Argos Jeria.
blog originally appeared in the Sino Bello.

In his Tropicalia 2 along with Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso sings "Things have weight, mass, volume, size, time, shape, color, position, texture, length, density, value, consistency, depth, shape, temperature, function, appearance, price, destination, age, sense, things have no peace. "And I must add that I also have a policy.

many years ago, say twenty-seven, I came across an article titled "artifacts have politics?" * In it the author showed the relationship between technology and policy options, as illustrated by presenting certain design features infrastructure projects - bridges in your example - whose height did not allow access to vehicles used by the poor to more affluent areas. I think in the Chile of today we are witnessing a brutal relationship between artifacts and policy options.

When we decided to make the highways a good that could buy who could afford them, we decided simultaneously by making them available to those areas where it coexists the highest rate of car ownership and increased income: the eastern sector. So those who live there today have ready access to the airport via the north coast (which already has over $ 300 million subsidy). When we chose the same policy with public transport in area, used massively for the lower income sectors, the system was designed so that the number of buses were being funded with the then existing rate, which is why it was so low. After modern roads and buses atocha after these things, these artifacts, is the ideology of a system that discriminates on the money. It is true that this has also occurred in education and health, but these artifacts are more physically visible, although users of highways and bus atocha not see each other. I remark all this even without sin city or that such designs behave, what it is to do from the districts of Providencia and La Reina by an elevated highway, or the sin of mobility, as these highways do not solve the congestion, growing forever at the expense of urban space as seen in Mexico City and many other parties.

There are those who criticize the use of mathematics to tackle the problem of designing a public transport system. As I have shown here, the problem is not mathematical models but the objective sought to achieve with them. And this objective is political. Our goal, of course, is find a nice but.

---- * "Do Artifacts Have Politics?" By Langdon Winner. Daedalus, Vol 109, No. 1, Winter 1980. Also in The Social Shaping of Technology, edited by Donald A. MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman (London: Open University Press, 1985, second edition 1999). Winner is a renowned social scientist, was a contributor to Rolling Stone Magazine in the 60s and 70s.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

High Chair Tray Cover Disposable


(La Tercera, 14/Junio/2007)




For the correct operation of a transportation system public, stops or stations are a fundamental factor. Good or poor design and layout on routes directly affects the speed of travel and in passenger comfort. Let's see. Comfort


A safe and comfortable is key to passenger comfort. Imagine a trip that lasts 30 minutes, which can be performed by two different bus lines. In the former must wait 15 minutes and the bus journey takes another 15 minutes while awaiting the second is only 5 minutes and the journey takes on board the vehicle 25 Which of the two you like best, or you dislike least?

When he travels by public transport, people differently perceived waiting time and travel time or vehicle, resulting in the first general more unpleasant (I should have chosen to wait 5 to travel 25). Many factors influence this, one is the feeling of loss of time it means to be detained in a place where what you want is to reach a destination, ie move, which is achieved precisely when the vehicle arrives, it is addressed and continues travel. Comfort is also essential. No need to describe what a user feels to be waiting in the rain or walking on it (photos 1 and 2). Stations have comfortable, safe, bright, clean, closed (or at least indoor) are required to ensure a minimum acceptable level of service quality. In the peak hours can not be ordered to wait comfortably seated in the bus station arrive, but looking at the stations in Bogotá and Curitiba is not too much to be dry (rain) and safe (night).

Speed \u200b\u200band efficiency

At stations such as Bogotá, Curitiba and Beijing (and its poor relation, the yards), the payment is made at the station, not on the bus, which dramatically reduces dwell time for transfer passengers. In Curitiba, for example, tube stops (photos 5 and 6) allow the entry of 8 passengers per second to the buses, using the four doors of the articulated buses simultaneously, operating about 20 times faster than when theoretically allowed only through the front door, besides having to make payment to the interior of the vehicle (bip!) and Transantiago. Note that the quality of new buses Transantiago is similar to that of their peers in Bogotá, Curitiba and Beijing ... but without the necessary infrastructure: Seasonal segragadas efficient way. In a four-door articulated bus, forcing the income is made only by the front door even at stations with high passenger demand has no rationality in terms of efficient use of available resources. The influx passengers current trunk lines is approximately 50% of the project, which is explained by two distinct reasons: Overestimation of demand on the one hand, and avoidance on the other.

° by the authority, from Wednesday would implement a policy of zero tolerance for tax evasion. But I wonder: What incentive do the drivers to fight it? Every day I take the feeder up to C07 Manquehue to Columbus, where at irregular frequency of buses tends to accumulate large numbers of people. When the micro arrives, the slogan is "get as you can." Who can blame us? There are work schedules that meet and after four months, the excuse: "Boss, is that the Transantiago ..." and not very credible, although it is true. Helplessly, the drivers are up to a bit of despair about how people up in groups all the doors. What can you do? "Close the doors and keep down those who need it? "Fighting with people? · (Extract, letter to the editor of The Mercury written by Marcela Velez 8/Junio/2007)

The answer to evasion, and partly due to the slowness of travel, is in whereabouts. It is not expensive or complicated to stations like those shown (photos 3 to 8), but this was rejected by the authority in the design stage of the plan.

"We are 47 kilometers from Metro, ... 260 km of motorways class y. .. buses, as befits a modern city. " (Ricardo Lagos, 13/Mayo/2004)

Unfortunately this was the vision ... buses ... only new buses enough. Troy burns today the need to inject $ 260 million plan to cover the deficit, by drawing the latter mainly because of evasion. None of this would have happened if things are done right from the start. But there country and citizens. This is the way with specialized infrastructure to reduce journey times and increase comfort, few continue to try to free ride (at least now see it as compensation to the poor quality of service). If at any time you put your money not only to plug holes but also for solutions enfraestructura background, and if you also have an appropriate fleet management to regulate frequency and thus reduce waiting times (the problem that argues letter to the editor as a driver for evasion), improved service quality will go in the opposite direction to the deficit, and this is not going to be this or at least should decrease significantly, entering a virtuous cycle of spending allowance public transport only to improve the quality service. The problem is that we started badly and to be developed must first pay the foreign debt, debt that Transantiago create ourselves by our own mistakes. Is it a utopia in this case? -----

Recommended: Visit this page with photos of the Bus Rapid Transit system opened in 2005 in Beijing. The images are stunning.