Thursday, June 14, 2007

High Chair Tray Cover Disposable


(La Tercera, 14/Junio/2007)




For the correct operation of a transportation system public, stops or stations are a fundamental factor. Good or poor design and layout on routes directly affects the speed of travel and in passenger comfort. Let's see. Comfort


A safe and comfortable is key to passenger comfort. Imagine a trip that lasts 30 minutes, which can be performed by two different bus lines. In the former must wait 15 minutes and the bus journey takes another 15 minutes while awaiting the second is only 5 minutes and the journey takes on board the vehicle 25 Which of the two you like best, or you dislike least?

When he travels by public transport, people differently perceived waiting time and travel time or vehicle, resulting in the first general more unpleasant (I should have chosen to wait 5 to travel 25). Many factors influence this, one is the feeling of loss of time it means to be detained in a place where what you want is to reach a destination, ie move, which is achieved precisely when the vehicle arrives, it is addressed and continues travel. Comfort is also essential. No need to describe what a user feels to be waiting in the rain or walking on it (photos 1 and 2). Stations have comfortable, safe, bright, clean, closed (or at least indoor) are required to ensure a minimum acceptable level of service quality. In the peak hours can not be ordered to wait comfortably seated in the bus station arrive, but looking at the stations in Bogotá and Curitiba is not too much to be dry (rain) and safe (night).

Speed \u200b\u200band efficiency

At stations such as Bogotá, Curitiba and Beijing (and its poor relation, the yards), the payment is made at the station, not on the bus, which dramatically reduces dwell time for transfer passengers. In Curitiba, for example, tube stops (photos 5 and 6) allow the entry of 8 passengers per second to the buses, using the four doors of the articulated buses simultaneously, operating about 20 times faster than when theoretically allowed only through the front door, besides having to make payment to the interior of the vehicle (bip!) and Transantiago. Note that the quality of new buses Transantiago is similar to that of their peers in Bogotá, Curitiba and Beijing ... but without the necessary infrastructure: Seasonal segragadas efficient way. In a four-door articulated bus, forcing the income is made only by the front door even at stations with high passenger demand has no rationality in terms of efficient use of available resources. The influx passengers current trunk lines is approximately 50% of the project, which is explained by two distinct reasons: Overestimation of demand on the one hand, and avoidance on the other.

° by the authority, from Wednesday would implement a policy of zero tolerance for tax evasion. But I wonder: What incentive do the drivers to fight it? Every day I take the feeder up to C07 Manquehue to Columbus, where at irregular frequency of buses tends to accumulate large numbers of people. When the micro arrives, the slogan is "get as you can." Who can blame us? There are work schedules that meet and after four months, the excuse: "Boss, is that the Transantiago ..." and not very credible, although it is true. Helplessly, the drivers are up to a bit of despair about how people up in groups all the doors. What can you do? "Close the doors and keep down those who need it? "Fighting with people? · (Extract, letter to the editor of The Mercury written by Marcela Velez 8/Junio/2007)

The answer to evasion, and partly due to the slowness of travel, is in whereabouts. It is not expensive or complicated to stations like those shown (photos 3 to 8), but this was rejected by the authority in the design stage of the plan.

"We are 47 kilometers from Metro, ... 260 km of motorways class y. .. buses, as befits a modern city. " (Ricardo Lagos, 13/Mayo/2004)

Unfortunately this was the vision ... buses ... only new buses enough. Troy burns today the need to inject $ 260 million plan to cover the deficit, by drawing the latter mainly because of evasion. None of this would have happened if things are done right from the start. But there country and citizens. This is the way with specialized infrastructure to reduce journey times and increase comfort, few continue to try to free ride (at least now see it as compensation to the poor quality of service). If at any time you put your money not only to plug holes but also for solutions enfraestructura background, and if you also have an appropriate fleet management to regulate frequency and thus reduce waiting times (the problem that argues letter to the editor as a driver for evasion), improved service quality will go in the opposite direction to the deficit, and this is not going to be this or at least should decrease significantly, entering a virtuous cycle of spending allowance public transport only to improve the quality service. The problem is that we started badly and to be developed must first pay the foreign debt, debt that Transantiago create ourselves by our own mistakes. Is it a utopia in this case? -----

Recommended: Visit this page with photos of the Bus Rapid Transit system opened in 2005 in Beijing. The images are stunning.


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