Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pool Tiles With Bluestone Coping

Subsídiame Women, city, recreation and leisure

( source)

For Lake Sagaris (*)
(Article originally published in El Clarín de Chile )

The current transport situation affects women in terms of safety, but also and especially in the loss to reading, music, rest, exercise, be educated, in short, all those activities vital for physical and mental health of each. Urban transport is a gender issue for its impact on the right to recreation and relaxation.

Many Chileans who can not fully enjoy their right to recreation and rest. For women, it is particularly difficult. The solutions vary based on income and other factors such as the provision of men, and society as a whole to change. But while the urban transport can significantly improve their quality of life.

In 2001, Enrique Peñalosa, former - Mayor of Bogotá, was a pioneer in applying a new strategy. Ruled out the option spend billions of dollars in highway or a meter that would just a few miles. preferred to invest in a rapid transit system buses ( Transmilenio ), a network of bike lanes and wider sidewalks. This meant that the city could build an extensive network of nurseries, libraries and better public spaces, available today for everyone s.

is interesting to note that this effort, combined with civic campaigns, led by another Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus, and work with a wide range of civil society groups also significantly improved security, lowering rates of homicide and robbery, among others.

For those living in small spaces, crowded (like "With Roof" in our social housing), improving public space with a park or a ride home enlarges. Is not the same out of your door and find a green and pleasant prospect than to have to get on a bus and travel an hour or more to reach the nearest park. Is not the same to watch your kids playing in a nearby square, have them locked in a room or wandering aimlessly through the streets.

Moreover, public policy, how are you reduce journey times and give away time and opportunities to improve health. Facilitate women's lives and can give precious hours for your own leisure, with relatives or enjoy a delicious solitude.

The integration of the bike with "zones 30" (reducing speeds to a level that eliminates most of the accidents, fatalities reduced to almost nothing, and also decreases the severity of injuries), double transit riders in all ways lower speeds, including those one-way car, and segregated lanes where speeds and other conditions of counsel, are other measures that improve the quality of life.

The theme of the bike is enjoying great interest among local authorities and government of the metropolitan region, especially under former Mayor, Adriana del Piano. It is hoped that his successor will continue and increase the momentum and funding for this type of measure, since the improvement in quality of life and urban spaces bring a better social integration and reduce violence.

A sound system of rapid transit buses is vital.

If you, as a passenger of a bus, traveling sitting comfortably, reading a book, listening to music or just dreaming with open eyes, the daily journey becomes a contribution and not something that steals your life.

If you move quietly and confidently on a bicycle, you can add a pleasant time of exercise into your daily routine while you reduce travel time. From Bellavista a journey to the center are about 20-30 minutes walk, 15-20 by taxi, bus infinite (because the service is poor, at least 20-25 in Metro (by walk to reach the station and the the destination station), but only 10 minutes by bike.

For long trips, to get to the Metro bus bike or reduces travel time and improves integration and access to the assets of the city.

For all this, in terms of gender, is particularly dramatic failure, so far, Transantiago. Only with the participation of users, particularly women, will achieve a quality system. technicians simply do not handle all the keys, since many of them do not occupy the system, and therefore lack the intimate knowledge, detailed and everyday is essential to make things work and property.

Women have other reasons to require investment and state policies to improve public transport and nonmotorized. With a double shift at work and home, is our lack of free time that is lost when we can not move smoothly and safely through the city.

(*) President
Living City Centre Gender and Equity


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