Sunday, November 11, 2007

How Long Does Sleep Eze


By Rodrigo Quijada (*)

If you have a city with 8 000 buses to move at an average speed of 15 km / h and somehow manages to raise that figure to, say, 25 km / h, it appears that you have been reduced by 40% travel time to the people, which is great, but also find that now needs only 4800 buses to move the same amount of people, keeping waiting times and the level of overcrowding. Least 3,200 buses only increase the speed! Can you imagine what it means to eliminate 3,200 buses and their negative externalities?

Now if you do not want to keep waiting times and overcrowding and want to improve as well, you have to do is, instead of eliminating all those 3,200 buses, remove only part of them. Say, 1500. That is, choose not to get rid of such externality, in order to improve the service. It follows that this pure measure up speed, he has improved all the relevant variables, timeouts and travel, pollution and comfort, as if by magic. And there's more. If the rate that existed was from, say, $ 380, so now clearly at the same rate, because there are fewer buses, will have resources "surplus" that can allow, for example, replacing some of the buses with new ones, further enhancing more environmental variables and incidentally giving even more comfort to users. All thanks to up the speed to 25 km / h.

There is no trick. Transportation systems are well, and the speed is brutally gravitating, with an enormous multiplier effect .

While you're in this, you can now, if you want, also change the mesh of routes so that more of the type Trunk-feeder and less "Door to Door", allowing you to further reduce the fleet, but at the cost of transfers, which are not very nice. There are no absolutes here, a further system is further TA or PP, and can be quite freely choose what you want to be middle ground. It is necessary then use a good approach, and in general it can be stated that while not extreme, costs a little more transfers will be offset by the benefits associated with smaller fleet.

is based on this that Transantiago designers began to dream. When Ricardo Lagos account in his letter that the specialists will be told that he could substantially improve the efficiency of maintaining the rate, what was behind those words is what is stated here (as you know it or not). No one cheated on anyone. No miscalculated. So what happened to us all apart?

passed, as it has already demonstrated the parliamentary inquiry, in its "rampant ignorance on transport issues" Nicolás Eyzaguirre denied the resources to pay brokers segregated areas, which are the two measures to improve the speed. And you see that as all the efficiency depends strongly on the speed, multiply everything the rest went down like a house of cards.

Thereafter designers continued to work much more ambitious plan that professionally, anyway assuming that something could improve the speed of some exotic form (which does not exist), calculating, evil now, they suffice 4,500 buses , forcing the system to transfer much without profit or wait times or travel, or level of overcrowding. By contrast, even making them worse in much of the city to artificially reduce the fleet.

can talk a lot of delays and bad AFT incentive contracts, which is true, but even if it had worked well, the system would not have given good service, since the three variables of service quality transport system depends fundamentally improve the speed.

Sergio Espejo Eduardo Bitran and the Commission of Inquiry said it clearly: When you took, was a segregated corridor just ready for the game (Birdies) and another that would be ready months later (Santa Rosa). The rest, mainly paper. Some "programmed" for 2020. And no pay zone planned. Moreover, the document "Investment Prospectus Transantiago", delivered at the Diego Portales Building in a ceremony headed by Ricardo Lagos on November 11, 2004, and ratify it. Plan design can be concluded without any difficulty, did not consider improving the speed of the buses, the Achilles heel of a transport system, Transantiago, it is inevitable conclusion, was not designed to improve service . How do I want to think then that I blame Michelle Bachelet of all this? Ricardo Lagos

can write all the letters I want to say that the problem was in implementation, but it was his Minister of Finance, which I assume no one-who commanded the resources put into highways and Metro, refusing the possibility of improve the key variable, the speed of buses, and was the Minister of Transport, other it was not a feudal lord who, despite knowing that would not have better speeds and above have a sharp increase in transfers, went ahead and tied the state bid for contracts and terms then it remains to honor on pain huge compensation.

(*) Master in Transportation Engineering, University of Chile


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